
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Inspiring Book Quotes

Today's Top Tuesday topic hosted by The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Inspiring Book Quotes.  Of all the topics I've come across in the time I've been doing this meme this is by far the most challenging.  I'm not a huge quote person when I'm reading and tend to not remember actual lines from the book.  So after some thinking and pulling out favorite books this is what I came up with:

1.  "Good for her, not for me" Yes Please by Amy Poehler - I love this quote!  I love the way of thinking that while something is good for one person doesn't mean it will work for someone else and that's okay!

2.  "The impossible could not have happened therefore the impossible but be possible in spite appearances." Hercule Poirot from Murrder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie - In one sentence this sums up the beauty of Agatha's books!

3.  "Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to believe.  It's splendid to think there are so many of them in the world" Anne from Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

4. "Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it" Sara Stanley in The Story Girl by L.M. Montgomery - this is one of my favorite Montgomery books and one of my absolute favorite quotes.

5. "My name is Inigo Montoya.  You killed my father.  Prepare to Die" Princess Bride by William Goldman - okay so I'm really getting this from the movie but I can't think of anything I've ever quoted more!

6.  "My imagination will get me a passport to hell one day" East of Eden by John Steinbeck - Yep - so true.

7. "Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents." Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.  I've said this for various reason for years and really didn't actually know this came from Little Women!

8.  "There are few people who I love and still fewer of whom I think well." Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

9.  "Some things in life you can't control. You can make it a party or a tragedy." Vision in White by Nora Roberts

10.  "I can think of no greater bliss than to lie about, reading novels all day." Ten Things I Love About You by Julia Quinn - Neither can I, neither can I!

What are your favorite quotes?  Do you look for quotes while reading?


  1. Great quotes! You're right, that one does sum up Agatha Christie's books beautifully and especially Murder on the Orient Express! I didn't think of Anne of Green Gables quotes but good choice! I love that book so much!
    I haven't even heard of The Story Girl but now I'm going to look into it!

    1. You must read The Story Girl! It's absolutely wonderful! The characters are wonderful.

  2. You have some great quotes here. I love the Anne of Green Gables one. There are some of these I am going to have to read.
    Great list! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you! Anne is so amazingly quotable I could have done the list just on her!

  3. Love, love, love your quotes. And I'm enjoying reading what others have selected. Quite the eclectic list, naturally. Inigo Montoya - Princess Bride - such a movie. We've used the quote that Carol Kane yelled, "Liar!!", with just her inflections for years. LOL

    1. Oh I love the Liar! Line! We use that as well as the "you mean this gate key?" I'm wanting to rewatch the movie now! This wasn't my favorite list to do but it's been one of my favorites to read!

  4. Oh that Julia Quinn quote! Absolutely. That would be the perfect life, wouldn't it?

    1. It does sound lovely! This isn't my favorite Quinn but it's one of my favorite quotes!

  5. #5 always makes me smile. I love that line. And #10 is so true! I enjoyed reading your list of quotes, Katherine. I'm terrible at writing down ones I like too.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't save quotes! I could resist #5 even though it is cheating a little since I haven't actually read the book!

  6. Love how Jane Austen and John Steinbeck are always so quotable!

  7. So many beautiful quotes!!! :) Number 4 is just amazing

    1. Thank you! #4 is probably my favorite. It doesn't hurt that it's one of my favorite books!

  8. I can definitely relate to number 10! The thinking behind number 1 is fantastic, acknowledging someone's else success or well-being while understanding that it's not right for you. Clear, calm, reasonable and generous. You found some good quotes.

    1. That was my favorite part of Yes Please. I thought Amy did such a good job explaining it. I think there needs to be more of that thinking in the world.

  9. I LOVE that Anne of Green Gables quote!

  10. Wonderful quotes! The Anne quote is one of my favorites, and I love the one from Julia Quinn! The one from Pride and Prejudice made me chuckle.

    1. I can definitely relate to the Pride and Prejudice quote! Some days more than others! I love the Quinn quote. It isn't my favorite book but I just love the line.

  11. That Anne quote just makes me happy, as does The Little Women one. And I have heard the AC quote but somehow always thought it was Sherlock who said it. Ooophs!

    1. I'm sure Sherlock said something similar. He and Poirot have very similar methods.

  12. Oh Amy Poehler - giving us even more reason to love her than we already do! Also, I absolutely adore that quote from The Story Girl - so beautiful.

    1. The quote definitely made me want to want to be friends with Amy even more!

  13. That P&P quote is very true, truer some days than others. The Princess Bride is probably one of the most quoted movies ever.

    1. Oh definitely! Thankfully today wasn't one of those days but I'm sure one will show up soon!

  14. Ah, Inigo Montoya. We went around saying that to each other for years! Made me laugh!

    1. Princess Bride is such a great movie! We quote something from it at least once a week!

  15. These are great quotes - I especially love the ones from Anne of Green Gables and The Story Girl - two of my favourite books! And Murder on the Orient Express, of course!

    1. Oh I'm so glad someone else loves The Story Girl. It's one of my absolute favorites!

  16. Such a wonderful mix of genres and quotes Katherine. I have read almost all of these.

    1. Thank you! Once I got started I had a lot of fun with this list!

  17. Great quotes! I loved reading this post.

  18. Great list! I loooove the one from The Story Girl! And the Anne of Green Gables one is great too. And oh my goodness, my love for Amy Poehler deepens after that quote- SO true. And of course, I agree with you on the last one ;)
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. The Amy Poehler quote makes me very happy! I could do with a day spent laying around reading novels!

  19. I don't follow TTT, but I have visited a lot of TTT posts this week because I have loved seeing everyone's favorite quotes! The Princess Bride, East of Eden, Anne of Green Gables, and Little Women are all books I adored. :)

    1. Oh thank you! This wasn't my favorite TTT to write but it's been such fun to read everyone's quotes!

  20. I love that Amy Poehler quote! I try to remind myself that every time I start to compare myself to others. I try to make my brain shut up and think "good for her, not for me" instead. :)

  21. I don't really take notice of quotes either. I wish I did. There are definitely times I remember to mark one down. But most the ones I have saved somewhere are Harry Potter. Lol.
    I whole heartily agree Julia Quinn. I wish I could do that all day every day.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  22. Oh yeah, a lot of these would appear on my list, too, if I made one!
