
Monday, August 17, 2015

Let Me Tell You - Review

Let Me Tell You: New Stories, Essays and Other Writings by Shirley Jackson

Source: NetGalley
Description: From the renowned author of "The Lottery" and The Haunting of Hill House, a spectacular new volume of previously unpublished and uncollected stories, essays, and other writings
As we approach the centenary of her birth comes this astonishing compilation of fifty-six pieces - more than forty of which have never been published before.  Two of Jackson's children co-edited this volume, culling through the vast archives of their mother's papers at the Library of Congress, selecting only the very best for inclusion.

Genre: Fiction/Short Stories

Why I Picked This Book: How could I resist a new collection of Jackson's work?

My Impression: Shirley Jackson is a master of the eerie, the creepy, and the sinister.  In these short stories and essays nothing really happens.  These are regular men, women, and children going about their day.  There's a man coming home from work, a little girl celebrating her birthday with her parents and their friends, a college professor's wife having tea with a few of her husband's students, and countless other ordinary stories.  Except they're not.  In each story something is horribly wrong.  There's evil lurking, hidden agendas, and misdirected motives.  But none of those show up in the written word.  In each story Jackson manages to convey a sense of wrongness in the most subtle but obvious of ways.  This isn't a book to be gobbled up in one sitting.  I read one story at a time each time setting the book down with an almost overwhelming sense of unease and had to let the story roll around in my mind for a little while before reading the next story.
If you are new to Shirley Jackson or a long time fan this is definitely a book worth picking up.  This is Jackson in her stride - ordinary, sinister and oh so creepy.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?:  Definitely!  There are several of Jackson's books that I haven't read and really want to and a few that I have read and really want to reread.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Of course. Shirley Jackson is an author I think everyone should read!

Challenges Met?


  1. *Slap on the wrist* I have never heard of this author, but she sounds quite talented and on her game. Great review! Hugs...Ro

  2. I know her name but haven't read her yet, you make me want to :)

  3. I have this and can't wait to read it. I loooooove me some Shirley Jackson.

  4. I've never read Shirley Jackson. But I did use to love creepy stories. Glad you enjoyed this collection.

  5. I definitely want to read this one. I love the idea of 'something wrong' in each story. Sounds like the perfect book for fall and October in particular.

  6. Oh nice! I need to read this. I read one of her books years ago, like 15+ years, but can't remember which one it was.

  7. Sounds disturbing (in a good way!) and I love that it's normal people and normal scenarios as they are the ones that really freak me! I'm a bit embarrassed to admit I've never heard of Shirley Jackson :O

  8. See it's the scary and disturbing part that has stopped me from reading Jackson. I am not a horror fan. I am a big chicken.
    If I can read one of these stories without sleeping with the light on afterwards, than maybe I'll give her a go.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  9. Your comment, "But none of those show up in the written word" appeals to me very much! I haven't read anything by Jackson, but I've been wanting to. I love the sound of these stories.

  10. I would totally enjoy this, and like you I would read one story at a time. Then I would sit back and process it all.

  11. I haven't heard of this author but this does sound very interesting. Great review.
