
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Food52 Genius Recipes - Cookbook Review

Food52 Genius Recipes: 100 Recipes That Will Change the Way You Cook by Kristin Miglore, Amanda Hesser, and Merrill Stubbs

Food52 Genius Recipes seeks to be more than just another cookbook but a book of recipes from culinary giants that will change the way we cook.  There are recipes from Nigella Lawson, Julia Child, Marcella Hazan, James Beard and a whole host of other famous names.

I have mixed feelings about this one.  On one hand I loved the format.  For each recipe there's a detailed explanation for why the recipe is deemed genius and a little information about the chef and what was going on in the culinary world when the recipe was developed.   There are a number of recipes that I'm interested in trying including - Marcella Hazan's Tomato Sauce with Butter and Onion, Nigella Lawson's Dense Chocolate Loaf Cake, Marie-Helene's Apple Cake from Dorie Greenspan and several others .  I gave Penelope Casas' Garlic Green Bean recipe a try a few nights ago and it was kind of life changing.  Instead of the very regimented method of cooking green beans that I have used in the past this was a little more hands off with a good 10 minutes cooking covered on the stove with only the occasional stirring.  The result?  Pretty amazing.  They didn't have the almost waxy squeak that green beans can have nor were they cooked to mush.  They were soft but still had texture and the flavor was green beans and garlic but nicely mellowed to an almost caramelized flavor.  This will most definitely be my new way to cook green beans since the results are tastier and the method is easier!

 On the other hand, this doesn't feel like a cookbook I would use regularly.  While there is are 100 recipes I wouldn't deem most of them particularly family friendly or conducive to weeknight cooking. I do think this would be an invaluable book to vegetarians who like to cook and want some new recipes as the vegetarian options seemed to outweigh the other categories.

Verdict?  Interesting cookbook with some intriguing recipes but probably not a must buy for me.

I'm linking up with Weekend Cooking hosted by Beth Fish Reads


  1. This is one I wanted to get through the blogging for books program. If it's still available I will grab it. I know what you mean about an intriguing cookbook that you won't use that often, but is nice enough to keep around.

    The library is my friend on these occasions, haha! Nice review, Katherine.

  2. It's interesting that there are so many vegetarian recipes. My sister-in-law is a really good cook, I bet she would like this.

  3. I've never seen the mention of that squeakiness of crisp-tender green beans, but I hate that! Just not as much as I hate overcooked green beans, so I really need to try that green beans recipe!

  4. I've seen a few reviews of this book and I've pretty much decided that this looks like a library book to me. I'd love to see the recipes, but I'm not totally convinced that I'd actually use them much.

    1. I'm no. 4 on the digital copy wait list at the library ... It'll be a while before it comes around to me

  5. Is this the one that has the grilled cheese recipe that uses mayo instead of butter to cook? Maybe I'm getting it mixed up with another one. I love fresh green beans, but don't cook them often as my husband does not like them. I have to be in the mood to want to eat them myself for several days. However, I might need to take a look at this book just to see what the 'secret' is.

  6. I love the look of this book but I understand what you mean about recipes you might not use that much. There is a Food 52 pop up shop in NYC that I want to check out because I like their aesthetic.

  7. I do like green beans, but you're right, they can taste a little waxy. Since I don't cook I'll have to look up this recipe and pass it on to the people that cook for me. I want to taste what a life changing green bean tastes like.
    Yay for Emma! Don't Look Back is soooo good. I really think you'll love it too. The mystery and suspense is thrilling. Plus the romance is totally swoon worthy.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  8. Hmm - I was hoping "will change the way you cook" would mean make cooking infinitely simpler and easier....sounds like most of the recipes weren't like that (except the green beans, which do sound really yummy)!

  9. I'll have to look for this at the library. The green beans recipe sounds good and I'm interested in discovering a few other "life-changing" vegetarian recipes. :)

  10. Don't think I'd buy the book, but sounds like an interesting read. Maybe the library. I did try a new way of cooking green beans with garlic just now, based on what you wrote.

  11. Intriguing, I've now ordered it from the library. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  12. Oo that sounds like the book for me then since I'm a veggie :D

  13. I'm no culinary expert, but for some reason, I collect cookbooks and watch cooking shows all the time. (lol) This sounds like a fun one to check out, but complicated recipes are the pits for everyday cooking, so I'm not sure i would purchase it. You give a really good review that i really enjoyed. hugs...

  14. Maybe I'm odd but I like it when green beans squeak! Glad you found a new way to cook them though, I always get very chuffed when I find a new way to cook a basic vegetable.

  15. I put it on hold at the library just so I can have that green bean recipe. LOL! I love the idea of books like these but I've had to stop myself from actually buying them because they're just not practical for every night cooking.

  16. I think I'm going to do what Trish did and put it on hold at the library specifically for the garlic green beans recipe - you make it sound so good! Now I'll just have to remember WHY I put it on hold, when I finally do get it :)

  17. I agree, I picked up a few tricks (like using Mao instead of butter to make pan fried cheese sandwiches) but I'm not likely to use any of the recipes.

    Happy cooking and booking
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out
