
Sunday, August 16, 2015

This Week in Reading - August 16

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Christmas in Mustang Creek by Linda Lael Miller - I've been wanting to try her books for ages and just never quite got around to it so I'm excited to try this Christmas story!  (NetGalley)

Deceptions by Kelley Armstrong - I won this in a giveaway hosted over at Bea's Book Nook and am really excited about it!  Bea and some of my other favorite bloggers are all big fans of this author and her blurbs have been catching my eye for awhile. (Giveaway)


Reading:  One in a Million by Jill Shalvis and Three Act Tragedy by Agatha Christie

Listening: After trying a memoir type book that just didn't work for me I'm now listening to Love in a Nutshell by Janet Evanovich and Dorien Kelly.  I'm not in love with it but it's okay.

Watching: Nothing really new.  I've got the end of Major Crimes and Food Network Star to watch and then it will be a little while before the new shows start up.  I haven't heard of any new fall shows that are on my must watch list.  Any suggestions?

Off the Blog:

We got Emma into her dorm room this week which was exhausting.  The getting home was weird and now I'm definitely outnumbered gender-wise here!  It's going to take some getting used too.  The actual moving in went pretty smoothly and it was fun to look around the campus and the town.  While the small town the university is in is near the interstate Emma really didn't want to drive through the major city that you have to pass through to get there so we ended up taking highways and county roads instead of the interstate.  It made for an interesting drive and I saw a lot of Alabama that I'd never really seen before.

The Tornado did really well starting school this week and so far is loving Kindergarten.  Since he's at the same school he went to preschool in it hasn't been too big of a change.  Next year when he moves to the bigger elementary school might be a challenge.

Now that things have settled down I'm hoping to get back into a routine especially an exercise routine.  I want to lose a little bit of weight but most importantly exercise seems to help keep a couple of old injuries from flaring up.  I'm also hoping to get back to my usual blog visiting and comment replying!  As for now, I mostly just feel like I need a nap.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Let Me Tell You by Shirley Jackson - Fiction Short Story Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Auto-Buy Authors
Wednesday: A Year Without a Purchase - Nonfiction Review
Thursday: Beyond the Books - My Favorite Game
Friday: Linkups Featuring My Current Book
Saturday: TBD but something foodie

Have a great week and happy reading! 


  1. Hard to believe school is starting already. I refuse to let summer go although every store now has fall stuff. sigh. I'm not sure what fall shows will be worth watching wither, I've been watching Arrow on Netflix but I'm two seasons behind.

  2. I came looking for your Top Ten Tuesday this last week, and then it dawned on me about all of the school settling you had going on during that time. I was really curious to see your most read authors. I am glad that the dorm move in and The Tornado's first days of kindergarten went smoothly. Have a wonderful week. :)

  3. I'm just going to pretend I didn't see that Christmas book! I'm in denial about summer being over so I really don't want to hear the C word :O Glad the college move in and the kindergarten start went so well. A nap sounds like a great idea :O

  4. Good to hear that your kiddos are settled for now. And I don't wonder that you need a nap! Have a good week, Katherine. Good luck with the exercise!

  5. Exercise, I am so on board for that once my spawn start back to school. Having them away will mean free time so I need to fill that time up with something productive. I am planning on checking out some YouTube stars for inspiration on incorporating exercise into my life.
    My youngest is also starting kindergarten. Like your Tornado, my son went to preschool at the same school. I still feel like it is a big milestone.
    Have a great week!

  6. Kelley Armstrong is Canadian. So I support you wanting to read her books. :)
    I've surprisingly been watching American's Got Talent. I don't really watch those type of shows but there's been some excellent acts that have kept me entertained.
    School, ah! Can't believe it's school time or almost school time again. Summer just started.
    What do you like to do for exercise? I'm a runner. But I've also been doing Jillian Michaels DVD's. I love her 30 Day Shred. It kicks your butt. :)

  7. I am wondering if I will feel cooler if I start reading Christmas books, with all that snow?...LOL. Mind over matter?

    I wasn't crazy about Love in a Nutshell, either, so I haven't added any more books from this author duo.

    I love Major sad that it is over for now. But it's great to have Netflix to fall back on!

    Enjoy your week, and here's MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  8. I can't think about reading Christmas stories when it's 103 degrees outside, lol, but I do love to read them and will remember that title for Fall reading.

    I picked up the first in the Lucky Harbor series by Jill Shalvis based on your enthusiastic reviews of her books. I have Omens, the first in the series of Armstrong books with the one you received part of but for some reason haven't read it yet. Now that I am reminded I should make a note to read it. (It's pretty sad when you have to remind yourself to read a good reminding yourself to have a good time, lol).

    Glad the school activity is winding down and you're settling into a new routine. I'm almost overwhelmed by the things my kids (both in mid-20s) have to check off their to-do lists to get back in school-- my son in 2L at his school and my daughter back in another medical program for a year as she changes her career path. Sorry to say it doesn't get easier as the students get older :)

    1. READ OMENS! I shall nag you until you do, lol.

  9. My mom loves Major Crimes- I watch it here and there. I'm really bad at keeping up with shows, because it seems like I just never have time, especially since I work some nights, etc.

    I hope you have a great week of reading! I want to read more Agatha Christie.

    keep in touch- i always comment back

  10. Glad Emma is settled. Do you need a hug? I love Miller's book..perfect for Ho-Ho-Ho. Deceptions is on my wishlist, but I need to start book two first. Enjoy your week my friend.

  11. Though I think I want some, I am trying to ignore the fact that Christmas books are already out! I refuse to let go of Summer! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  12. I know it will be an adjustment not having either of your girls at home! If you need a comforting "shoulder" now and then, email me or get my attention somehow - you know I've been there and will understand. (Well, except the being outnumbered by the opposite gender bit... but I can imagine it.) I'm glad that Emma is settled in and that the Tornado is enjoying Kindergarten.

    I need to start exercising, too. Want to be long-distance "buddies" and encourage each other? :-)

    Have a wonderful week, enjoy your nap, and have fun with those new books. I got the Miller too, so it will be fun to see what you think. Take care!

  13. It's been years since I read a book by Linda Lael Miller. I should get back to her. I used to always enjoy her romances.

    I'm not sure what I'll be watching this fall yet either. Although Code Black and Oil & Blood have my interest. We'll see.

    Have a great week!

  14. Sounds like it has been a very busy time for you. I have the Linda Lael Miller book too, and will be reading it towards the end of the month I think. I have read quite a few of hers, I don't chase down her books but I enjoy them when I read them. I have One in a Million on my Kindle, I should really read the books I buy, the trouble is I want them when they publish but then can't just find the time to read them!

  15. Good luck with being outnumbered at home. My poor husband is the only male in the house (me, 2 daughters, his mom and even the dog is female lol). I hope you enjoy the Kelley Armstrong book. I haven't read that series but I've enjoyed her other books. Have a great week!

  16. You were busy last week. I'm glad the kids are settling in well. As for being outnumbered, you'll just have to remind them who's in charge. :D

    I'm glad Deceptions arrived and I hope you enjoy the series. Kelley is one of my very favorite authors.

  17. Glad to hear the Tornado is settling well into school. That has been a challenge with my girl this year but she's getting better all the time.
    Have a great week Katherine.

  18. Glad the move went smoothly. Haha oh no, now it's two against one. Maybe you guys should try to even it up again ;)

  19. A Christmas book already? Say it isn't so?!!

  20. Funny (when out of the school years) how I forget about how busy these days are. Good memories though.
    I'm looking forward to the LLM Christmas book and starting to acquire them from NG. Have a great week!

  21. I hope you enjoy Deceptions when you get to it. I want to read that one too. I am so glad Emma's move smoothly and Tornado likes kindergarten. Hopefully they will both have good years. :-) I hope you are having a good week!

  22. I love a good Christmas story!
    Oh I vaguely remember reading Love in a Nutshell, cute not super memorable. But I do generally love Janet Evanovich.
    Hope you have a lovely week (:

  23. Christmas stories are lovely reads! It will be here before we know it!!

    Glad Emma is settled, all so new and exciting for all of you!

    Have a good week!

    Heather | Random Redheaded Ramblings
