
Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday Linkups - The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Which books have you read in the past month that still have you thinking back to the storyline and characters?

My Answer:
Good question!  My immediate answer is Behind Every Great Man by Marlene Wagman-Geller which I've talked about quite a bit since I read it.  Death and the Redheaded Woman by Loretta Ross and The Unpredictable Consequences of Love by Jill Mansell are 2 where the characters have really stayed with me.  I'm especially looking forward to the next mystery from Loretta Ross.

This week's book is the latest Julia Quinn, The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy.  Julia Quinn is one of my favorite romance authors and Iris is a character I've really enjoyed in previous books.  I'm a little scared because the reviews have been mixed and this series hasn't been quite as fantastic as previous Quinns have been for me but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

The Beginning:
Pleinsworth House
Spring 1825
To quote that book his sister had read two dozen times, it was a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.  
Sir Richard Kenworthy was not in possession of a fortune, but he was single.  As for the wife....
Well, that was complicated.

My thoughts:
Well any book that starts with a book reference is always off to a good start in my opinion.  Given the title I'm very curious about why the wife issue is so complicated for Sir Richard.

The 56:
"Then may I lead you out?"
She glanced over at Sir Richard.  He winked.

My Thoughts:
I read a little bit of this page and they're at a ball where Iris is getting asked to dance quite a bit.  I'm very curious about what's going on.  I suspect Sir Richard is behind something somehow though I don't know how or why!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Do you have a favorite author whose recent books haven't been quite as great as you expect them to be?


  1. I read one book in this series and it was okay but it didn't leave me wanting to read more. I hope this one will be good and you like it. Books I've read in the past month that have stayed with me, hmm. There are two, The Fifth Gospel by Ian Caldwell and Cold Cold Heart by Tami Hoag.

  2. I read a book or two by this author years ago but I don't really remember it. I think it's because my genre of choice has changed from historical to mysteries. But this sounds like it could be a good read.

  3. Not heard of that book, but it sounds interesting. I hope you are enjoying it. :)

    Friday Memes

  4. Yes, it's hard to resist a book that opens with a book reference. I am reading a historical romance at the moment and am not sure what I think. I'm not too impressed so far. I do hope it gets better.

  5. This sort of leaves me with a blank feeling - not particularly interested. Let us know how this book pans out.

  6. I haven't heard of that book, but I might check it out.
    My F56:
    New follower.

  7. Clever opening! I'd keep reading to find out about the complications. Sounds like a fun series.
    My Friday post features GRACIANNA.

  8. Keep reading...but just be aware, this one can be a bit frustrating!

    Funny you should mention a favorite author whose recent books haven't been quite as great as I expected...because I'd have to say The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy, haha. It's not quite like the rest of Julia Quinn's romance :/

    But I do hope you enjoy it!! I ended up giving it about 3ish stars.

  9. I do love the sound of this one...thanks for sharing; and thanks for visiting my blog.

  10. Sounds like the makings of a good story. Love the snark in the beginning!
    Happy weekend!

  11. I'd probably not read this one but I'm not much into historicals.
    My 56 -

  12. All three of your books that have you thinking about them sound good. Love the titles.

    I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  13. This book is new to me and that 56 sound intriguing. I hope you're enjoying it.
