
Sunday, March 15, 2015

This Week in Reading - March 15

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week!

What I Got:

It was a kind of quiet week around here.  I've got some requests still pending but a few came throughl

Redemption Bay by RaeAnne Thayne - Her first book in the Haven Point series - Snow Angel Cove - was one of my favorite Christmas books last year so I'm excited about the 2nd book.  Especially since it features the not present but often spoken about Ben.  (NetGalley)

Scent of Triumph by Jan Moran - This book involves family, rebuilding and perfume all set around World War 2.  I'm really looking for to it.  This is for a blog tour next month (Publisher)

Murder Comes Calling by C.S. Challinor - There are murders in a secluded English community AND a Scottish barrister.  I couldn't resist.  Plus I already have the previous one on my Kindle (NetGalley)

The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy by Julia Quinn - Quinn is an auto-buy author for me and I've been excited for this one once I saw that Iris was the heroine.  I'm a little nervous since the reviews have been somewhat mixed for this one but a bad Quinn is still a Quinn so I'm still looking forward to it!  (Paperbackswap)


Reading: Lord Edgware Dies by Agatha Christe and Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin.  I'm almost done with the Agatha so I'm thinking of picking up The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy next.

Listening:  I just finished Yes Please by Amy Poehler (review below) and loved it.  Then I switched over to The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley which is the first in the Flavia de Luce series.  While I was really enjoying it I have a hard time transitioning to a different audiobook immediately.  Does anyone else have that problem?  I'll probably try it again in a week or 2.  What I heard was good so I'm looking forward to getting back to it.

Watching: I watched the 2nd CSI: Cyber which I enjoyed much better than the first.  Thankfully there were no babies in this episode.  I finally caught up on Stalker and am concerned that it ended on a cliffhanger but it's not certain that it's going to be renewed.  I hate when they do this!  There should be rules!  I'm also getting my genealogy geek fix with Who Do You Think You Are.  Julie Chen was last week and Josh Groban is tonight.  So excited!

Off the Blog:

We've been trying to get our rental house turned around and ready to be rented out again which is no fun.  There's nothing like spending all day cleaning and painting a house that you don't actually live in!  Luckily we're in the tail end of the inside work now so I can come back and work on the house we actually live in!  Most of the time the rental house thing isn't a big deal.  We have a property manager who handles everything so it's pretty hands off but when the tenant moves out it requires a lot of work and it has to get done as quick as possible.   So keep your fingers crossed for us that we get a new tenant as soon as possible!  

I've still been using Barre3 and am still loving it.  It's basically pilates type workouts with a ballet twist.  I have a hard time with really high impact workouts so this works well for me.  So far I've done a different workout everyday and liked all of them!

Oh and Paul introduced me to  You can type in any movie and it will tell you if the animal dies or is injured in any movie.  This will save me a lot of worry in the future!

On the Blog:

What Happened This Week:

Monday: Shadow Spells - Romance Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books on my Spring TBR
Wednesday: Agatha Christie: The Next 4 Review
Thursday: Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin - Review
Friday: Friday Linkups with my current book
Saturday: Serbian Cookbook Review

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Hope you can get the house sorted quickly.
    I'm looking for some new exercise ideas. May have to check out what you're doing, sounds fun.
    Have a great week.

    1. I'm loving the barre workouts! The intensity is crazy but doable. I'm keeping my fingers crossed about the house.

  2. The Quinn one has me curious especially after reviews. Good luck with the turn over!

    1. I love Quinn though her most recent ones haven't been my favorite. If I had time to do a big author reread she'd be high on my list!

  3. I hope you find a new tenant soon ;) I love the apps I'm using to exercise, so working out has now become a habit every morning - except sundays. Redemption bay's cover is lovely - it's funny, when I try to relax and picture myself in a quiet, happy place, it often looks like this, maybe greener. Enjoy your books and have a great week !

    1. I'm excited about Redemption Bay. I really loved the previous book by her. Yay for exercising regularly! I'm getting better and am really glad. I definitely feel better if I'm consistent.

  4. I have been wanting to read Yes Please for a while. I love Amy Poehler so much!

    1. Definitely read it - or better yet listen to it! Amy reads the audio and it's fantastic!

  5. Hope you enjoy the Flavia de Luce book--that's one of my favorite series, which reminds me I have to pick up the latest book to remain current. Have a wonderful week.

    My recap:

    1. I really liked what I listened to but I decided I needed a break in between books. It will definitely be the next book I get!

  6. That is the second time I have seen that book today!

  7. I have Snow Angel Cove on Sparky, so I should read it soon, as I love the look of Redemption Bay. I also want to check out that Gretchen Rubin book. Good luck getting a tenant soon...and enjoy your week. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I loved Snow Angel Cove. It was just so sweet. So far I'm finding the Rubin book interesting. I wouldn't say I love it but it's definitely useful.

  8. Ah yes, the joy of tenants. I hope you get new ones in soon. Redemption Bay looks tempting and I hope the Quinn book will be good.

    1. Oh I do too. I always get nervous that we won't find someone. I've got my fingers crossed in the Quinn and am excited about Redemption Bay.

  9. I need to read more of RaeAnne Thayne. I like her books. *crossing my fingers for the rental* Darn I cannot remember CSI Cyber. My husband has been watching basketball 24-7. Grr. Hope you week is amazing Katherine.

    1. I so agree about Thayne! I've only read one but it was so good. I think it's best you missed the CSI Cyber premiere considering your grand baby. My baby is 5 but it still gave me nightmares! Last week was good though. Thanks for the finger crossing! We need all the luck we can get !

  10. I'll be curious to read your review of the Christie book. Its not one of my favorites, but its still a solid book.

    1. This is actually the review for Porot books #5 - 8. I definitely agree about The Big Four. Good but not her best.

  11. I hope you'll find a new tenant real quick, Katherine! I understand that it's not a lot of fun preparing a house that you're not living in yourself, and still having to clean your own house, too!
    Enjoy all your new books, happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  12. Oh man, I just wasted far too much time on Does the Dog Die?. Fingers crossed for a new tenant soon!

    1. LOL! I did the same thing. I put in every movie I could think of to check it. Thanks for the finger crossing! This part makes me nervous!

  13. I am reviewing Better Than Before as well! I read chapter one already and it looked pretty useful, I hope we both enjoy that read. Have a great week!

    1. So far I'm finding it very informative. I wouldn't say I'm loving the read but it's raising some interesting questions. Can't wait to see what you think!

  14. New to me but sounds interesting. Hope you enjoy and have a great week.

  15. I love it that you read Agatha Christie, who remains on my TBR list of classics. I look forward to your Spring TBR list. Mine is long. Narrowing it down was not easy.

    1. It was definitely rough narrowing it down to 10! I think it would've been tough to narrow it down to 100! Just read an Agatha! They're short and all standalones. Just don't read any from the late 60s and 70s. Those aren't her best.

  16. RaeAnne Thayne is a favorite of mine although I'm way behind on her books. I loved Stalker. I hope it returns, but it's not looking good for it. Have a great week!

    1. I agree on Stalker which is a shame because I really enjoyed it. Plus it should be against the rules to end on a cliffhanger like that! I'm excited about the Thayne. I loved Snow Angel Cove.

  17. Some great sounding books. Have a great reading week.

    My Sunday Post

  18. My daughter loved Yes, Please and says I HAVE to read it. I'll probably listen though :)

    1. You must listen! I think I enjoyed it 10 times more in audio then I would've in book form.

  19. Those turns can be rough depending upon how the renter treated the home! Glad to hear you are almost done! Have a great week!

    1. Oh definitely! We've been pretty lucky though the family before this left it filthy. I'll be relieved when we have a new renter.

  20. Those look like some great reads. :) I am with you on Staker, I don't think first seasons should be able to leave you hanging in case it doesn't get renewed. :( I haven't watched the second CSI:Cyber but it's on my dvr list. :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. It should be a rule! The Criminal Minds spinoff ended on a cliffhanger and I'm still a bit bitter. I liked the 2nd CSI Cyber much better than the first. Hope you enjoy it!

  21. Oh my, sorry about all the house stuff, that sounds pretty rough! I do not like house-related stuff, so I feel your pain! I do hope you enjoy the books though :)
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  22. I've been hearing so much about Yes Please! Good to know you enjoyed. I'll add that to my audio TBR. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  23. What a brilliant idea for a site - the dog dies one - I will have to bookmark it, I don't like watching anything where a dog - or animal - is hurt, especially with no warning about it.
    I really want to get round to reading the first Flavia de Luce book myself soon. Have a great week!

  24. You are so organized! I am still only really managing one post a week but one is better than none!

  25. Weird - I know I commented on this post, and I'm signed up for emails when anyone comments which I only do when I post a comment, but my comment isn't showing up. Must have been a glitch... So here's more or less what I said:

    Ooh, you got Redemption Bay! I'm still waiting to hear back on that one. And I hope you enjoy The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy; I liked it. Best of luck with the rental and finding a new tenant! And have a great week - hope you're getting lovely spring weather!

  26. Ah yes, house prep does sound dreadful!! Hopefully everything gets finished soon

  27. Murder Comes Calling sounds good! Good luck with finding a new tenant! I hope it's a good one. And thanks for the link to I'll have to favorite it so I can use it in the future. :-) Have a great week, Katherine!

  28. Hopefully you can get the house prep done quickly! I have a bit of trouble moving from one book to the next, just because I need time to memorize what I've just finished. Audiobooks more so.

  29. Hmm. That Barre3 sounds interesting. I'll have to look into that. I struggle with the high impact workouts as well. I did better with my Wii Fit in getting into shape and losing weight. So that sounds like something for me.

    Hope you have a great week and get through that rental house. ;)
