
Saturday, March 28, 2015

My Cookbook Wishlist

I was going to talk about my collection of cookbooks today but I just got back into town Thursday night and today (Friday) wasn't a day for digging into my bookcases so instead I'm going to talk about my Cookbook Wishlist.  I love cookbooks and have an easier time buying them than other genres because cookbooks don't apply to my rather massive TBR.  Plus flipping through a cookbook while watching a show off the Tivo is one of my favorite ways to spend an evening. Because that's the kind of party girl I am.  So here's my current wishlist and if you have any opinion on them please tell me so I can hit Order on my Amazon cart or delete them out:

1.  Sheet Pan Suppers by Molly Gilbert - I've seen several reviews of this one and they've all been glowing.  Plus, roasting is one of those cooking methods I love but so rarely do for reasons I can't explain.

2.  Mary Berry's Baking Bible by Mary Berry - I was addicted to The Great British Bake Off that was on PBS recently and loved Mary Berry.  It doesn't hurt that her scones looked amazing.

3.  Paul Hollywood's British Baking by Paul Hollywood - Basically ditto to the above.

4.  The Pollan Family Table by Corky Pollan, Tracy Pollan and Lori Pollan- I'm cheating a bit on this one because I actually have it from the library right now but it's definitely one I want to own.  Especially if all the recipes are half as good as the Bistro Burgers with Caramelized Onions we had had for dinner tonight!

5.  The Four and Twenty Blackbirds Pie Book by Melissa Elsen - This was featured on one of the food blogs I follow and they had their all butter pie crust which is heaven.  Really I don't need to rest of the pie the crust is so good!

6.  Back in the Day Bakery: Made with Love by Cheryl Day - I have their first book and love it even though really all I make regularly are their chocolate chip cookies which are my favorite of the 2 dozen or so recipes I've tried.  (Have I mentioned my family is a bit boring when it comes to sweets?)

7.  Good Food, Good Life by Curtis Stone - Between his appearances on The Chew and All Star Academy Curtis Stone is starting to replace Bobby Flay as my chef crush.  Plus this book just sounds yummy!

8. Kevin Dundon's Modern Irish Food by Kevin Dundon- My husband and I both have a lot of Irish in us so periodically I try and experiment with Irish recipes.  I like the idea of these being modern as so many that I've found are a bit on the heavy side.

9. The Complete Cook's Country TV Cookbook - This is from the maker's of Cook's Illustrated but tends to be a little less complicated.  I love Cook's Illustrated and my go-to meatloaf recipe is from them but I used to have a subscription to Cook's Country and would love to try out this book.

10. LudoBites by Ludo Lefebvre - My husband and I watch The Taste together and I enjoy Ludo's antics almost as much as I love listening to Nigella Lawson talk.  I'm dying to try out his food!

So what do you think?  See any I must get or any that I should avoid at all costs?

I'm linking up with Weekend Cooking hosted by Beth Fish Reads


  1. The sheet pan on interests me a lot.

  2. Oh, that pie book. So very lovely. Yum! I still haven't cooked anything out of the sheet pan book yet, but I have looked through it again. And I thought about it. LOL

  3. Get them ALL!!! LOL. I have that pie book -- it's great (I need to write about it). Love Sheet Pan Suppers. I'm adding some of your other choices to my own wish list. :)

  4. The Sheet Pan one sounds interesting. The dessert ones I'd just sit, look at the pictures, and drool. :D

  5. Sheet Pan recipes are awesome! You'll love that one. I also want the Pollan family cookbook. So many books I have on my wishlist, it's cool seeing your list!

  6. That sounds like a good way to spend an evening. The pie one. oh my word. That looks so good! I've not tried any of them. I so wanted the Sheet Pan one for review but alas was told no. lol One day maybe :)

  7. These all sound wonderful. I do so love food and sweets. The first really appeals to me as I love to roast food in the oven. The second I'm intrigued about. However, I war with buying more cookbooks as the ones I have now are much neglected.

  8. Ooh, I like so many on your list. I must get the Sheet Pan Suppers one , and the Pollan Family one sounds good too.

  9. Curtis Stone advertises one of our major supermarket chains here in Australia and provides free recipes at the checkouts and online. I can see why he's your chef crush. ;-)

  10. Sheet Pan Suppers looks great, and anything with scones in it gets my vote! Actually, we have a good scone recipe I'd be happy to share with you - email me if you want it. My stepdad got it from a friend of theirs in Cambridge (England, not Mass.)
