
Monday, March 30, 2015

The Dead Play On - Review

The Dead Play On (A Cafferty and Quinn Novel) by Heather Graham

Rating: 3.5 Stars
Source: NetGalley

Description:  Musicians are being murdered in New Orleans and only their instruments are missing.  When saxophone player Tyler Anderson gets a flash of his friend Arnie's final moments while playing Arnie's sax he knows that Arnie was one of the murdered and not an overdose like originally suspected. Tyler turns to his friend Danni and so she and Quinn are deep in the music scene of New Orleans and just possibly the next target.

Genre: Mystery
Why I Picked This Book:  I've really enjoyed Heather Graham's Krewe series so I thought I'd give this one a try.

My Impression:
Pro:  I expect a fun story with a strong sense of place from Graham's books and I wasn't disappointed.  This very much felt like it was taking place in New Orleans without being too over the top.  The mystery itself is interesting and the story has just the right amount of creep factor. I liked Danni and Quinn really having to learn to work together and that Quinn had to stop just trying to protect Danni and start trusting her instincts.  I also loved Arnie's parents as well as Billie and Bo Ray.  They all came off as really just nice people which helped temper the creepiness.  The pacing was very good and while I guessed the bad guy fairly early on I was never not entertained by the unmasking process.

Con:  There are a lot of characters in this book.  I think since this is a continuing series the cast can be bigger than it is in the Krewe books.  There were a few times I had to remind myself who someone was and there was a character that showed up towards the end that I had no idea who he was. It didn't affect the story so it wasn't a big deal but it was a little jarring.  Also, this took me a little longer to get lost in than her previous books.  The writing seemed a little stiffer and I was more aware of the "He said, she said, etc." than usual.

Overall: Even though this was the 3rd book in the series I had no problem jumping in especially with figuring out the setup between Danni and Quinn.   Because this is a series the romantic relationship is already taken place so this read more like a mystery than a romance to me.  There were some mild scenes but nothing much.  I have a feeling that earlier books would tilt more to the romance side.  There were a few annoyances in the book but they were all minor and this was a book I always looked forward to getting back too.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Yes, definitely.  While I like her Krewe series a bit better I'm looking forward to reading more of the Cafferty and Quinn books.

Would I Recommend this Book?:   I'd definitely recommend this author and while this wasn't my favorite by her it was still a lot of fun.

Challenges Met? Reading Road Trip - Louisiana


  1. I read about this series for the first time on Kimba's blog, I'm glad you love it too - I'll soon be starting her Krewe series, yay !! Great review ;)

    1. The Krewe series is my favorite but I did really enjoy this one. She does a great job with settings.

  2. I've never read anything by Heather Graham, but she's been on my "authors to check out" list for ages. I'm glad you liked this. And there is a character named Quinn!

    1. Lol yes there is a Quinn! I have one of those author lists too. Heather Graham is one of those authors I want to just binge on but there are just do many books!

  3. I always find books with a New Orleans setting just a bit creepy, but creepy good! Glad you like the new series.

    1. New Orleans is definitely full of creepy! It's a fun city though and this book is fun too!

  4. I think Kimba just reviewed this too - combined y'all have me curious! I haven't read Heather Grahm yet, so I'm thinking about starting with the other series you mentioned. Great review!

    1. I really like the Krewe series! It's definitely easier to jump into anywhere in the series. This one is fun too and you can't beat New Orleans!

  5. I am curious about this series as I really have only read her Krewe series (and not very many of those at that). It's good to know the other is stronger, but this series definitely sounds interesting. I will have to look for this one. I like the idea of the setting.

    1. The Krewe series is more stand alone and it does appeal to me a little more. This one was creepier though! I had to read a chapter of something else before I went to bed!

  6. I've read both of the first two books in the series and find that this series is a bit creepier that the Krewe books. I like both series and have read all of them.

    1. I definitely agree that this one is creepier. I had to switch to something happier before going to bed! Even though I like the Krewe series better I'm looking forward to read the first two.

  7. I'm glad you enjoyed this but it's good to know you like the Krewe series better. I haven't read any of hers but have at least one on my Kindle - I find myself hoping it's one of the Krewe books. :-)

    1. Percentage wise it's likely a Krewe book! I think there are 14 or 15! She's one I'd really love to binge on but that TBR is just too massive!

  8. She's one I'd like to try. The big cast of characters can really be difficult sometimes though. Maybe starting with another of hers would be best for me :)

    1. Try The Hexed! I think you'd like that one. The main reason the large cast is a little tricky here is because it's part of a series. It isn't too bad though.

  9. The writing was a little stiff but I didn't have trouble keeping the characters separate. Like you though I think I prefer the Krewe series.

    1. I may have been a little distracted. There was one character who shoes up at the end and I know he had been there earlier in the book but for the life of me I couldn't remember where! It didn't have anything to do with the plot but it did throw me for a minute!

  10. I love the setting and the fact that you found it was creepy enough. Too many characters can throw me too but I suppose it's easier in a series as you get familiar with so many of them. Sounds like a good read.

    1. I think keeping track of the characters if I had started at the beginning. As it was it wasn't too bad just an occasional bit of confusion.
