
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Book Related Problems

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is my Top Ten Book Related Problems.  Are book problems really problems?  It's not exactly like I'm going to form a plan of attack and fix the problems.  Pretty much all bookish problems are here to stay so I need to come up with another - and happier - name for them!

1.  I can't go to bed without reading at least a chapter.  And that chapter sometimes turns into 2 or 10 or the whole book.  Luckily I like coffee.

2.  Storage Space - My love affair with my Kindle has helped a little but I still have no idea where to put the incoming books.  My bookcases are like a giant game of tetris where I try to cram them into every nook and cranny.  My husband has decreed that's not to happen to the bookcases downstairs but we'll see.

3.  I wish I could read faster- I read really fast but I really need to be able to read faster.  In Criminal Minds there's a character who can read as fast as he turns pages and I have serious reading envy.  I make much more progress on my TBR pile if I could do that!

4. So many books - I think I add at least a couple of books on my TBR a day.  Between new releases, books my blogger friends bring to my attention, GoodReads recommendations and a whole host of other possibilities I'm always seeing more books I want to read.

5.  People trying to talk to me when I'm reading - Why do people think it's acceptable to sit down and start talking when someone's sitting with a book?  It makes me feel stabby.

6.  A total lack of comprehension when people say "I don't
read." or even "I hate reading" - Every once in awhile I run into people who say the above two things.  You might as well say that you've decided to grow a 2nd head for fun.  I do not understand.  There's been periods in my life where reading definitely took a little break and I wasn't able to read much and I love TV just as much (if not more) than the next person.  But seriously you don't read?  Not I don't read as much as I'd like but just not at all?  Do not understand.

7.  Christmas lists = Giant lists of books

8.  Total lockup in bookstores - I have a hard time buying anything in bookstores because I completely lockup.  It's a combination of wanting everything and knowing I already have so many and my cheap side not wanting to spend the endless amount of money I really want to spend.  I'm okay in used bookstores but in new bookstores I fluctuate between "I want everything!" and "I don't need everything."   I can barely even have a conversation!

9.  Decorating = finding new places to put bookcases - I've been thinking what we're going to turn the older kids' rooms into when they move out and at least 2 involve wall to wall bookcases.  And have you seen all those beautifully styled bookcases on Pinterest that don't have more than 5 books on them?  How do you even do that?

10. The occasional awareness that I'll never read all the books on my TBR.  I try not to think about this too much and for the most part live in total denial.  Of course everything will get read!

So what are your bookish problems?


  1. I can totally relate to your bookish problems, each and everyone of them. I remember reading a comic once where the main character could drink books - they were sold in soda cans and it just took a few minutes to swallow them. Imagine the possibilities ! But I think it would remove a whole lot of the reading pleasure ;)

    1. I'm not sure if want to drink my books but the possibilities are endless. That would've made my required reading in high school much easier!

  2. Such an accurate list! I relate to most of these. It's so sad when people say they don't like to read. As someone who was raised reading from birth (it feels like) ;) I find it had to hard imagine not having that.

    1. I'm the same way. I don't remember ever not loving books. How is it possible to not read? I don't get it!

  3. I can relate to all your book problems, all good problems to have. I need anti-anxiety medicine to cope with #10. I try not just not go there. Ashley at Chronicles

    1. I'm pretty close. Luckily I'm good and denial! Otherwise just the thought not not getting all my pretties read causes my pulse to race!

  4. Of course, everything will get read! I can relate...totally!

    1. Thank you my denial expert friend! All will get read!

  5. Oooh, #10. That's deep! Better too many books than not enough though, right?!

    1. Oh definitely! Can you imagine running out of books? Just the thought makes me want to cry!

  6. I have major envy for Spencer Reed's ability on Criminal Minds too. Fascinating. Must get me some of that. Laughed at your "feeling stabby" - yep. And I don't understand not reading either or "it must be nice to have time to read - I'm just so busy" comment. Really? Another laugh in #9 about decorating. When we were "staging" our last house for selling or rather the realtor was, she said, "Most of those books on the shelves in the living area will need to go. Bookshelves should be sparsely furnished." I just look at her incredulously. Asked her if she was saying that bookshelves were not for books and she told me they were not for many books. Did. Not. Comprehend. ;-)

    1. Who are these people who don't want to see books on bookcases? I love full bookcases. I want to go see what all they have!

  7. Read faster!!! Yes!!! This is something I must learn myself! It would also help if I could find a longer attention span....

    1. I need a longer attention span too and more time!

  8. I'm so glad i don't buys books, it seems like that leads to so many more problems.

    1. Oh so many problems! I don't buy to many new books but somehow I keep getting more!

  9. Great Top Ten List, Katherine.

    I also say just one more chapter and it ends up more. :)

    Storage is a problem for sure. I have five book cases, and they are all filled. I even have some books in a wash tub that I painted. :)

    Thanks for your wonderful post.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog

    1. I love the idea of the wash tub! Sounds so pretty! One more chapter always gets me because what if that chapter ended on a cliffhanger. Then I have to keep reading!

  10. I wish I could read faster, too. I'm actually a fairly slow reader, so it takes me ages to finish a book.

    1. Thankfully I'm relatively fast but is there such a thing as fast enough to get them all read?

  11. Great list, agree on everything especially when people say they hate to read. They need help. lol How do you do it, I see you have kids, I have a little toddler destroying the house and I'm running out of time to read, plus I'm trying to run an art blog and sell art on Etsy and it's really hard. Help!! I only listen to book when running, hence I signed up for a half marathon, hahaha more training time means more books.

    1. Have you gone through the bookshelf emptying phase? That was cute for a couple of days and then I didn't think we were going to survive it! Little ones definitely cut down on reading time but I love how you're getting your audio in! That's so great!

  12. LOL, yep it is always so awkward when I meet someone new and they don't read at all. I can barely get my chin off the floor and then I have have nothing to say. I would love to speed read, or better yet have a time stopping device. As for #1 guilty :)

    1. Right! And you can't interrogate them because that's rude but I want to know how one lived a life without reading!

  13. Oh, I agree with your list, Katherine. I can't believe I didn't think of all of these. A person who doesn't read is hard for me to fathom. I had to stop pleasure reading when I was in college because otherwise I would never get to bed and never get any homework done! But other than that I always have read. I do feel like I'm reading slower sometimes these days which makes me sad since I have so many books I know I'll never get a chance to read.

    1. I feel like I'm reading slower to but I think some of it is just that I'm getting so many books! I had to stop reading in college for the same reason!

  14. I remember an episode of Criminal Minds when Reed is having an off-week and he says rather sadly, "I only read five books last week." Oh, the darling! Sometimes it's hard for me to buy books in bookstores because I want to get the most for my money and that usually means buying online.

    1. I adore Reed! Then bad stuff happens to him and that makes me sad. When it comes to buying new books I probably do more online as well.

  15. #1 is so real to me. So many times I decide to read a chapter or two before bed, and then the next thing I know it's like three or four in the morning and I'm finished with a book. It's a good feeling, but makes for a grumpy day the next day.

    1. I do love finishing up a book late at night but yeah I know it's going to be a 3 cups of coffee kind of morning!

  16. I concur on everything.
    Spencer = <3 I wish I could read like him too. Imagine how many books you'd read in a year? No TBR. Lol.
    I'm pretty sure most of us dream to have Beasts library one day. But until than Pinterest will feed my dreams with the library I will have one day.
    Many a nights one chapter turns into the whole book. Especially when you're over half way through. I'm totally not stopping at that point. :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Oh I love Reed. I watched some early seasons of Criminal Minds and I just want to protect him from what I know is coming! And yeah you can't stop more than halfway through! That's just madness!

  17. Some days I wish I drank coffee! I used to not be able to sleep unless I fit in some reading before bed. It certainly helps me sleep better. Oh, how I wish I could read faster too! I had never thought of what happens to me in bookstores in terms of it being a lockup. But you are right! That's exactly what happens to me! And I'm right there with you with #10.

    Great list, Katherine!

    1. I couldn't survive without coffee! I drank it in college and then stopped for years until the Tornado was born and then I couldn't live without it!

  18. I can easily relate to all of these.

    Check out my TTT and my newest giveaway.

    1. Oh thanks! I think we all have some common problems!

  19. This is great. I totally agree with #'s 2 and 5. Our bookshelves occasionally get organized and look nice, but often there are books crammed every which way. And I have been known to get overwhelmed in a bookstore, where I go in with a book in mind and then see several, and it's like gah! Now what do I get? ALL of them? LOL.

    1. The bookcases downstairs look nice still but the ones upstairs are fair game! Bookstores stress me out because I want them all!

  20. This is great. I totally agree with #'s 2 and 5. Our bookshelves occasionally get organized and look nice, but often there are books crammed every which way. And I have been known to get overwhelmed in a bookstore, where I go in with a book in mind and then see several, and it's like gah! Now what do I get? ALL of them? LOL.

  21. Your 5, 6 and 9 I absolutely identify with.
    The people who don't read - those are the ones that think they can just talk to you when you are reading. And if you ignore them, they get mad. And those bookcases with 5 books - they are in the houses of people who don't read ---- and they were bought to put on a shelf because of the size and/or color.

    I just need to insanely wealthy - old money, inherited estate with one of those library rooms that is as big as my house with the rolling ladder.

    1. Yes please inherit that house and then let me visit! That would be awesome! Oh and the people who buy book just because of color or size! How can you waste space for those??

  22. I get lockup in bookstores's awful. I go in pretty confident that I'm going to get a certain book and suddenly I can't decide on anything.

    1. Oh I'm so glad I'm not the only one who gets locked up! I just want them all but I don't need anymore!!

  23. Lol! I have to say that I think every one of these are also problems of mine. :) This was a fabulous TTT! And yes, I am definitely in denial, but it's a fun and stress-released one.

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

    1. Yeah I think we all have a lot in common book problem-wise! And just total denial but happy denial!

  24. All of the above. But with #4 I think I add at least 5 if not more per day. and as I get older #10 is a big problem. But just think of the wonderful choices we have when we do want/need to read.

    1. We definitely have choices!! And those choices increase daily!

  25. Replies
    1. Wouldn't that be great! Think of all we could get read!

  26. oh my gosh #10! I try not to think about it and just keep reading, I just need more time in the day for all my books!

    1. I keep my blinders on when it comes to be a TBR! Everything will get read. Of course it will!

  27. Oh, gosh, yes! Yes to pretty much all of these, and a huge yes to #3. I read fast, too (though as I've gotten older and my eyes have gotten worse, not as fast as I used to) - but I would LOVE to read as fast as I can turn pages. Shelf space is a perennial problem too, and getting more bookshelves doesn't solve it; you fill them up and then you need more shelves! My stepdad is really good about keeping to the shelves he has; if they are full and he wants something new, something older has to go. I can't seem to do that! As for #10 - you're right, there's no way they will all get read. I try not to think about it either!

    1. My husband does the same thing your stepdad does. I'm pretty good at getting rid of some stuff - like paperbacks - but others are just impossible!

  28. I keep accumulating books, too. I can't afford too many new ones, but I like used ones, too, and the fact that there are some for a penny on Amazon ($3.99 for shipping, per book). I know I'll never read all of my books. Too bad we can't upload all of them into our brains, but so far that's science fiction. I don't read too fast and usually finish about three books a month. I don't like it when people talk to me when I'm reading (or watching Jeopardy). Once someone tried to talk to me on the bus when I was reading and he finally figured out that I didn't want to talk and I just wanted to read. Or when someone sees you reading for a few minutes and says, "That must be a really good book." That cues me in to the fact that the person must be a non-reader. I have books everywhere, including in the garage (china cabinets and storage tubs). Today on Facebook I saw something author Nancy Mehl posted about Kanye West proudly being a non-reader. Lots of comments about that!

    1. You know I wasn't a big Kanye fan but now I'm definitely not. How do you proudly be a nonreader?? Don't get it! Those penny books get me too!

  29. Oh yes I can relate to these problems too. Especially when you mentioned about everyone wanting to talk to you when you're reading a book. That drives me nuts!
    Hope you're able to read in peace this week. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks! Open books are like a magnet to kids. Don't get it!

  30. I totally agree about not understanding when someone tells me they don't like to read. Um What?? They also think I am some kind of nerd because I read. I don't even get it.
