It's Friday linkup time! I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.
This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you collect things that are book related? Like bookmarks, nameplates, 1st editions
My Answer:
Other than books themselves I really don't. It's not that I don't want to own more bookish stuff it's just that it doesn't seem to happen. I plan on turning one of the bedrooms in my house into a reading room and then the collection of all things bookish will be ON!
This week's book is The Naked Eye by Iris Johansen and Roy Johansen. I've been wanting to read a book by Iris Johansen for awhile so when a chance to participate in a book tour for her newest release I couldn't pass it up and I'm really glad I didn't! The review for this one will be up Monday but I've really enjoyed it so far and can't wait to see how it wraps up!
The Beginning:
She was floating, floating in a pool of blood.
No, now it had become a river of blood.
My Thoughts;
Well that's upbeat! No seriously that's quite a beginning. Given the change from pool to river I'm guessing this is a dream. If not the "she" in question is in serious trouble.
The 56:
Never mind the plastic tub and jugs of hydrochloric acid that were waiting in the cellar for her, Colby thought.
My Thoughts:
Well Colby sounds like bunches of fun. I think upon meeting someone for the first time your first question should be - do you have a basement? followed quickly by - "is it filled with jugs of hydrocholoric acid" because if the answer is yes you should avoid them.
Well that's upbeat! No seriously that's quite a beginning. Given the change from pool to river I'm guessing this is a dream. If not the "she" in question is in serious trouble.
The 56:
Never mind the plastic tub and jugs of hydrochloric acid that were waiting in the cellar for her, Colby thought.
My Thoughts:
Well Colby sounds like bunches of fun. I think upon meeting someone for the first time your first question should be - do you have a basement? followed quickly by - "is it filled with jugs of hydrocholoric acid" because if the answer is yes you should avoid them.
So what do you think? Keep reading? Should you avoid people with jugs of hydrocholoric acid stashed in their cellar?