
Sunday, May 17, 2015

This Week in Reading - 5/17

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Last Camellia by Sarah Jio

The Scarlet Feather by Maeve Binchey

Truth or Dare by Jayne Ann Krentz
I won the giveaway hosted by Rita over at View From My Home and these were the three I picked.  All three are authors I've really enjoyed and am wanting to read more from so I'm excited!

D.I.Y Cookbook from America's Test Kitchen - This cookbook is all about making condiments and pickled things and relishes and all that kind of thing.  I'm not sure if I'll be making prosciutto anytime soon but I'm hoping to tackle the jams chapter soon. (Purchased)

The Art of Sinning by Sabrina Jeffries - The latest from one of my favorite authors and the first in a new series.  (NetGalley)


Reading:  Alice's Portrait by Juliette Harper for a blog tour this week.  I read the first two in the series early this week and LOVED them!  The Body in the Birches by Katherine Hall Page and Savor the Moment by Nora Roberts.

Listening: I'm almost done with Bossypants and am not sure what I'm going to get next or if I'm going to get anything.  With summer coming up my audiobook time will probably take a hit.

Watching:  J and I discovered Happyish on Showtime a couple of weeks ago and are really enjoying it.  Other than that I'm recording a lot of movies like Holiday with Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant and The Alphabet Murder and others in the classic realm but haven't actually watched any of them yet.

Off the Blog:

We have a busy week behind us and a busy one ahead.  The Tornado had his PreK program this past week which was adorable and Emma finished her senior finals and is officially done with high school.  Her graduation is coming up and while I'm looking forward to seeing her graduate I'm not looking forward to the ceremony as it will be looong.  Her class is around 600 kids so I plan on having my phone charged up so I can play on Pinterest or something,. Eleanor's birthday is also this week and it looks like she'll be able to come to town this week to celebrate.  Paul is really the only one without a big event but since school will be ending I think he's okay with that.

How am I just now discovering J. Crew Factory?  I love J. Crew's shorts but never wanted to pay J. Crew prices but then I stumbled on this website and am very happy.

Starting this week the Tornado will be out of school and I'm scrambling to figure out what we're going to do.  I don't want to entertain him the entire time as he needs to play on his own but I do want to do some fun things.  I'm thinking lots of hiking and scavenger hunts this year.  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

Tuesday: Top Ten Authors I'd Like to Meet
Wednesday: If Only - Fiction Review
Thursday: The Sussex Downs Murder - Classic Mystery Review
Friday: Friday Linkups featuring Henrietta Who?
Saturday: Cookie Love - Cookbook Review

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Just One Taste - Contemporary Romance Review
Tuesday: Ten Things I've Learned From Cozy Mysteries
Wednesday: Alice's Portrait - Fiction Blog Tour Review
Thursday: Henrietta Who? - Classic Mystery Review
Friday: Friday Linkups featuring current book
Saturday: Get Your Bake On - Cookbook Review

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Sarah Jio, I haven't read any of her stuff yet but I know her recent book about the bookstore was popualr, and sounded good. I kinda wanted to try it. And America's Test Kitchen- we love that show. Just watched it today- i like that farmhouse they use. :)

    Have a great weekend and good luck with all the busyness- it's that time of year. :)

    1. I'm not sure I've ever watched one of the shows though I do love their recipes. I'll definitely have to watch one - to see the farmhouse if nothing else!

  2. Hi Katherine,

    I haven't read the Sarah Jio book, but it does sound rather good, with an intriguing storyline.

    Maeve Binchy is always a favourite of mine and although I haven't read 'The Scarlet Feather', I do have a physical copy of it on my bookshelves.

    It sounds as though you will have plenty of time sitting around to fit in a few pages of reading, so enjoy!

    Enjoy all your family celebrations :)


    1. I'm excited about both of these. I haven't read any Binchey but I've been wanting to for awhile and I've loved the Sarah Jio I've read.

  3. I remember watching that Katharine Hepburn/Cary Grant movie years ago, the golden age of American comedy - I had a huge crush on Cary Grant ;) 600 hundred kids in that class ?! Oh yes, it's going to be a long graduation, have fun with Pinterest ! Enjoy your book haul and your family, have a great week ;)

    1. I love Cary Grant! He's a fantastic comedic actor. Philadelphia Story is probably my favorite but it's been years since I watched Holiday so I'm excited.

  4. I didn't graduate in US myself while I was an exchange student there, but I did attend a couple of graduation ceremonies and yeah, those were SO LONG! I was in the "smallest high school of the area" and the graduating class was still about 600 students... A couple of years after that when I graduated myself here in Finland and listened to my family complain how long the ceremony for a 200 student group would be I just wanted to laugh :D

    I hope you have a good Sunday and good luck with preparing to the graduation :)

    1. Yeah 200 is child's play! I will need a TBR luck I can get.

  5. Nice win, I LOVE The Scarlet Feather so I hope you'll enjoy that one. Your plans for the summer sound like a lot of fun. I mentioned geocaching this week on my post, have you ever thought of doing that. It would be hiking and scavenger hunts combined into one outing and I bet the Tornado would love it.

  6. I've been wanting to read 'Bossypants' for a while, it sounds like a really fun read! All of your upcoming reads sound really good, I hope you enjoy them. And I think you've got a busy week ahead of you! I hope your next week is even better :)
    My Sunday Post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  7. I love the cover of The Last Camellia.

    And enjoy the Krentz novel. I like most of her work!

  8. You do have some busy times coming up. Graduations are so sweet/bittersweet. Here's hoping all goes well and you come up with some fun summer activities for your little one. I have read a couple of Sarah Jio's books, but not that one yet. And I've also read a lot of Maeve Binchy, but, again, not that one. Will look forward to hearing what you think. Also looking forward to your Top 10 this week - clever topic.

  9. I love Sarah Jio! I have read most of her books and will put The Last Camellia on my to read shelf. Maeve Binchy is a favorite of mine as well. Have a good week.

  10. The only Sarah Jio I've read is Violets of March, but it was very good. Hope you like The Last Camellia. And you can never go wrong with America's Test Kitchen! Hope you survive your busy (but exciting) week :)

  11. Hiking and scavenger hunts sounds perfect for summer!

  12. A local restaurant made their own prosciutto -- it was metallic tasting. In other words - very, very tricky!

  13. I remember loving The Scarlet Feather...Binchy always had a way of wrapping me up in her settings and her characters.

    I enjoyed The Last Camellia, but it wasn't my favorite by this author. It was a little confusing at times. Hope you enjoy it, though.


  14. Great choices and awesome win! Sounds like you'll be keeping in shape with the little one this summer!

    My Sunday Post -

  15. I love to visit you and find out new ideas. J. Crew Factory--yea! Happyish sounds good, but I don't have Showtime so if I can stream it somewhere else at a later date. And I have always wanted to be more kitchen-friendly and make relishes, pickles, jams etc, you know, back to basics. I had a bread machine in past years since I just couldn't make fresh dough with any success at all (too much like science) and also I tried canning jam with a basic gizmo they sell and I didn't trust the shelf-length of mine so I chilled them all and gave up, lol! I would like to make sweet or savory relishes though. Thanks for the book title.

  16. Congrats on your win! I read The Scarlet Feather but not the others. The Last Camellia has a lovely cover. :)

    Oh congrats to your daughter! But that does sound like a long ceremony, eep. I'd be tempted to pull out my ereader but I suppose a phone is a bit more tactful. :D

    Hikes and scavenger hunts sound fun. Maybe some backyard camping? Long bike rides? Working in the garden? I don't doubt you'll be busy, but I hope you get some reading time too. :)

  17. Bossypants is the best. I haven't gotten to Yes Please yet. But I absolutely loved Bossypants.
    If the weather is good I hope you can get outside a lot with the Tornado. Are you in a neighbourhood with kids around his age? 600 kids? :O I hope you got some e-books on your phone too. Congrats Emma! Big day!
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  18. What a wonderful trio of books you won! I've not read any of them but always enjoy Krentz, and have heard good things about the other two.

    Congratulations to Emma and to the Tornado! Happy birthday to Eleanor! And happy summer/school's letting out to Paul!

    Re what to do with the Tornado over the summer - are there any science museums or children's museums in your area? State or national parks with children's programs? Really cool playgrounds? Any of those would make fun outings. And I bet he'd love Bea's idea of backyard camping - or even just having a "campfire" in one of those portable firepits and toasting marshmallows. (Well supervised, of course.) Building toys like Megablocks or Legos, Knex, and Tinker Toys might be popular, and you could also try Perplexus Rookie - my nephew loved the next one up, though he was a little older than the Tornado. You will find plenty to do together, I'm sure!

  19. You would be amazed how quickly they get 600 kids up and off stage.I love Krentz, congrats on your win. Hikes are fun, and let him make projects, tend his own garden, collect bugs and learn to swim.

  20. What a great win you had there. Good books! Sounds like you have lots going on in your life now, balancing so many schedules must be challenging. I am looking forward to Bossypants, on the list for it. Funny thing, Tina Fey grew up in Upper Darby near Philly, where I grew up. But she is years younger than me 😀

  21. Congrats to the high school graduate! Love Sarah Jio's books as well as Jayne Anne Krentz's. Have a great week.

  22. A congratulations to your senior graduating soon. What a wonderful accomplishment. My 10 year old is graduating fifth grade in 11 days. A bit bittersweet as we're moving out of the city, but it's funny how she'll be going to another elementary school that is actually K-6 (the old school way), so she'll be graduating again.

  23. Congrats to Emma! I really hate long programs too. You might want to bring a book to read. Lol! Have a great week ♥

