
Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Silenced - Review

The Silenced by Heather Graham

Rating: 3.5 Stars
Source: NetGalley

Description: Where is Lara Mayhew?
Lara, a congressman's media assistant, suddenly quits her job - and disappears on the way to her Washington, DC, apartment.
Novice FBI agen Meg Murray, a childhood friend of Lara's, gets a message from her that same night, a message that says she's disillusioned and "going home."  To Richmond, Virginia.  Meg discovers that she never got there.  And bodies fitting Lara's description are showing up in nearby rivers...Could she be the victim of a serial killer?
Meg is assigned to work with special agent Matt Bosworth, a hard-nosed pro in the FBI's unit of paranormal investigators - the Krewe of Hunters.  They trace the route Meg and Lare took more than once in the past, visiting battlefields and graveyards from Harpers Ferry to Gettysburg.  Places where the dead share their secrets with those who can hear...As Meg and Matt pursue the possibility of a serial killer, they find themselves in the middle of a political conspiracy.  Is there a connection?  And who - besides each other - can they trust? (from Goodreads)

Genre: Paranormal Romantic Suspense

Why I Picked This Book: I can't resist a Heather Graham.  I love the mix of mystery, paranormal and romance with a good dash of history.

My Impression:  This is the 15th book in the Krewe of Hunters series but if you haven't picked these up before don't let that scare you.  These are only a series because the investigations are led by the same unit in the FBI.  There are some recurring characters but they are very much side characters so if you haven't read their stories it doesn't influence your enjoyment of whichever book you're reading.  This is my 3rd Krewe book and once again Graham pulled me in and kept me turning pages.

It could have been my mood or that I was reading it by Kindle light in a dark room but this one seemed a little darker than usual to me.  While both Meg and Matt both have paranormal abilities they seemed to be a little overshadowed by the seriously creepy serial killer.  Not that it made me enjoy it any less I just found myself having to read a chapter of something happy before going to sleep!

This was my first real dealing with Adam who is normally referred to in an almost reverent whisper in the previous Krewe books I've read.  It was nice to get to know him and I liked that this was set in the DC area so we get a peek into what a day at the office is like for them instead of just being out on assignment.  The main characters were interesting.  I liked that Meg is an agent as well so it makes sense that she and Matt are working together.  I did feel both needed to relax a bit - especially Meg.  Yes she's a fully qualified agent but she's also a brand new agent.  It makes sense that Matt is kind of giving her direction.  Did she expect to be fully on her own just days after graduation?  The romance developed fairly quickly but that's normally the case with romantic suspense so it wasn't a surprise.

While there were some flaws I really enjoyed this one.  The setting was fascinating, the pace was unrelenting and when it really comes down to it I really wanted to find out what happened!  The Hexed is probably still my favorite of this series but this new entry didn't disappoint.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Of course!  I already have the next 2 on my Kindle!

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Yes - especially if you like romantic suspense.

Challenges Met?


  1. Wow, that does sound suspenseful. I am a sucker for a good mystery! Can't wait to get back to my kindle again after reading my lady 4 books in hardcover.
    I need to check out NetGalley too.

    1. Oh Netgalley is so so dangerous. Every time I go I fall into a hole. This is definitely suspenseful! I really enjoyed it!

  2. And I still have the first book on my Kindle. I do understand that they don't have to be read in order - a loose series. Sigh. I struggle with reading 'out of order', even when it's not necessary. Why is that? LOL

    1. I have a problem with that too though Netgalley has fixed that a bit! I'm always getting books and then realizing it's the 2nd or 4th in a series. This really is only the loosest definition of series so it'd be okay.

  3. Sounds like a good mixture of different elements combined together to make up this book. I hadn't heard of this series so thanks for the introduction.

    1. It's a fun series. There are some flaws but the settings and storylines are such fun I can always get past it.

  4. That's really good to hear about them working well on their own. So far into the series it makes a newbie a little nervous :)

    1. Oh I know! There's no way I'd start a series if I knew I had to read 15 books just to catch up!

  5. I've never read anything by Heather Graham but she's been on my radar for years and years.I'd like to try her books out. Where should I start?

    1. Her books are lots of fun! My favorite so far is The Hexed but just pick whichever one catches your eye. I've really enjoyed them all.

  6. I haven't read this one but I just finished The Forgotten which is a follow up to this one; it features Lara but Meg and Matt are in it too. I definitely need to read The Silenced!

    1. I'm really looking forward to The Forgotton! Graham never lets me down.

  7. I need to read this series. I used to read Heather Graham books many years ago, but never got around to these. I know Kimba likes it too. Maybe I'll read the first one sometime soon.

    1. Her books are such fun. There's always some flaws but the setting and the plots are always so great I can look past it.

  8. Sounds like one I would enjoy, I usually enjoy this kind of book. You've stirred my interest.

  9. The setting and unrelenting pace sounds good in this one

  10. OK, I need to find this one - those are my stomping grounds! I grew up in the DC area and now live near Fredericksburg. And since I just became a Graham fan thanks to #17 The Hidden (thank you, NetGalley and Harlequin!), I am going to be tracking down some of the earlier books. (This is going to play havoc with my book budget... )

    Anyway, you make this sound really good. Meg and Matt and Lara all show up in The Hidden (well, Lara is only mentioned) so I am even more intrigued. But I wish it weren't a serial killer book - I'm not fond of those. I find them darker than other murder mysteries, somehow. I'll read this one anyway, though, for all the other pluses. Good review!

  11. I found this one to be darker than the others I have read also. I think that's why I liked it a bit more, even though I'm kind of tired of books dealing in politicians and serial killers. I am glad you liked this one too!

  12. A bit of paranormal eh? That definitely seems like it will make it a bit of a darker read. Glad you enjoyed it. I can't read anything a bit scary at night. If I do I'll have to sleep right under the covers. Lol
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life
