
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten New Books on My TBR

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Books that I've Recently Added to my TBR.  I really count my TBR as the physical books I own so these are 10 books that are actually sitting on my shelf waiting for me to pick them up.  I'm not even going to talk about my To Read shelf on Goodreads or everything that's on my Kindle!

1. Duty to the Dead by Charles Todd - I love World War 1/20s era books and am always looking for more.  I love Phrynne Fisher but while I loved the first 2 Maisie Dobbs books the series kind of stopped working for me.  I'm hoping this will be great.

2.  Headhunters on My Doorstep by J. Maarten Troost - I loved Troost's Sex Lives of Cannibals and to a lesser degree his 2nd book Getting Stoned with Savages.  I'm excited to read his "Real life Treasure Island Tale".

3.  Tempest in a Teapot by Amanda Cooper - I love teapots and I love cozy mysteries and this combination just sounds fun!

4.  An Expert in Murder by Nicola Upson -  I love Josephine Tey's Brat Farrar and of course The Daughter of Time is fantastic so I love the idea of a mystery series featuring Tey herself as the detective.

5.  Scandal in Skibbereen by Sheila Connolly - I enjoyed the first book of this Connolly series set in Ireland and I'm looking forward to seeing where this book goes. I'm hoping more mystery, less setup.

6.  The House on Tradd Street by Karen White - Someone recommended this book to me ages ago given my penchant for old houses and ghosts and I just recently got hold of a copy.  I'm very much looking forward to it.  The setup sounds fantastic!

7.  When Did I Get Like This by Amy Wilson - I'm in the mood for funny parenting books lately and this one mentions dinosaur chicken nuggets on the back and while the Tornado refuses to eat meat of any kind at the moment I know where she's coming from as I may have served a sandwich with Nutella for lunch a time or two.

8.  A Batter of Life and Death by Ellie Alexander - So I don't technically have this one yet but I loved the first one in this series and am really looking forward to this one.

9.  The House at Riverton by Kate Morton - I loved The Forgotten Garden when I read it a few years ago and swore I was going to hunt down Morton's other books.  Which I did and then proceeded not to read them.  Then my friend Tina from Novel Meals reviewed this one on Goodreads a few days ago and it jumped back to the top of my TBR.

10. Wouldn't It Be Deadly by D.E. Ireland - It's a cozy mystery featuring Eliza Doolittle!  It just sounds so fun!

So what's new on your TBR?


  1. Hey, thanks for mentioning me! I liked that book and will read more by Kate Morton. I actually forgot to put that review on my blog!

    I definitely want Duty to the Dead and the Shelia Connolly books intrude me too, love Ireland as a setting. You gave me some good ideas!

    1. Thanks for reviewing it! I had forgotten about Morton. I love Irish settings too. It's the only way I'll be visiting for awhile!

    2. I was there on vacation in 2007 and would love to go back.

  2. I read Wouldn't it be Deadly last year it was actually pretty good. Not great, but very cleverly done. :)

  3. I have a few of these on my TBR list as well. That's if you are counting books that I currently actually own as a TBR list. I want to read both of Charles Todd's series. I actually saw them (the son and mother that are Charles Todd) at an author event a year or so ago. Very nice. But have I started either series? No. And I have The House on Tradd Street too. Ghost story? Yes, please. Have not read it yet. And I have all of Kate Morton's books. Have only read The Distant Hours (think that was the name). More to read. :-)

    Love your list. Love the comment about your Tornado not eating meat. My girl (who is 32 now) did not like breading on anything and used to peel it off of her chicken nuggets. Took forever. LOL

    1. Kids get so weirdly picky! It boggles the mind! That's great that you got to meet the Charles Todd duo! One day I meet even get these read!

  4. It looks like you've got lots of mysteries to read. I decided to use the books I recently added to my TBR on Goodreads.

    1. I fluctuate between mysteries and romance and right now I definitely seem to be in a mystery mood!

  5. Good list, Katherine! Wouldn't It Be Deadly was fun indeed. And the first Nicola Upson book was really, really good (but also somewhat disturbing for me.) I need to read the rest of the series. I've been wanting to start the Charles Todd series and Sheila Connolly's Irish mysteries, too - thanks for reminding me!

    1. I remember your review on the Nicole Upson and do recall that's there's some darker issues with it. I'm excited about Wouldn't It Be Deadly !

  6. I hope you do read The House on Trade Street. I'd love to hear what you think. I love White's writing, but her main character in that series bugged me. It kind of hurt my enjoyment of the books--but they are so worth it. I want to read A Duty to the Dead too. The House at Riverton is also on my shelf to read. Someday. :-)

    I enjoyed your list, Katherine! Thank you for sharing!

    1. I will be prepared for me to be annoyed with Tradd Street. I hate when there's a great premise and there are in likable characters

  7. Eliza Doolittle in a mystery book! That sounds fantastic!

  8. The House at Riverton has been on my list for ages... thanks for reminding me!

    1. I loved Forgotten Garden and looking forward to The House at Riverton.

  9. I loved The House at Riverton!

    I think you'll enjoy (if you don't love) A Duty to the Dead. The Bess Crawford series starts out really strong.

    I read the Nicola Upson a couple of years ago for the same reasons that it's on your list

    1. I'm looking forward to both! I love the time period for the Bess Crawford.

  10. I have a couple of these on my list. Right now I'm reading Dead Wake by Erik Larson, about the Lusitania, and Concealment by Rose Edmunds for Rosie.

    1. Of Dead Wake sounds good! I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts on it!

  11. I don't think I've seen a single one of those. Man there are so many books out there. Duty to the Dead looks very interesting.

  12. I think I've had dinosaur chicken nuggets on my Costco list for 10 years or more! My daughter recently discovered Nutella (not from me) and now that sneaks on to my list, too. Kids, honestly ...

    I've loved all of Kate Morton's books and can't wait for her newest one to come out in a few months. I like Karen White as well, but THE HOUSE ON TRADD STREET just didn't grab me. A few chapters in, I decided to abandon it. The Bess Crawford series is good. Not amazing, but decent.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy all your reads!

    1. Nutella is good stuff! I will be prepared to not be grabbed by Tradd Street. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it does work because I love the premise!

  13. Oh, I want to read that Ireland series by Connolly and the Eliza Doolittle mystery books are on my wish list too. This has been a fun topic to read; there's such a range of choices.

    1. I like the Irish Connolly but I know she doesn't always work for everyone, I'm excited about the Doolittle!

  14. I really enjoyed The House on Tradd Street. It's part of a series so if you like it, there's more to read!

  15. Oh, I'm adding so many books to my list of books I want to read, Katherine. This is a great list. I especially want to read the ones set in Ireland! So many of the Ireland mysteries I've looked at seem really dark. Great list!

  16. This post reminded me that I have a copy of House on Tradd Street around here (somewhere!) to read...I need to find it. :) Your TBR list has a lot of my kind of books on it.
