
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Death and the Redheaded Woman - Review

Death and the Redheaded Woman by Loretta Ross

Rating: 4 Stars
Source: NetGalley

Description:  Auctioneer Wren Morgan was expecting a quiet day cataloging the contents of an old house - not a dead body laying on the floor of the dusty parlor.  When she meets bounty hunter Death Bogart at the police station the two quickly become allies and then friends in the search for not 1 but 2 cases of missing jewels and maybe a murderer.

Genre: Mystery

Why I Picked This Book:  Really all I saw was there was an old house and I couldn't resist.  Old houses are my weakness.  Hidden jewels don't hurt.

My Impression:
Pro: I don't necessarily want to be Wren but I definitely want to be friends with her.  She's so nice and kind with a good sense of humor.  She's the type of person who would not only bring you soup if you were home with the flu but clean your house and bake you some brownies.  And don't even get me started about Death (pronounced Deeth).  He's amazing.  A big burly marine who suddenly finds himself disabled and not as strong as he expects himself to be.  But he's so nice and so sweet to Wren.  Really they're just amazing together.  But this isn't a romance this is a mystery and it starts out with a dead guy.  The mystery is interesting and involves 2 sets of missing jewels.  It definitely kept me turning pages but because I absolutely loved these characters and to figure out what was going on.  While this is a cozy I didn't find it cutesy or silly.  The pacing was good, the characters were fantastic and the ending tied up all the loose ends and made sense!  Not only that but it made me laugh.

Con:  Nothing really.  Eric was a little too irritating but we saw him only 2 or 3 times so that's not a big deal.  Umm.. the name Keystone reminded me of Keystone Cops and that kind of distracted me the first time I read it.  Really that's all I got.

Overall:This was a fun an interesting mystery with great characters, an interesting premise and centering around an auction house and a bounty hunter which is both unusual and gives a logical reason for investigating.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Definitely!  There's a little tiny cliffhanger at the end about what will possibly be what the next book is about.  I cannot wait!

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Absolutely!  This is a fun mystery with a touch of romance.

Challenges Met? Reading Road Trip (Missouri), New to Me (Author)


  1. This sounds like a wonderful cozy. I am like you the house on the cover immediately got my attention. The Marine named Death didn't hurt either :)

    1. I can't resist an old house. It's my kryptonite! This one was really fun!

  2. I'm so glad you liked Death and the Redheaded Woman! Thanks for reading it and reviewing it. I know you have a lot of choices in books to select for reviewing. And the second one is due this time next year.

    1. I thoroughly enjoyed this one! I will definitely be on the look out for the 2nd in the series!

  3. Old houses creep me out.
    That he's a bounty hunter seems a little different from the normal cozies you read, yea? Or maybe bounty hunters just aren't all that common to write about.
    I like when characters are find themselves in a different place in life because of circumstances. Like that he's disabled and he's probably trying to still deal with some of his limitations.
    Seems like this one would be full of banter. I love banter.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Bounty hunters are definitely unusual and he has a lot of struggles that stand out as well. Him trying to figure out what he could do now versus previously is interesting and added some depth to his and Wren's relationship.

  4. This sounds delightful and you're the second blogger to recommend it. :)

  5. Woo,woo! An old house and a red-haired woman. Plus jewels. You know what they say about diamonds and girls. What more could you want?

    1. Not only were there jewels but one set even had a historical mystery!

  6. Well, if she's the kind of person who would bake me brownies, she's welcome in my house. ;-) This does sound like a fun book. The name Death Bogart made me chuckle.

    1. Wren would be a fantastic friend. She really comes off as sweet without being sappy which is hard to do. His brother's name is even crazier!

  7. I like characters you could be friends with!

    1. I think it's impossible not to like Death and Wren. The Keystone's are pretty great too.

  8. It does look like one good read, I'm adding it to my list - great review !

    1. I really loved this one and hope you get a chance to give it a try!

  9. I knew you would like this series, I just knew it! :-) I felt the same way about Wren and Death, and I can't wait to read the next one.

    1. You were so right! I thoroughly enjoyed pretty much every bit if this one. And to leave us with that ending!! Can't wait for the 2nd book
