
Sunday, May 24, 2015

This Week in Reading - May 24

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Summer at the Shore by V.K. Sykes - I cannot resist a bed and breakfast book and this one was no exception! (NetGalley)

Mussled Out by Barbara Ross - I loved the 2nd one in this series so much that I immediately bought the 1st book (which of course I haven't read) so I was really excited to win this one in a giveaway hosted by Mark over at Carstairs Considers.  (Giveaway)

Trust No One by Jayne Ann Kretnz - I've been on the waitlist for this one at the library for what seems like forever so I was excited when I got the email saying my copy was available.  Now I just have to make sure I read it before I have to send it back.  (Library)


Reading:  Fat Girl Walking by Brittany Gibbons, The Dead Room by Heather Graham, Savor the Moment by Nora Roberts, and Frenchman's Creek by Daphne du Maurier

Listening: Nothing.  It's been a crazy week and I haven't had much time to listen.  I don't expect to be listening to audio books much this summer.

Watching: My regular shows are wrapping up but J and I have been watching Deadliest Catch.  We started watching it during the 2nd season or so and I still love it.  I have no idea why it appeals to me since I don't like cold, I don't like fishing, I'm not really sold on boats and I'm not a huge fan of crab but I never miss an episode.

Off the Blog:

The Tornado letting his butterfly go at his PreK butterfly day

Emma with a couple of her friends after graduation.

So this week the Tornado became a Kindergartner in a Hungry Caterpillar themed day where they acted out the book, had caterpillar type snacks and then released butterflies that were part of their life cycle science project.  Then Emma graduated in a ridiculously long ceremony.  It was exciting but I expect to be more excited when she leaves for college in August.  Then Eleanor turned 20 and we all went out to dinner and she got a few little gifts including a Game of Thrones coloring book which I was pretty proud of myself for finding.  Paul finished up his junior year and has been enjoying being done with school.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: The Poppy Factory - Fiction Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Books I Want in My Beach Bag
Wednesday: TBD
Thursday: TBD
Friday: Friday linkups with current book
Saturday: TBD but something food related.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Wow, the cover of Summer at the Shore, certainly looks summery! So tempting and such a carefree image - which is kinda weird as we're heading into winter now here in Australia!

    Have a good week.

  2. Looks like a great week! I'm not watching anything right now, other than amazing Race sporadically (and I missed the finale so still don't know who won).

    Trust No One sounds nice and suspenseful, hope it's good. Have a great holiday weekend!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Summer at the Shore attracts, I am sure I would enjoy. I did love Trust No One - audiobook. I also enjoyed Savor the Moment - typical NR but always enjoy her. Love the pics.

  5. All change in your house so but at least now you have a summer to get used to it all. The cover of Summer on the Shore just makes me want to plonk myself down on a lounger in the sun and read it. Hope you enjoy all your new books.

  6. I cannot imagine having children so wide ranging in age. It must keep you either young or really tired!
    We used to watch Deadliest Catch. I used to marvel at the guys having all that cold water sweep over them and down their coveralls and such. It looks so uncomfortable and hard.
    I think it was the only reality TV I watched.

  7. Your children's activities are so varied. ,must be keeping you on the hop!

  8. Lots of events this last week with your kiddos. 'Tis the season, right? Love the pictures. Have a good week!

  9. My husband watches Deadliest Catch - I usually just read when he puts it on - not really my cup of tea! Congrats on all the goings on with your kids - that moving up ceremony for your little guy sounded really cute!

    Have a great week!

  10. Sounds like a busy week! The pictures you shared are lovely. Have a nice week ahead.

  11. Wow what a busy week! How cute they released butterflies those are so cool to watch and I love when the little ones do that, both my kids did it was fun to watch.

    I use to love Deadliest catch, I was always a nervous wreck watching it worried those guy would fall off the boat. It look so dangerous.

    Love the pictures, Have a great week Katherine! Happy Reading oxox

  12. Your family is at so many different stages of life. I love that!

  13. Summer at the Shore looks so tempting! Congrats to the graduates....and enjoy your new week.


  14. Such an exciting and eventful week! Summer at the Shore looks like a perfect book for the long holiday weekend.

  15. Lots of family milestones, Katherine! And all very nice ones. I want to get back to your posts from this last week. I didn't do much blog hopping so want to catch up. We'll see how well I do . . . LOL

    Have a great reading week. You've got lots of good books started.

  16. Sounds like a week full of wonderful celebrations, Katherine! Enjoy Trust No One - it was fun. Although I wish I remembered more of it - I devoured it in a single sitting because it had to go back to the library, and didn't even have a chance to write a review. Oh, well, I can always read it again!

  17. How cute, such a fun time letting his butterfly go. Kids bring magic to everything, don't they? Wow, one out of kindergarten and one off to college! And I love all of your books. Musseled Out is one I'll be checking out ASAP:)
    My Sunday Post -

  18. You have had a crazy busy month. Lots of changes for you. I love your commitment to blogging and giving me suggestions for reading material! Great photos of your kids, thanks for sharing it's us.

  19. You do have as many books on the go as I do. It happens. But I hope we don't get into a slump.
    Summer at the Shore sounds perfect for, well, summer. I'll definitely be looking at for your review.
    The high school teachers around here have been on strike for about 6 weeks now. School here doesn't end till the end of June, so this strike is obviously going to affect that. I have cousins in high school, one is graduating, so it doesn't really affect him. But the one in grade 11, well I don't know how that's going to go.
    I'm sure the gang is happy to be on summer break. Seems like you guys will have a fun summer ahead of you!

  20. Trust No One was good and so was Musseled Out which was grittier than I expect from a cozy.

    Congrats to Emma and the Tornado on their respective graduations, busy week indeed! Make sure to take a few minutes for yourself. :)

  21. I enjoy Bed and Breakfast type books too. I have a few waiting on my Kindle for me.

    Have a great week!

  22. Oh I can't wait to see what you think of Trust No One it sounds really good and I admit I haven't ever read that picked three of her books up in a bundle for $6 at the used bookstore I went too. :) Can't wait to give her a try. :)


  23. What an eventful week you had and your book looks awesome :)


  24. Congratulations to both Emma and Tornado! Kindergarten already? It doesn't seem possible. I love the butterfly release idea. One of my coworker's son's is graduating from high school this next month. It's her only child and she doesn't know whether to be happy or sad. Happy Birthday to Eleanor. What a busy week you've had! I hope you have a wonderful week, Katherine.
