
Monday, March 16, 2015

Shadow Spell - Review

Shadow Spell (Book 2 in the O'Dwyer Trilogy) by Nora Roberts
Rating: 4 Stars
Source: Paperbackswap

Genre: Romance
Why I Picked This Book: It's a Nora Roberts set in Ireland.  I cannot resist!

My Impression:
I read the first book in this series (my review of Dark Witch) last year and was kind of meh about it.  I loved the setting but didn't really connect with Iona and Boyle who were the first couple.  So even though I knew this was a friends to more story and I had really liked Connor and Meara in Dark Witch I put off reading this one for a year.
When I finally picked Shadow Spell up I was a little nervous.  Had my reliable Nora Roberts lost her touch?  Was this going to feel like a rehash of previous books?  I shouldn't have worried.  I was sucked into the story pretty much from the first page.  So much so that I didn't realize that Connor and Meara don't really interact for the first 100 pages   Normally this would be a pretty big downside in a romance but in this one it really works.  We really get to know Meara and see her family issues and understand her feelings and reactions a little better.  We also get to understand Connor better and see that he's not quite shallow fun loving guy he's portrayed to be.  Also, I kind of want to go hawking.  We also get a refresher course on all the drama that's going on and the war between good and evil that the 6 are facing.
Then after a near death experience there's a spontaneous kiss and the romance takes off.  Once this romance takes off it's amazing.  I'm half in love with Connor myself and I really relate to Meara.  She's tough and incredibly brave but at the same time caring and kind with a good solid sense of humor.  I really loved seeing her relationship with her mother and her relationship with not just Connor but Finn and Branna. It's not hard to believe that these 4 people have been lifelong friends.  I really enjoyed the way Meara and Connor work together.  He wants to protect her but also listens to her and respects her opinion and her abilities.They get angry with each other and then they talk about it and trust each other.
The battle with Cabhan is ramping up in intensity and the pace of the book reflected that but there were plenty of lighter moments mixed in.  I thoroughly enjoyed this one and am now very curious to see how the 3rd book plays out.  Branna and Finn have quite a lot against them.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Well, yeah.  Roberts is still on my auto-buy list!

Would I Recommend this Book?:  If you like romance and Irish settings this is a good one.  This isn't my favorite Roberts book but I enjoyed it much more than the first in the series.

Challenges Met? Alphabet Soup (S), TBR Challenge


  1. I'm glad Nora Roberts didn't let you down ;) I'll try to remember that book #2 is better than the first when I get to read it. Great review !

  2. Yay for it being a good one after all that worry. I LOVE her as JD Robb. I need to get caught up on her last couple :D

  3. I may have to try this one. I think I read #1 or maybe I just started it and got bogged down. Anyway, I wasn't especially interested in the next two. However, I almost always like her trilogies. And I do remember a bit about the characters here. I think I might have liked Finn a lot.

  4. Yes, I loved this one too! And I would love to go on one of Connor's hawk walks, though I haven't the time or attention to become a falconer myself.

  5. I'm really, really curious about this book. I'm so glad that it was good and sucked you in even though the previous book was just meh.

  6. I have this one next to read in the trilogy. I listened to the audio of the first one and that worked for me. However I have the actual book to read for the 2nd one. Like you I love all NR books! She is a story teller for sure.

  7. I've enjoyed Nora Roberts in the past because she's such a good story spinner.I think I haven't read her lately because I'd gotten your meh feeling. Will definitely read this!

  8. I enjoyed this series. It wraps up quite nicely.

  9. I am glad this one is better than the first book in the trilogy, Katherine. I should really give her another try, but maybe one of her other books to start.

  10. I couldn't comment in your last post but I can on this one. I loved the first two books of this series. I read book one in one sitting, reading into the wee hours of the morn. I loved the witchcraft and the setting. Ireland is a place is love to visit one day. Iona was strong and Boyle reliable and down-to-earth. This next couple had fun interactions and the continued battle with the dark was full of action and details.

  11. Roberts is auto-by for me and while her books follow a predictable pattern I always enjoy the characters. I loved the setting for this trilogy. I am glad to see you enjoyed it as well.

  12. They don't interact for the first 100 hundred pages? Wow. That's usually a deal breaker for me. Good to know before I start this one, whenever that may be. I'm glad the book ended up working for you.

    1. They interact a bit, just not as lovers. They've been good friends for years.
