
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fat Girl Walking - Review

Fat Girl Walking: Sex, Food, Love and Being Comfortable in Your Skin... Every Inch of It by Brittany Gibbons

Rating: 4 Stars
Source: Edelweiss

Description:  Brittany Gibbons from the blog Brittany Herself shares snapshots of her life including living with a father who suffered a traumatic brain injury, surviving high school, dropping out of college, pushing through anxiety, becoming a wife and mother and most of all learning to love herself in her own skin.

Genre: Nonfiction/Memoir

Why I Picked This Book:  I've enjoyed her blog - Brittany Herself - for a couple of years and couldn't pass on the book.

My Impression:
I feel like a comparison to Jenny Lawson (aka The Bloggess) is inevitable.  Both she and Brittany are bloggers with a pretty off the wall sense of humor, both have had their struggles with anxiety and depression, and both have husbands who ground them.  However, they have distinctly different voices and focuses (and Lawson talks about taxidermy a lot more).
There's a lot of talk about this book being "hilarious" and "laugh out loud funny" and I'm not sure I agree.  There's a lot more here than just funny.  There's learning to deal with parents who aren't in ideal situations, desperately trying to find a place to fit in in high school, finding the right guy and being terrified you'll lose him, and trying to balance to two very different self images of being a wife and a mom.  Mostly it's Brittany finding her voice and taking the readers along for the ride.  Brittany is funny.  I loved her sarcastic comments and appreciation for irony but most of all I really loved her honesty.
The really good thing about this book is I think it's easy to relate too.  The message is a good one regardless of your weight, marriage status or number of children.  And Brittany delivers it in a way that is honest and with just the right amount of humor.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Yes definitely!  I'll continue following her blog and if this book comes out in audio with Brittany doing the reading I'll be picking it up as well.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Yes. I think anyone who has looked in the mirror and been less than thrilled with what was looking back would enjoy this one.

Challenges Met?


  1. Taxidermy ?!! It's the last word I expected to see here, LOL ! Nevertheless, that books really interests me - especially at a time of the year where diets are flourishing everywhere, I'm adding it to my list; Thanks for making me discover it :)

    1. You don't expect memoirs to have taxidermy? Weird :). I like both though they're really different.

  2. I am not familiar with Brittany Gibbons, but I do follow Jenny Lawson's blog (and really enjoyed her book). I will have to see if I can get this one on audio. Your description of the book has me curious. Off to check out Brittany's blog . . .

    1. Okay . . Now I remember her. I've seen mention of her on Facebook, but I never paid much attention. I am going to go ahead and get her book from Audible with one of my free credits. :-)

    2. I think this would be great on audio!

  3. Sounds interesting. I'm not familiar with Brittany but you make me want to go check her blog out.

    1. I like her blog though it's mostly focused on her book right now

  4. I am not familiar with Brittany Gibbons or Jenny Lawson but I will put this on my to read shelf and check out Jenny Lawson's blog as well. What a great review! My to read shelf has grown thanks to your great reviews!

    1. You must check out Jenny Lawson! She's hilarious. Brittany isn't quite as out there but I love her attitude and outlook .

  5. This is the first I've heard of her, but I think I'd enjoy this book. I think most women have spent a decent amount of time uncomfortable in their own skin, so seeing someone talking about those challenges along with other life challenges in a fun, sometimes sarcastic way, appeals. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I know it's something I struggle with still. I found it really helpful to see how she dealt with everything and her attitude is fantastic without being sweet.

  6. I haven't heard of Brittany Gibbons before, but the message of learning to feel comfortable in your own skin is one I'm still working on -- at just over fifty.

    1. (Argh, hit "publish" before I meant to.) I should probably read this; it sounds as though it might be helpful.
