
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Gummi Bears Should Not Be Organic - Review

Gummi Bears Should Not Be Organic: And Other Opinions I Can't Back Up With Facts by Stefanie Wilder-Taylor

Rating: 3.5 Stars
Source: NetGalley

Description:  Really the title says it all here!  This is Stefanie Wilder-Taylor's take on all the trends, studies and opinions that surround parenting today.

Genre: Nonfiction

Why I Picked This Book: I've really enjoyed her previous books and the title made me giggle.

My Impression:  Having teenagers and a preschooler there's not many sections of parenting that I haven't been involved in.  Well except maybe dance because as a family we're not particularly graceful but I had friends in dance so I heard their stories.  We did our share plus more of sports and other organized activities and I've spent plenty of time on PTA boards, as chair of something or other for various schools and sitting in parks listening to mothers like the ones Stefanie rants about. Needless to say I could relate to a lot of these stories!  She explains the struggle to find a balance between protecting your kids and letting them make their own mistakes and learn how to do things on their own very well and with a good dash of humor.  There are also some pretty funny chapters on yoga pants, "gifted" kids, parks and other places she hates, and making friends.  While she's definitely on the snarky side I do love that it feels like she genuinely loves her kids and enjoys spending time with them.  I always get a little squeamish when humor comes across as mean - especially involving children.

There are a few flaws. At times it the writing feels a little forced and there's a feeling of repetitiveness throughout some of the chapters.  Since this is such a quick read that didn't keep me from enjoying this book especially since that's a fairly common issue I have with most humor books.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?:  While this wasn't my favorite book of hers I did enjoy it and I really liked her previous books so I'll definitely be on the lookout for more of hers.  Plus I already have her previous book, I'm Kind of a Big Deal, sitting on my shelf.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  I'd definitely recommend this author especially to parents of younger kids though I'd probably recommend Sippy Cups are Not for Chardonnay or It's Not Me, It's You over this one.

Challenges Met?  Alphabet Soup (G)


  1. I love it when a book is snarky but you can feel the love through the pages :) Oh, by the way, we have organic gummy bears at home :p ;)

    1. Lol on the gummy bears! I'm not sure I've ever had organic gummy beard but I'll have to try them!

  2. I read so many wonderful books on parenting when I had teens. Such a comfort!!

    1. It's definitely a comfort to know you're not alone with all the parenting craziness!

  3. I love the title and there is so much overwhelming information for parents out there today that I can appreciate the humor in this.

  4. The title cracked me up and she does a lot of expressing my thoughts on all the information overload!

  5. Not a subject I know about since I don't have kids, but it sounds informative for parents.

  6. LOL The title totally made me laugh. Not one for me since I don't have kids but she sounds like a fun one :)

  7. I love the title, it's an attention grabber for sure. That's too bad about the repetitiveness but the snark sounds fun.

  8. The title made me smile! I know exactly what you mean about mean humour that involves children.

  9. I love the title and it does make me want to read this one. I haven't tried anything else by this author. I imagine since my daughter is so young still I am not quite there yet for some of the stories covered, but it might be interested just the same.
