
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Books I Want in My Beach Bag

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is the Top Ten Books I'd Like to Have in My Beach Bag.  When it comes to summer my attention span is on the short side.  Between the kids being out of school and Alabama heat and humidity long thought provoking books just aren't happening.   For summer reading I tend to reach for contemporary romance, romantic suspense and maybe a cozy mystery or two.  I don't love historical romances for summer because all the layers of clothes just sound hot!

1.  That Chesapeake Summer by Mariah Stewart - I enjoy this series and the last book was my favorite so far so I'm excited to see how this one goes.  I'm especially excited because I've been really curious about one of the main characters.

2.  The Silenced by Heather Graham - I love Heather Graham's books.  Even when they suffer from insta-love or some minor plo holes they're so much fun it makes up for it.

3.  Redemption Bay by RaeAnne Thayne - The first book in the series - Snow Angel Cove - was one my favorite of the Christmas romances I read and all kinds of intriguing comments were made about the main character of Redemption Bay.

4.  A Batter of Life and Death by Ellie Alexander - I absolutely loved the first mystery in the series and I can't wait to see what Jules is up to now.  I'll make sure to have a few pastries handy because I know this book will make me hungry!

5.  It's in His Kiss by Jill Shalvis - I'm not happy about it but I'm going to have to come to terms with the fact that the Lucky Harbor series is over and read the last trilogy.

6.  The Liar by Nora Roberts - It's the new one from Nora Roberts.  I really can't resist it.

7.  Murder at Beechwood by Alyssa Maxwell - A murder at a Newport mansion in the 1890s with lawn parties and sail boat races and all the rest.  Sounds perfect.

8.  All Lined Up by Cora Carmack - This sounds light and fluffy and fun.  I haven't read much (or really any) NA and this got great reviews.

9.  Sea Glass Sunrise by Donna Kauffman - I loved all the books in Kauffman's Blueberry Cove series and I'm excited to start this spin off series.

10. And One Last Thing... by Molly Harper - I loved the one Molly Harper book I read and this one looks just as fun.

So what does summer reading mean to you?


  1. You're not going to need a beach bag but a suitcase with wheels to carry all these - they look good, anyway ! Summer reading means... not reading much, when I'm always at my mom's taking care of her and of my daughters. But summer walks and visits of gardens are great too ;)

  2. I like mysteries in the sumer, or sitting around the campfire or on the deck on a lazy summer day. The Beechwood looks good, I like that timeframe and I agree, the lawn parties and races sound fun. Something about old wealth and murders. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ooooh! That new Nora Roberts looks fun!

  5. Yup! As soon as the nice weather comes out all I can think about is summer romances. Light, fluffy, cute, adorable, etc... That's what I love in my summer reading!
    Cora Carmack! YAY! I hope you get to it. So much love for her books.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  6. People always talk about summer reading as being lightweight, I guess because we are outside as opposed to on our couch reading and might be distracted. I go along with this because it feels right, even if here in So Cal we actually are outside more when it's not true summer (sun too hot). I made a list of my suspense mysteries for the summer because thought I read eclectic all year long, I love my mysteries!
    Re your book list: I would look for The Liar after hearing good buzz about it, and Mariah Stewart-- I used to always read her romantic suspense before she changed to small-town contemporaries-- and maybe Heather Graham because you and Kimba insist she is well worth picking up! :)

  7. The Liar is on my radar as well. Otherwise, well, I'm still on the fence about what to read that might be outside of my usual mystery reading. We vacation in the mountains usually. I'm not really a beach girl. However, give me a beautiful vista, a covered porch, some cool-ish temps (as opposed to what we get here in Texas in August), and plenty of books. I am so set. LOL

  8. Murder at Beachwood sounds like it could have potential! Great list!

    Check out my TTT.

  9. You've got some great sounding mysteries on here I need to check out!

  10. It's great that you are reading books that you know you'll love based on the author or past experiences. Beach reads are somehow always better for me and reading books I know I'll love is the right way to do things. I hope you have a lovely time reading all of these books.
    Summer reading means usually romance books or books I have had no time for until the summer has started. I finally get a little bit of a break in a few weeks when my semester ends so that's when the real summer fun starts!

  11. What a fun list of books, Katherine! I don't really differentiate my reading by the seasons--other than maybe a the occasional themed reading around Halloween or Christmas. It's always interesting though to see what everyone else will be reading.

  12. I read a lot romances in the sun too, as they are just so easy to pick up and put down and you don't need to overthink them. I'm hit and miss with NA but All Lined Up was a fun read and I thoroughly enjoyed. And I would love to try a Nora Roberts book this summer as *whispers* I have never read one :O

  13. Great List. I love Nora Roberts as well. I've never read Mariah Stewart but what a beautiful cover.

  14. Oh no! I want them all...every one of these books look great.

  15. I haven't read any of these, but I'm always up for something new for the summer. Have a great rest of your week!

  16. I don't know alot of these, but I really liked All Lined Up! I love contemp romances, so I'm going to look some of these up! :D

  17. A little light, a little dark - and all quick reads. Perfect for the summer!

  18. These look like fun reads I'd enjoy. Great list!

  19. All Lined Up by Cora Carmack was amazing, I could not put it down! I love your picks and thanks for stopping by! :D

  20. Great list. I love Jill Sharvis for summer reading. How can you go wrong. Here's to a great summer of books!

  21. I'm not familiar with most of these authors, at least on a personal level. But I have heard a lot of great things about most of them! I hope you enjoy them all and they look like great summer reads!

  22. Ooh, can I borrow your beach bag when you're done with these? I enjoyed Redemption Bay, definitely want to read The Liar, and would love to try Jill Shalvis and Mariah Stewart. And you can't go wrong with cozy mysteries on vacation!

  23. Oh my gosh. That's one of my favorite books from Harper. It's different than her others but was lovely. Hope you enjoy it!
