
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Alice's Portrait - Blog Tour Review + Giveaway

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Welcome to the tour for Alice's Portrait by Juliette Harper! This is a sci-fantasy novel that is adult but clean and appropriate for young adult readers. 
Alice's Portrait by Juliette Harper
A year after Kate, Jenny, and Mandy Lockwood inherit The Rocking L, the sisters try to concentrate on their collective and individual futures. In the previous book in The Lockwood Legacy series, Baxter’s Draw, the women made startling discoveries about their father’s secrets, but are mistaken in their belief that everything has now come to light. In Alice’s Portrait, the ghosts of Langston Lockwood’s past once again confront his daughters, forcing them to re-evaluate their understanding of their father and of what it means to be a Lockwood.


My Review:

I can't really review this book without talking about the series as a whole because each book blends easily to the next and I couldn't stop reading!  My favorite of the 3 was the first - Langston's Daughters (which is free if you have a Kindle.  Go here and I'll be surprised if you're not going back to get Baxter's Draw.) but Alice's Portrait comes in a close second.  While unraveling all of Langston's secrets was page turning and incredibly entertaining what really made this book was the characters.  The three sisters are so different it would have been very easy to make them caricatures but instead Harper made them complex and multi-faceted.  I loved seeing Jenny and Kate's relationship and how they tried to protect Mandy who really was quite capable of taking care of herself.  We don't see too much of Mandy and Joe in this entry into the series but there was so much going on it worked.  Alice's Portrait like the other 2 is only about 150 pages so really all read can be read as a longish book.  I rated Alice's Portrait 4 stars, Baxter's Draw 3.5 stars, and Langston's Daughter 4.5 stars. I loved all of these characters and given the end of Alice's Portrait (which resolved all the current mysteries but made it possible for another to start) I'm hoping there will be a 4th book.  I don't want this to be my last visit with the Lockwood sisters!



Juliette Harper is the pen name used by the writing team of Patricia Pauletti and Rana K. Williamson. Like the characters of their debut series, The Lockwood Legacy, Juliette is a merging of their creative energies. Pauletti, an Easterner of Italian descent, is an accomplished musician with an eye for art and design. Williamson, a Texan from a long line of hardheaded Scots, knows the world of the Lockwoods like the back of her hand.“We decided to write under a pen name because neither one of us by ourselves could have created Kate, Jenny, Mandy, and their world,” says Pauletti. “Juliette is a little bit of us both. We want to be her when we grow up.”

“Patti teases me that I just don’t want to own up to writing a book with romance in it,” Williamson adds, “but that’s not true. I like the Lockwood women and the way they tackle everything life throws at them. And before we’re done, they’ll be ducking a lot. I imagine coming into the office every day and saying, ‘Okay Juliette, what’s going to happen now?’ She tells us, and we get it down on paper.”

AUTHOR ONLINE: Website | Goodreads | Twitter
The author will be giving away $100 Amazon Gift Card (INT) to the winner of the below Rafflecopter.  The giveaway ends May 20th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway  

This event was organized by CBB Book Promotions.


  1. Thanks, Katherine and "Juliette"! I'm intrigued by the Texas ranch setting, the sisters, and also why this is described as sci-fantasy by you. Sounds well worth reading and I appreciate the chance at winning too. :)

    1. Hi Rita. I think there must be some misunderstanding on categorization. This book is hardly sci fi / fantasy! I do write a paranormal series, so perhaps that's where the mix-up came in? Amazon calls these books "westerns," but I think of them as contemporary fiction. And really? Genres? ARGH!! :-)

  2. I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed this! Thank you so much for hosting a tour stop and sharing your thoughts!

  3. Seems like there might also be a strong focus on sisters and their relationships. I don't have a sister but I'm always jealous when I read about sisters. Well only when they get along and don't hate each other. Lol.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  4. I love books about families especially sisters. I am going to click on the link to download the first book. Thanks for sharing the link- what a great idea!

  5. What a cool giveaway. I would want to read the series though. Great review.
