
Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Linkups: Harbor Island

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
What time of year does your library have it's library sale?

My Answer:
Both the branch that I use and the main library had their library sales a few weeks ago.  I haven't been to one in awhile because the timing seems to always be bad but the few times I have been I've gotten some great books.

I've very much enjoyed Carla Neggers' Knight's Bridge series and am looking forward to trying her more suspenseful series.  Plus, this is set partly in Ireland which always appeals to me.  I'm finishing up a reread tonight and will hopefully be starting this tomorrow!

The Beginning:
As she wound down her run on the Boston waterfront, Emma Sharpe could feel the effects of jet lag in every stride.

My Thoughts:
I'm not sure I'd have the strength to jog while suffering from jet lag.  That seems like more of a sleep late situation!

The 56:
"Does whatever happened here have anything to do with why you're in Ireland?"

My Thoughts: 
So I'm guessing we're in Ireland at this point and it sounds like bad stuff has already happened.  I'm also thinking that whatever happened is exactly why that person is in Ireland!

So keep reading?


  1. Hi,
    Sounds intriguing. Love to read Carla Neggers, I'll have to check this one out.
    Have a great day!

  2. I have this series on my TBR mountain and have read a couple of them - not, unfortunately, the first one though. I'm finishing up an urban fantasy series this week with Total Eclipse by Rachel Caine. Happy reading!

  3. I need to check out this series, sounds good. :)

    Friday Memes

  4. I am intrigued. It sounds like a good summerish book. My Friday Quotes

  5. I like books set in Ireland, too, and this sounds like a good one. I'm wondering what "happened here."
    My Friday post features Taming Jenna.

  6. The library where I used to work, Austin Public Library, actually has a bookstore open full time. They don't have a sale anymore, but there are also books for sale at most of the branches. My old assistant manager is the assistant manager of the bookstore now. It's called Recycled Reads. Austin is all about recycling. The library that is closer to me and that I use off and on has book sales twice a year. They are pretty good, but you have to really look for the nice books.

  7. I've only had a jetlag twice and I most definitely would not have gone jogging straight after! I have been wanting to visit Ireland or a really long time, maybe soon I'll get the chance! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great week!

    My Friday post

    Juli @ Universe in Words

  8. I always find good books at our sale. You can never have enough books, right?

    Have a good weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  9. I am definitely curious, and I've been wanting to try this author. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  10. I've never been to Ireland, but I would love to go. At least we can travel in books! Hope you enjoy the weekend.

  11. Love those library sales. Ours is in late Spring I believe. I missed this years. But went the two years before and holy cow the books. It was glorious :D

  12. I have this in my someday pile. :D

    My library and the other local libraries have sales a couple times a year. I haven't gone to the most recent ones because I'm still working on what I already own. I'm running out of room for print books. :D

  13. Somehow I always miss our library sales, maybe that's not such a bad thing. I would spend too much money. I get lots of my books used from Thrift Book, great prices.
    I have not tried this author yet. Love most books with a setting I. Ireland though. We have been to Ireland twice and I would love ❤️ to return again!

  14. I don't even know when my library has sales. I use my library for Overdrive only. But that's okay. Not like I need to go and buy more books even if they are cheap.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  15. Suspenseful 56! Sounds like a good read! Happy weekend!

  16. Our library has a Friends of the Library store right in the foyer and they have books on sale all the time there. It is also the place to drop off books for donation as all money goes back to the library. Enjoy the weekend.

  17. Like Linda, my library has books on sale year round. The sale is in a room off to the side though.

    Carla Neggers' book sounds like it will be good. I don't think I'd want to do much of anything if I had jet lag either.
