
Monday, August 10, 2015

Baker's Blue - Blog Tour Review + Giveaway

Baker's Blues by Judith Ryan Hendricks
Rating: 4 Stars
Source: Blog Tour

Description:  In Wyn Morrison's world a 5 A.M. phone call is rarely good news.  It usually means equipment trouble at her bakery or a first shift employee calling in sick - something annoying but mundane, fixable.  But the news she receives on a warm July morning is anything but mundane.  Or fixable.
Mac, her ex-husband, is dead.
He's not just in a different house with another woman, but actually, physically gone.  Ineligible for widowhood, Wyn is nonetheless shaken to her core as she discovers that the fact of the divorce offers no immunity from grief.
As Mac's executor, Wyn is now faced with not only sorting his possessions and selling the house, but also with helping his daughter Skye deal with financial and legal aspects of the estate - a task made more difficult by Skye's grief, anger, and resentment.
Ironically, just when Wyn needs support most, everyone she's closet to is otherwise occupied.  Her mother and stepfather have moved to Northern California, her best friend CM has finally married the love of her life and is commuting to New York, and her protege Tyler is busy managing the bakery and dealing with her first serious love affair.  They're all sympathetic, but bewildered by her spiral into sadness.  After all, it's been three years since the divorce.
On her own, she stumbles at first.  For the last several years Wyn has been more businesswoman than baker, leaving the actual bread making to the others.  Now, as she takes up her place in the bread rotation once more, she will sift through her memories, coming to terms with Mac and his demons, with Skye's anger, and with Alex, who was once more than a friend.  Soon she will re-learn the lessons that she first discovered at the Queen Street Bakery in Seattle... that bread is a process - slow, arduous, mess, mysterious - and best consumed with the eyes closed and the heart open.  (From GoodReads)

Genre: Fiction

Why I Picked This Book: I love books that involve healing and healing through food is even better!

My Impression: The day this book arrived I wasn't expecting it.  So when a package shows up in my mailbox from an address I didn't recognize I was so curious I opened it as I was walking down the driveway/  This led to me opening the book as I was walking which in turn led to me standing in the garage reading for the next 15 minutes.  The writing immediately pulled me in and I was swept into the story.  Even though I couldn't really identify with Wyn in a lot of ways, I really liked her.  Her thoughts were shown so clearly and so sympathetically that I understood her.  This is really a book that appeals to the senses.  I could feel the bread dough as Wyn kneads it and smell it as it's baking.  Everything is beautifully described and brought to life without getting too bogged down in details.  I also really enjoyed the characters.  They're not perfect and they don't always behave perfectly but they're not so flawed as to be completely unlikable.  I might want to reach into the book and give a character a good shake but the motives for their actions were always understandable if not logical.

This is the 3rd book in the series which was actually a surprise to me after reading it as it works so well as a stand alone.  The book did drag a bit in places and I think could have been a little shorter but it also could be that I'm feeling the pressure of a rather mammoth TBR.  Overall, this was a lovely book.  I liked the characters, loved the writing and was fully satisfied with the ending.


The publisher is giving away 1 copy of this book for each tour stop!  To enter just leave the email address where I can reach you if you win.  On Monday 8/17 at 11:59 CST I'll pick a random number and whichever commentor corresponds with that number wins!  (US/Canada Only)

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: I will definitely read more of this author though since I know how everything ends I'm not sure I'll go back and read the earlier books in the series though I am curious.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Yes!  If you love foodie fiction or stories that really focus on relationships between people I think you'd like this one.

Challenges Met?


  1. I always enjoy reading other's opinion and that often seals me on the book. Adding this one to my list.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  2. A lover of cookbooks and cooking shows, it's really nice when I hear about a romance that includes food stuff. Your review is awesome and makes me want to pick it up soon. Happy Monday! Hugs...Ro

  3. I completely understand being sucked into a book, regardless of where you're standing. I'm so glad you really enjoyed it. It seems like an interesting premise, that's for sure.

  4. Sounds like a good one. I also enjoy books on healing and food!

  5. When I started reading about this one here, I was thinking that there were prior books. And I'm pretty sure that I meant to read them. Story of my life. LOL

    Loved the picture of you reading in the garage. Glad I'm not the only one! ;-)

  6. Thanks for your excellent review. This is a lovely novel which interests me greatly. I have read the other books by this author and enjoyed them very much. Many thanks for this feature and giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  7. This book is captivating and the food aspect appeals to me as well as the story. Many thanks. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  8. Oh, wow. I didn't know there was a third in the series. I've read the first one and liked it. I love the descriptive scenes of her making bread.

  9. This one sounds really great! I'd love to win a copy.

    mlawson17 at Hotmail dot com

  10. Sounds good to me.

  11. Sounds like a good read to me and a very interesting storyline.

    cenya2 at Hotmail dot com

  12. I love, love, love foodie fiction :) Especially when it's part of a series but can stand alone! Loved your review.

    meah56 at gmail dot com

  13. Standing in the garage reading for 15 minutes - yep, I can relate. :)

    It's good to hear that it works as a stand-alone. I'm glad you enjoyed it; I suspect I'd get hungry reading it. :D

  14. Mmmm I could almost smell the fresh bread as you were describing the book. Sounds like you got hooked in which is always a joy to areder.

  15. Sounds like a book I would enjoy -- I like any kind of book that has food as its main topic -- whether it be a cookbook or novel!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  16. Nice that it worked even though it is the third book, I have a weakness for foodie books

  17. I'd love a book that pulls me in like that. Thanks for the chance to win it!

  18. I love it when that happens! When a book draws me in right away like that, even before I'm ready to sit down to read it. This sounds like a great book, Katherine. I may not find comfort in cooking or baking, but I understand how comfort can be found in doing a favorite activity. I will have to look for this one!

  19. Oh that does sound lovely. I'm with you on healing with food. I love those. Yay for it working even though being later in the series. That's always awesome.

  20. This sounds's wonderful when a book immediately draws you in! I love the cover, too. I love to bake bread so I'm immediately interested. Nice review, Katherine!

  21. Sounds like a great story. Thanks for the review and chance to win.

  22. I love the fun of opening an unexpected package - what a treat!

    Thanks for being a part of the tour.
