
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Redemption Bay - Review

Redemption Bay by RaeAnne Thayne
Rating: 4 Stars
Source: NetGalley

Description:  McKenzie Shaw would do anything for her beloved hometown of Haven Point.  It may be small and struggling, but it's never let her down...unlike gorgeous, infuriating Ben Kilpatrick.  He was her childhood hero until he closed down his family's factory, leaving the town's economy in shambles.  Now he's back - his tech firm is considering opening a local facility.  For Haven Point's sake, McKenzie has to grit her teeth and play nice.
What could a town filled with painful memories ever offer Ben?  He left Haven Point behind years ago, for good reason.  Yet seeing the town through the eyes of McKenzie - its fiery young mayor - he suddenly has his answer.  If only he can resolve the animosity crackling between them, Ben may have found the place where he can build ties and find healing... a place where love arrives when it's least expected.(from Goodreads)

Genre:  Contemporary Romance

Why I Picked This Book: I absolutely loved Snow Angel Cove, the first in this series, and couldn't wait to see Ben's story.

My Impression: Snow Angel Cove was the first book in the Haven Point series and a standout of the holiday reads for 2014.  Ben Kilpatrick was as much of a villain as the first book had so I was looking forward to seeing his story and seeing him redeemed.  It's always entertaining to see the bad guy turn into the hero (Lisa Kleypas' The Devil in Winter comes to mind).
While this story isn't as sweetly simple as Snow Angel Cove it is still full of wonderful characters and a number of heart tugging moments.  Both Ben and McKenzie have some shadows in their past and while McKenzie has full embraced the town that took her in Ben is staying as far away from Haven Point as possible.
While the book takes place over a fairly short time period - 2 weeks - Ben and McKenzie knew each other as kids so I liked that they weren't completely starting over.  I loved how they worked together and not only could we watch the attraction develop but it really felt like watching a friendship develop.  Haven Point is really fleshed out nicely.  We meet townspeople, we get an idea of the economic situation and the history of the town.  This isn't a town full of beautiful perfect people which is nice.  This really feels like a small town that is struggling to survive.
Ben and McKenzie were nice to watch - particularly watching Ben learn to open up and McKenzie being there to help him.  There was one aspect about Caine enterprises that seemed a little to entwined with their relationship but I was pleased that it was resolved before the end.  The one thing that I really had questions about was the closing of the boatworks.  Ben says something at one point that is completely different from public perception and it's never really cleared up beyond McKenzie being surprised to hear that.
Oh and I also want to adopt Hondo though I don't think Ben will actually be parting with him!  This was my 2nd visit to Haven Point and I'm already looking forward to my next visit!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?:  Yes!  I already have the next book in this series!

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Definitely!  If you love a nice small town romance do not pass this one up.

Challenges Met? Reading Road Trip (Idaho)


  1. It's funny how an adult perspective can change a childhood impression.

  2. Your review makes me think I should give contemporary romance a chance :)

    1. I have enjoyed this series quite a bit. It's definitely lighter than your usual reads but it's a nice comforting series.

  3. I have Snow Angel Cove waiting for me on Pippa...I need to read it soon, as I wanted to test out this author. This one sounds good, too. Thanks!

    1. I loved Snow Angel Cove! It was just lovely. Definitely read that one first.

  4. I picked this one up at BEA but I haven't read it yet. I keep coming across positive reviews though so I should make an effort to get to it soon. Should I read the first one first, do you think?

    1. I think you would enjoy this more if you read the first book first. You'd just get a better picture of the town and why Ben is such a villain.

  5. God, that cover. Doesn't it scream come visit here? :)
    Although I don't read a lot of small town romances(I don't know why because I absolutely love that trope), I always take note of the ones you read and like. I'm going to request the first book in this series at my library and hopefully can get to it this winter.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. There's just something fantastic about a small town. Not sure why that is but it never fails. This is a good one though it focuses much more on the emotional connection than physical.

  6. Not an author I've read before, but I'll keep her in mind. Sometimes, I get on a kick to read just such a book or series. I did that with Robyn Carr's Virgin River series. Loved it.

    1. I haven't read the Robyn Carr series (yet) but from what I've heard I think they're in a similar vein though I think these might be a little lower in heat than Carr's.

  7. I need to check out this series. :) Great review.

    1. You should! These are just such nice stories.

  8. You've just about convinced me give this series a try. Some day, when I have nothing else to read. :P But it does sound good, especially the bit about the townspeople not being beautiful perfect people. :)

    1. That nothing else to read day will happen right?? I keep assuming this will happen. This is a nice read and I love that it feels like a real town!

  9. So happy to hear this delivered, I have book one and need to start the series. What I need to is more time. I love the setting for this!

    1. I think you would enjoy this series though it's definitely one that should be read in order . The heat is low but the emotional connection is amazing!

  10. I love seeing one of the bad guys turned hero too. The last I read I think was Lothaire by Kresley Cole though he kept some of his villain moves even once a hero. lol

    1. Bad guy turned hero is my absolute favorite when it works! I'll have to look for the Cole book.

  11. I've seen this author around and hear good things about her, so I guess I should jump right in.
    I took a chance on Robyn Carr, both in Virgin River and Thunder Point, so I assume I would enjoy this small town contemporary also. And Idaho, you mentioned at the bottom. How cool-- for some reason I don't remember ever reading a fiction book set there.
    Question: did you read any in her previous series, Hope's Crossing? And if so, how do they compare? Thanks!!

    1. I would read Snow Angel Cove before this one but they're both good. The heat is low but the stories rely on emotion. I haven't read the Hope's Crossing series but I want to. It's very loosely connected to this one. The MC in Snow Angel Cove has family who are the MCs in the first series.

  12. It's always interesting to read the villain's perspective, and having that whole redemption story!

    1. I definitely love a good redemption story! It's one of my favorite themes!

  13. "it really felt like watching a friendship develop" - Yes! That's one of the things I've noticed about Thayne; a lot of her romantic relationships are like that, where the two people come to really like each other as well as being attracted physically and romantically.

    1. Definitely! I never like in a romance when the physical relationship happens too quickly. I like that Thayne always develops such great emotional connections.

  14. Sounds like a good series. I keep meaning to pick up on of this author's books!

    1. This is my 2nd book by her but it definitely won't be my last!

  15. I love that this one sounds so well fleshed out, both in story and characters. I will definitely have to give this series a try.
