
Sunday, March 22, 2015

This Week in Reading - March 22

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week!

What I Got

The Ghosts of Peppernell Manor by Amy Reade - this is for a blog tour next month and I'm excited about it.  I love ghost stories and this one involves refurbishing a plantation house outside Charleston, SC which is one of my favorite cites. (Blog Tour)

Second Chances by Stacy Finz - I really enjoyed the first one in this series and though I haven't technically read the second yet I couldn't resist picking up the third. (NetGalley)

Nothing like a Cowboy by Donna Alward - I loved Alward's The House on Blackberry Hill so even though I'm not a huge cowboy fan I thought I'd give this a try.  (NetGalley)

Plantation Shudders by Ellen Byron - There's a mystery in a plantation turned bed and breakfast.  You know I can't resist these things.  (NetGalley)

The Canterbury Sisters by Kim Wright - The blurb mentioned Jojo Moyes and the story involves woman taking the ashes of her recently deceased mother along with seven other women on a 60 miles pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral.  I love these kind of ensemble cast stories. (NetGalley) 

Making Your Mind Up by Jill Mansell - I know nothing about this other than it's by Jill Mansell and I love the previous book of her's that I read. (NetGalley)


Reading:  The Dead Play On by Heather Graham and Great Expectations by Charles Dickens for The Reading Assignment Challenge.

Listening:  Nothing.  With spring break coming up there really isn't time to start another audio book so I'll wait until we get back to download a new one.

Watching:  I've been catching up on NCIS and NCIS: New Orleans.  I forgot how much I liked both those shows.

Off the Blog:

Our spring break starts this week so I'm taking the Tornado, Paul and Emma off to visit my grandparents in south Mississippi.  It's always lots of fun.  They have lots of land and dogs and the older kids go off and explore the woods and the Tornado and I run around.  J has to stay which is too bad but he'll have a nice quiet week at home.  Since I'll be out of town I won't be doing much blog visiting but I hope to catch up when I get back.
Paul officially got his license so I'm completely out of the driving the older kids around business.  It's very nice especially considering that Paul frequently works the morning shift which means one of us had to get him to work at 6AM on a Saturday or Sunday which was not fun!
Other than that we don't have too much going on.  The inside work has been finished up at the rental house and J has some outside projects to tackle over there.  Hopefully we'll get a tenant soon.  
It's finally started to warm up which means it's time to start thinking about my garden!  I'm hoping to get the beds cleaned out when I get home and will start figuring out what I want to plant.  I can't wait to have fresh tomatoes!

On the Blog:

What Happened This Week:

Saturday: Serbian Cooking - Cookbook Review

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Delayed Death - Blog Tour Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Books from my Childhood I'd like to Revisit
Wednesday: Two Short Reviews - Hideaway Cove and Around the World in 50 Years
Thursday: A Day in the Life Blogger Event Linkup
Friday: Friday Linkups featuring my current book
Saturday: My Cookbook Collection

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Oh yes, no more (too) early rising on saturdays and sundays, you must enjoy that so much ! The bed and breakfast plantation book made me salivate, I can't resist that either and will be waiting for your review. Enjoy your sunday and those great new books ;)

  2. Hope you have a great spring break week! Sounds fun. I remember how lovely it was when my daughter could get herself to her events, school, work, etc. Kids are always involved in so many things.

  3. It's starting to warm up here too. I'm here typing in the kitchen this morning looking at blue skies and the sun, I love it, it just makes me smile. Happy planting, I'll be setting my tomatoes soon too and I can't wait till they fruit, they are my fav :)

  4. And I forgot to add, enjoy your vacation. It sounds like it will be fun.

  5. Have fun in Miss. Bet spring is there in all its glory and warmth!

  6. The Ghosts of Pepper Nell Manor and Plantation Shudders both some excellent. I live in the south and am always looking for some eerie reads that take place there.
    Have a lovely vacation!

    My Sunday Post -

  7. Have fun. It's great you have your grandparents. Mine were actually born in the nineteenth century.
    They are not, unsurprisingly, with us any longer and have not been for a very long time.
    Here, teens can't drive other kids around for six moths after they get their license. So you are lucky there!

    1. and my post is here:

  8. Congratulations to Paul! And to you, no more getting him to work at 6am. Yay! Have a great time visiting with your grandparents, sounds fun :) and I bet J will enjoy his time too.

  9. Enjoy your new books and your family visit. Have fun!

    My recap:

  10. Looking forward to The Ghosts of Peppernell Manor and your comments - you give us way too many good books to read!
    I also like CSI:New Orleans but maybe because I was in utero there (and something transferred?) and spend my first couple of years there with my parents. I love that city, but not in the summer!
    Have a great time on vacation - sounds like a perfect place for kids to be kids. I remember watching my son drive away the first morning he had his license and an old car to drive to school and feeling like it was the end of an era. Driving him back and forth to school was our opportunity to chat without outside distractions - amazing what I learned.
    Thanks again for all the news!

  11. Have a fun spring break. Glad your out of driving duty :) Some books I want to pick up on your list.

    Megan @

  12. Ooo, your review books look good. YAY for no more chauffering the older kids! And for sleeping in! The trip to Mississippi sounds like fun, I hope you all have a good time.

  13. The Amy Reade book looks really good. I'm looking forward to seeing what you think of it.

    Have a great week!

  14. Have a great spring break! Ours doesn't start until the 30th. Mmmm and garden time is a must.

  15. I *so* wish my older boys could afford to have their own cars (insurance here in the UK for under 25's is always more than the car, often double) and they don't do driver ed here either. It would make our lives so much easier.
    That break sounds idyllic - enjoy the time :)

    have a great week xx

  16. I saw The Canterbury Sisters on NetGalley and love the cover! May end up requesting it myself. Hope you have a wonderful trip :)

  17. I requested a copy of Making Your Mind Up and was approved because you recommended Jill Mansell. I'm looking forward to reading it. :-) I look forward to your thoughts on The Dead Play On.

    I hope you have a great time in south Mississippi! Have a great week!
