
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Beyond the Books: If I had $1000 I Would Buy

Today's Beyond the Books topic hosted by KissinBlueKaren is one I've really been looking forward to talking about and seeing how everyone else spends their money.  So if I was given a thousand dollars today and told I absolutely had to spend it after I would buy:

This Straight Fit Duffle Coat in Dark Indigo from Burberry.  Granted I'd have to kick in a little but I could manage it.  There is nothing I love more than coats and Burberry is my absolute favorite though until I get a few kids out of college their coats are a little above my pay grade!  I do have quite a selection but I love this one because of the toggles and I don't have anything in that dark blue.  I have royal blue, teal, and light blue but nothing in the indigo/navy range.  Definitely a hole in the collection.  And we're not going to talk about the green and gray varieties.

The funny thing is when people talk about spending $1000 on purses I think they're crazy but coats I get.  Probably because my coats aren't abused too much and my purse has a pretty tough life being crammed with all kinds of stuff and shoved into corners or dumped on the floor.

If I was being semi-responsible with the money I would make a substantial deposit into the Let's Go to Disney World fund.  I love Disney and we've been wanting to take the Tornado before he gets much older.

If I was being really really responsible I'd put the money in savings but how exciting is that?

If you had $1000 what would you buy?  Do you have any spending weaknesses?


  1. That coat is beautiful, I can see why you'd choose it !

  2. I love that coat! I always think people are nuts for spending $1000's on a purse too.

    1. Definitely! I'm definitely a coat person though I doubt I could really spend the money on a coat if it really came down to it.

  3. I love that coat! I wouldn't spend a $1000 on a purse so I go to the outlets since they offer huge discounts. Disney World is one of my dream vacations and I would include a trip to the Universal Studios so we can enjoy everything in that area. There is so much to do there everyone would have a lot of fun!

    Kathy @ My Nook, Books & More

    1. I love Universal too - especially for older kids. I haven't been to an outlet in far too long though I do spend my share at J Crew Factory

  4. I love that coat! I doubt I could spend $1000 on any one clothing or accessory purchase without major guilt. After last winter here in Connecticut I can totally appreciate a good coat. Disney is a good investment. Last year we went to Legoland and the babies still talk about it.

    1. I really want to go to Legoland! It sounds like such fun! Weather wise here it gets cold enough where we need coats but not so cold we need really heavy anything.

  5. Do I have to spend it on ONE thing? That would be vacation money.
    If I get to break it up- I'd buy two $99 mattresses for the boys' beds (but this is for ME, because they don't care. I just end up in there too often and OUCH), and a cheapish laptop (FOR ME), and then the rest I'd buy a decent ($100?) purse I actually love, trail running shoes, and then.. I have no idea. Amazon credit?

    1. Well it's imaginary money so you can probably spend it however you like though I do consider kids' mattresses way to boring and responsible!

  6. That coat is gorgeous!! I would never spend that kind of $$ on it but if someone gave it to me that would be wonderful!!

    1. I probably would never spend that much either even if I had it but one can always dream!

  7. That coat is gorgeous. I always want to get a few staple coats into my collection. But I haven't. Especially since it gets so cold here in the winter, I go for warmth. Lol!
    I think Disney would be where I spent the money. I usually go every year, but it's been a few because life got in the way.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. The good thing about our version of winter is I don't need the super heavy ones so I can have a little more fun.
      I haven't been to Disney World in far too long but it's such fun!

  8. Beautiful coat! Don't think it gets cold enough here for a coat that nice though. At least not for long enough. Now if I lived in Colorado or Wyoming or New York. I think I'd take my $1K and go on another vacation. And we've done the Disney thing a bunch of times. Now that our girl is grown, it has lost some of it's appeal, but I know she'd jump at the chance if we've like to take her - even is she is 32. LOL

    1. I love Disney World! I think I would happily go just my husband and me but then I just like to travel period!

  9. Hmmm, 1K? I say ohana time on Oahu. And cute coat. I know how much Burberry costs.

  10. Gorgeous coats but I would rather have a handbag as I am a handbag fiend! My $1000 is getting squandered on Amazon and a nice hair cut!

    1. That sounds like a pretty fun way to spend the money! It's funny how different things appeal to us. I always forget to even look at purses but I can't resist a coat or a great pair of heels!

  11. I like the coat! I'd probably use the money to travel 😊

    1. That's definitely up there and probably what I would really do if I was just given $1000 .

  12. That coat is pretty but it's up there with purses for me, I would never spend that much on a or a piece of clothing..I am not a If I had that money I would probably buy a nice recumbent bike for exercising. I really need to lose some weight and get my legs some muscle and my knees are bad and those are suppose to be easy on the knees. :)

    1. Oh I like that idea! I used to use a recumbent bike a lot when I had a gym membership and loved it!

  13. I had a tour date today so couldn't join in. Right now, I imagine $1000 would go towards vet bills that I'm sure we'll be paying soon. :-( If it wasn't that, I would buy a dining room set. We really need a new one.

    The coat is gorgeous, Katherine.

    1. Oh no. I hope all is on the mend. New furniture is much more fun though I know you'd rather have your cat!

  14. Coat looks very nice, hmm $1000 in many ways it's not that much in today's world but I wouldn't say no to it! Would probably save it until I really wanted something that is not in the 'budget'!

    1. I had a week to think about it so that helped! I'd probably lock up if someone have me $1000 and said I had to spend it immediately. Not that I wouldn't give it a try!

  15. It's a beautiful coat but it's seriously more than $1000?

  16. Arg, yes please, that coat is gorgeous!
    If I had a $1000, I'd probably spend all of it on traveling, haha. I've been bugging my family we should go to Florida for the holidays and get or Disney/Universal on!

  17. Yeah, I don't get spending big bucks on a purse either. I'd probably buy a new mattress and spend teh rest on books. :D

  18. That coat is gorgeous, but I won't buy coats or purses instead I would go visit family. Unless you had to buy something, then I would buy some kind of geeky gadget for sure.

  19. It's absolutely fab but there is no way I could ever spend that much money on a coat! I'd prefer to spend the money on a holiday, preferably to somewhere sunny where I can lie back and catch up on my reading :)

  20. Nice coat!!! If I had $1000 to spend on whatever I wanted, I'd have to decide between a Nikon DSLR camera, or getting one of our chairs reupholstered (not just the fabric but the whole thing - it needs new seat webbing, a new cushion, and possibly new padding all over.) It was my mom's, and it's the only chair I own that is actually small enough for me to sit in with my feet flat on the floor. (The perils of being short...)

    OTOH, I think we already spent most of that $1000 on our 25th-anniversary getaway - especially on the helicopter tour we took. But it was totally worth it.
