
Sunday, August 9, 2015

This Week in Reading - Aug 9

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Nothing!!  I'm not sure if next week will be as quiet but I definitely needed some catch up time!


Reading:  One in a Million by Jill Shalvis - the last (sob) in the Lucky Harbor series.  I'll have the review up for this trilogy soon.  Also, finishing up A Gilded Grave by Shelley Fredyont for a review this week.

Listening: So this is the week I start back on audio and I'm trying to decide what to download.  This week is going to be crazy so I'm going back and forth between a reread and a memoir style book so that if I have to stop listening for a few days I won't be totally lost.

Watching: I've been watching NCIS on Netflix and am loving it.  There's so many great episodes that I'd forgotten about.  I've been totally getting my genealogy geek on with TLC's Who Do You Think You Are!  I love this show and this season has JK Rowling, Bryan Cranston and a bunch of other really interesting people.  The only downside is it makes me want to renew my Ancestry membership and get back to researching myself but I don't really have time for that right now.  Other than that not too much.  My Tivo is getting full though so it's time to get watching!

Off the Blog:

This week is going to be crazy!  The Tornado starts kindergarten tomorrow which I think we're both equal parts excited about and dreading.  It's been a good summer and we've had a lot of fun but I think he misses the structure and his friends and I miss getting something accomplished.

This won't be the week I start getting things accomplished because smack in the middle of it we'll be moving Emma to college.  The amount of organization is exhausting and she's doing most of the actual work.  Emma will be about 5 hours away making it difficult to just run home if she's forgotten something so we have to be extra careful with packing.  Eleanor is only about an hour away so her move wasn't nearly as stressful.  Needless to say, I won't be around too much this week but next week everything should be back to normal - or at least the new normal with one less kid living under our roof.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Baker's Blue - Blog Tour Fiction Review + Giveaway
Tuesday: A Gilded Grave - Blog Tour Cozy Historical Mystery Review + Giveaway
Wednesday: The Collector - Blog Tour Mystery Review - Giveaway
Thursday: The Other Daughter - Fiction Review
Friday: Linkups with current book
Saturday:  A Guest Post from author Kathy Aarons about chocolate!

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I love watching on reruns of NCIS . It never gets old. I am hoping the week ahead is a quite one..I need to catch up

    1. I'm hoping I'll get some catching up done in the next few weeks! I'm so behind on books it's getting ridiculous!

  2. I love watching on reruns of NCIS . It never gets old. I am hoping the week ahead is a quite one..I need to catch up

  3. You are busy! Goof luck with the Tornado and Emma's transitions. I'm impressed that you got nothing!

    I need to do an NCIS NetFlix watch, maybe after I finish my currents watches on NetFlix and Hulu.

    1. I have so many shows I want to watch it's not even funny! I'm enjoying NCIS. It's a good show and it's aged well which doesn't always happen.
      I really needed to have a few quiet weeks after all the books I've been getting lately!

  4. I spend way too much time on Netflix. Especially this week... Good luck with your week, it looks like you have a lot on your plate- hopefully, you'll get some reading time here and there too. :) Hard to believe classes are starting... this summr has flown by.

    1. We always start school pretty early partly because it's so impossibly hot we can't really go outside. I love Netflix! I spend way too much time on it but also not enough.

  5. I have to admit I stopped watching NCIS after the first season or two as I didn't ever really take to Ziva (not sure of spelling). I love NCIS LA though!

    Hope kindy goes well! Am sure it will.


    1. I do admit I liked Kate better than Ziva and I don't like the whole relationship between her and Tony. I do like the new agent that has replaced her.

  6. I love Who Do You Think You Are, it's so interesting. Sometimes I wish the show was 2 hours so they can delve deeper on some things. If you guys forget something in the move, you might consider sending it. My mom ended up having to do that with a few thing for my brother. Thankfully, my son is an easy 1.5 hours away.

    1. 2 hours would be awesome! Especially the one on Ginnifer Goodwin. I had so many questions. I'm storing the episodes up right now as a treat for if I survive this week!
      I'm keeping shipping stuff in mind but it's last resort.

  7. I am sure Jill Shalvis will have good things in store for us! I have One in a Million on my Kindle to read and looking forward to it.

    1. I'm enjoying One in a Million. There's a lot of Lucille which is always a good thing!

  8. Moving is never really fun and we *always* forget things, lol ! And one less kid in the house must be an emotional moment I'm kind of fearing myself, I must say, even if there are a still a few years before it happens. Good luck with moving, have fun with it too - it can be done ;)

  9. Good luck with the beginning of kindergarten for the tornado, and moving Emma to college! Busy and emotional for all of you, I'm sure!
    Have a great week anyway :)

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  10. Kindergarten will be so exciting but I cried both times my pair went away quite happily, they grow up so fast!

    Have a fantastic week!

    Heather | Random Redheaded Ramblings

  11. Wow you start college early there. The kids we host don't start until the end of August.
    And one off to school for the first time! You have quite a spread in ages.
    Five hours is a long drive but you can always ship her something she forgot or she can buy something if it is not expensive or important. I wonder if her college has a host family program like the one we belong to. We have three students that we help out from the local liberal arts college because they are in just that situation (only farther away usually). We're amazed at just how young they are to be so far from home. We're their safety net. They don't live with us, and we sometimes won't see them much but we are here if they need us.

  12. It's nice to have one of those weeks in awhile with no new books, I had that last week and then this week I had a massive haul again, oops. I own the first Lukcy Harbor book and really should read it soon, I recently read my first Jill Shalvis book and really want to read more of her books.
    Good luck with getting Emma to college and the Tornado starting kindergarten. I hope you have a great week!

  13. My two granddaughters are starting college this year....and they will be at opposite ends of the state. One will be in San Diego, and the other one in Crescent City. I am already wanting to visit them both.

    Their older brothers started a couple of years ago.

    My youngest grandchild is going into seventh grade.

    But I do remember kindergarten sweet!

    Enjoy your week...and your reading. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  14. Good luck getting the kids ready and off to schools. It can be quite a chore and also stressful. I watch reruns of NCIS sometimes and really enjoy it, but they're not in any order so it would be fun to watch on netflix. I didn't know about TLC's program. That would be interesting. I've been wanting to get back to some genealogy and see what is online now since it's been at least five years since I've done any. Hope you have a great week, Katherine!

  15. I start back to school this week, which will mean less time for reading, well, for staying up until midnight reading anyway. Good luck with getting your kindergartener started. You're so good about the no haul this week. At least mine were none that I bought, I'm looking at that as a success. :-)
    Check out my STS

  16. Good luck with all the school excitement and moving your daughter. We have to help my son move 1.5 hours away to San Diego to go back to his apartment (even though he is taking the same one that he rents from the school, he had to move out for the summer and now back in). I have learned my lesson and will not be sending him with so much kitchenware, since he mostly eats out or visits us on the weekends :)

    I haven't watched more than one show of NCIS ever, but it was my parents' go-to show before they passed a few years ago so maybe I should check it out.

    I've seen Who Do You Think You Are a bunch of times, and it is always interesting! My husband and son traced my husband's roots this summer, and my son was able to visit the small village in Ireland where my husband's relatives on his father's side came from (his grandfather and further back), and the same small church that they attended so long ago. He took photos and spoke to an elderly woman in a gift shop there who had some knowledge about how to proceed with finding out more info. What fun for them both! Enjoy your week!

  17. That is early for kindergarten. And here I thought San Francisco started early. He will love it, the new toys and boys make friends easily. What an accomplishment to have two daughters off in college. I still have a ways to go. The hub and I are catching up on So You Think You Can Dance. These young adults have awesome talent.

  18. I really have to start reading the Lucky Harbor series. I have them on my Kindle. I just need to find time. I watch NCIS, but NCIS: LA is my favorite of these shows.

    I hope you have a great week and it's not too crazy.

  19. LOL so I saw the bookcases in my feed and was going WHOA! She hit the bookcase motherload! Heh I would have a great time filling those up. *nods*

  20. Sounds very very busy over there in your house! Good luck with all the moving and getting one more child out into the college world!! Have a great week!

    Sunday Post #2

  21. What no books! I always like seeing what you I totally get the need for some catching up time..I need it too but some how I just can't help myself with that clicking the request button! I love NCIS! Can't wait for my shows to come back on and to see what new ones I will like. Though right now I need to catch up with shows I have I am liking Zoo! :)

  22. No books?! WELL DONE! *high-five*
    I got my first Shalvis book off of Netgalley a bit ago. Has a lovely fireman on the front. ;) That's great that you love her. I'm excited to read it before the fall. Hopefully...
    You should start listening to the Lunar Chronicles!
    I need to catch the episode with JK Rowling. That will be super interesting.

  23. A guest post about chocolate?! I will be back for that with bells on. I had my son home with me 100% of the time until he went to kindergarten, so his first day was traumatic for me. LOL. I hope everything calms down for you once everyone is situated at their colleges. So many bloggers said they didn't get any books last week. I didn't get any ARCs. All of those requests I binged on EW during my reading slump are still sitting there. I bought a couple of ebooks on special, but nothing I am looking at reading right away. I also want to tell you that I am going to start commenting, "La La was here," when I have nothing to comment, but want the blogger to know I was there and read the blog. These do not need a reply, or commenting back on my blog. Have a wonderful week. :)

    1. Oh, I forgot... I was a Who Do You think You are fanatic, but I have missed the last couple of seasons. I have to see the JKR episode, ASAP! My German lineage was already researched by our relatives in Germany, and it was a breeze following my father's family back to Sleepy Hollow in the 1600s, but I am having trouble with both of my grandmother's families past my ancestors coming to America because I do not know what ships they came on to Ellis Island.

  24. You've got a lot going on, good luck with your daughter's college move and Tornado going back to kindie. I love Jill Shalvis, have you read her Animal Magnetism series? Hope your week goes well :)

  25. I love NCIS, but I haven't watched it in years - I keep forgetting! I used to do genealogy, too, but got sidetracked by blogging and knitting. :-) Luckily my mom and stepdad got into it and Mom has been doing a lot of work on her side of the family.

    Good luck with Emma and Eleanor's move-ins, and with school starting up!

  26. Everybody seems to love Jill Shalvis, I need to start this series soon! Hope Kindergarten went well today and college moving in goes well too. Sounds busy and stressful! Hope it turns out to be easy transitions for all.

  27. It sounds like a busy week ahead! I hope everything goes ok with the move :) five hours is quite a long way. When I went to uni I think it was roughly the same travel time. When I moved back home for the Summer period my parents were exhausted from the drive and my kind landlord let them stay the night in an empty room :) (thank god for local kids ey?)
    I wish you all the best with the move! Kindergarten sounds quite exciting! Maybe he'll burn off some energy there! he he.
    Have a great week,
    Amy x

  28. No new books?! That's, well, that's just wrong! Or maybe it's a good thing because you already have so many. LOL Of course, we can never have too many books, can we? Have you settled on an audio book yet? I still haven't gotten back to mine and it's been a very long time. :-( I need to find a way to make time.

    I hope Tornado got off to kindergarten well. I'm trying not to think about that yet, but I am and it's just one of the many things on my mind. Not so much kindergarten, but the whole after school care thing. This is one of the times I wish I was a stay at home mom or at least had more control over my work schedule. :-( The whole having to find another daycare I feel comfortable with is a bit daunting, especially given what I do for a living and all the stories I hear . . . Then there's my worries about her transitioning to not only a new school, but a new daycare--both of which she'll know no one. I know, I should let it go and worry about it closer to when I need to actually work on the logistics of it all.

    I hope Emma's move goes well! And I hope you are able to find some quiet time in all this busy-ness. Take care, Katherine.
