
Saturday, February 21, 2015

This Week in Reading - February 22

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week!

What I Got:

A quieter week than the last two but not exactly silent!

Book Scavenger by Jennifer Chambliss Bertman - This is a middle grade book involving 2 12 year olds and involves a game that centers around hidden books.  I'm very excited! Plus how could I pass up that cover? (NetGalley)

The Millionaire and the Bard: Henry Folger's Obsessive Hunt for Shakespeare's First Folio by Andrea Mays - The title prety much explains what the book is about and this one I'm very much looking forward too.  I love historical treasure hunts. (NetGalley)

Woman with a Secret by Sophie Hannah - While I liked Hannah's interpretation of Hercule Poirot in The Monogram Murders I'm really looking forward to seeing what she does with her own characters and in her own style. (Edelweiss)

Housekeeping vs. the Dirt by Nick Hornby - I read and enjoyed The Polysyllabic Spree a few years ago so I'm looking forward to seeing his thoughts on the books he's reading continue in this one (


Reading: A Sinful Deception by Isabella Bradford and Whose Body? by Dorothy Sayers

Listening:  Nothing.  We've been iced in on and off all week so I haven't had a chance to really listen to anything.

Watching: J and I watched The Mexican with Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt and that was pretty funny.  Other than I haven't been watching too much TV other than streaming Friends still.

Off the Blog:

North Alabama basically decided to turn into a block of ice this week especially on Friday.  The South gets a lot of flack because we shut down when it we get snow or ice but I don't think people realize how unprepared we are because we have no need to be prepared.  We don't have salt trucks or snow plows or anything like that and most county budgets don't stretch to have more than 1 or 2 per county if that.  We really only get snow/ice only once every few years so we have no experience driving in snow and only the major roads get cleared off.  Not to mention the fact that we really don't have the heating systems or clothing to deal with really low temperatures because we only need them for maybe a couple of days a year at most.  All this week the temperatures were in the 20s but by Saturday the high was 54 and for the most part the temperatures will stay in the 40s for the rest of the week and those are really the regular temperatures for us.  So rant over :)

All the bad weather has kept us inside this week and the Tornado has a serious case of cabin fever.  Luckily we had a birthday party this Saturday where he got a chance to get some energy out and play with his friends.  Which is good because I was going crazy!

I also got a nice lesson about walking on ice.  Turns out you can't - especially not in slippers.  Tuesday morning I hadn't realized the deck had turned into a slab of ice until I stepped on it and ended up on my back.  Luckily I came down at an angle and didn't break my tailbone but the bruising is spectacular and I'm not moving real fast right now.  I forget how important the whole back is until it's all bruised up!

On the Blog:

Reading Challenges:

For more information on my Reading Challenges this year go visit my Challenges Page
Since the last Sunday in January this is the progress I've made on my challenges -
1 new Foodie Reads which brings me up to 5/14
DHILMU, and V with the Alphabet Soup Challenge
I've visited CaliforniaMassachusettsMissouriNew York and Vermont for the Reading Road Trip
1 book for Library Challenge which brings me to 2/12
1 Historical Romance which brings me up to 1/12
I've also read 5 New to Me authors for the New to You! Challenge

What Happened:

Wednesday: Death and the Redheaded Woman - Review
Thursday: Ladle to the Grave - Review + Giveaway

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Behind Every Great Man - Nonfiction Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Favorite Heroines
Wednesday: Under a Silent Moon - Mystery Review
Thursday: A Sinful Deception - Historical Romance Review
Friday: Friday linkups with excerpt from current read
Saturday: Whose Body? Review

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I agree that Book Scavenger looks like a lot of fun. I'll have to look into that one. I can totally sympathize with your position on the weather- even up here where we get snow/ ice all the time, cars are sliding off the roads and it's a mess. Takes forever to get to work, etc.

    Sorry to hear you fell- glad it's not serious (although I bet it FEELS serious). Ice can be so dangerous. Have a super week!

    1. The Book Scavenger looks so fun! It doesn't come out until June though so I've got awhile unfortunately.
      The injury totally sucked at the time but now I'm just mostly glad it's not worse!

  2. We've been getting news reports here in Australia about all the snow that you're having to deal with. I couldn't imagine what it must be like to live in the snow and i can understand how it sound be hard to deal with if you only get it sparingly. I hope it warms up for you soon. Have a great week.

    1. I'm assuming it's going to warm up at some point. For now I'm seriously considering moving farther south! I do not like cold!

  3. The entire south was cold, my parents are in Florida freezing and my sister in Tenns had ice shut everything down..even my in-laws on the coast of NC had issues. Perfect weather for reading, movies and cocoa. Book Scavenger does look fun, I look forward to your thoughts!

    1. I'm so tired of being cold! I wouldn't mind some snowed in time but my 5 year old has some serious objections!

  4. Book Scavenger looks so cute! It's cold here in Michigan too! We were down to thirty degrees below zero the other night. It's so hard to get out of bed when it's that cold!

    1. Thirty below should not be a temperature! I'm not sure I'd be able to get out of bed at all!

  5. I'm in Ga and it's freezing. I agree, we don't have the kind of cold weather budget the northern states do, so how are we to be prepared for something that is rarely needed? *sigh* It's a paradox!

    1. Definitely and I'm so tired of being cold! Maybe one day it will be nice and warm again but it doesn't seem like it!

  6. You're doing great on your reading challenges, Katherine. I love the cover of Book Scavenger. I'm glad it's finally warming up in the South. We have a warmer day here so the freezing rain we got last night should melt soon. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks! I'm having a good time with the challenges. It sounds like we are getting another cold spell this week but hopefully it will be the last one. I want to be warm!

  7. I totally hear you about the weather. I'm in Central Texas and we are always unprepared for ice/snow/freezing rain, etc. It does make our weather people delighted though. They have a boring life here for the most part. We're supposed to get some freezing rain/sleet early tomorrow morning and into Tuesday. Yuck. I'm ready for spring and my lovely wildflowers. Sorry about your fall. Take it easy and try to stay warm.

    1. The comment about the weather people made me laugh. They love ice and tornadoes. They're almost bouncing up and down with excitement at each one!

  8. I just listened to my first Nick Hornby in years! Funny Girl. If I ever get my TBR down I will have to check out the essays. Hope your back feels better soon. Lots of water! MY post is here:

    1. Thanks! It's feeling better though still on the achy side. I've only read the one Hornby but I really enjoyed it. I'd love to try his fiction. I loved the movie High Frequency which was based off his book.

  9. Book Scavenger has one of the best covers I've ever seen. Sometimes I'll buy a book just for its cover and display it in my living room bookcase. Be careful out there--hope your bruises heal quickly.

    My Sunday post:

    1. Right! I only have it in eARC but if it's at all good I will be buying it in print for that cover!

  10. I saw Book Scavenger and almost requested it but I just can't lol however I really want to :) I love the cover too.

    Ice is no joke, we got a nice ice storm last night and expecting a good freeze this week again. I once fell twice on the same patch of ice, no bruises only the pain of embarrassment. Hope you back feels better soon!

    Have a great week, Katherine and Happy Reading!

    1. I'm not loving ice and now I'm a bit gun shy about stepping out on the deck again! I'm so excited about Book Scavenger though it doesn't come out until June so it will probably be awhile before I get to read it!

  11. We got hit with the ice as well. We're a little more prepared than yall but not by much and yep that budget thing plus it just happens so rarely. Thankfully we're hitting 50+ today so finally thawing out :D

    1. I hate ice! There's nothing you can do with it. Snow there's a chance you can play in it and it's pretty. Ice is just awful. We warmed up but we are starting to get cold again. I don't like it!


  12. We don't get snow here (two hours away, we do); but we do get slippery mud when it rains, and I have woefully discovered what happens when you walk too quickly through that stuff. It was a few years ago, but I was headed out for a trip, and had to go inside and clean up, not to mention the sore muscles afterwards!

    I definitely want to read the newest Sophie Hannah...I'm a big fan. Enjoy, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Slippery mud sounds even worse because not only are you injured but you're dirty too! I'm so excited about the Sophie Hannah. I enjoyed The Monogram Murders even though there were some flaws. I'm looking forward to seeing what she does with her own characters!

  13. Ouch! I hope you're resting your back real good. It is one of those things we need.
    I saw on the news that pile ups and accidents down there. I saw a clip of a jam on some highway where people were stuck in their cars for 12 hours because nothing was moving. :O Hope rescue was at least bringing around supplies.
    You know what? Even living here outside Toronto where we get a winter, we're still under prepared every year. I know our cities have the equipment. But it seems like every time it snows we're surprised. That's not annoying...
    I really, really like the sound Book Scavenger. I will certainly be watching for your review.
    Happy reading! Take care of that back!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. The stranded motorists were right around me. I think they did have rescue workers tried to distribute supplies. Still not fun though. I'm never leaving the house without my kindle just in case! That's so funny. I always kind of assumed that Canada would have their act together when it comes to snow! I guess corners have to cut no matter what!

  14. I'll be interested in your thoughts on Housekeeping vs. The Dirt. I really need to continue with these fun little collections.

  15. That ice is crazy and scary! Good to hear your injuries weren't worse. We do get black ice here in California and also the roads get slippery during the first rains (because of the oil on the roads) so I get scared driving during those times of year. Hopefully the weather gets warmer so you can spend some time outside.

    You have a lot of great books again but I am staying away from Netgalley (at least trying too). They all look interesting so I hope you enjoy them all. Have a great week!!

  16. Ouch, your poor backside. :( Lots of warm baths with epsom salts!

    All of your books look good, I hope you enjoy them. :)

  17. Oh my gosh, be careful on that ice!! You can really hurt yourself if you aren't careful, like I need to tell you that now! We are in north Florida and I can tell you, we aren't prepared for icy weather either. It was so cold this week.

    I like your roundup of the books.

  18. Wow, everyone has been having such horrible weather! Ice is the worst. It's so dangerous. Be careful!

  19. I love Nick Hornsby's nonfiction, but not so much his fiction. Love everything he does book review-wise.

  20. Oh, ouch, your poor back! I'm glad you didn't break anything, but I'm sorry you were hurt. Ice is nasty stuff.

    I got Book Scavenger too! And I wanted the Folger/Shakespeare book, but I am overbooked with ARCs already so I didn't request it. It went onto my TBR, though.

    Have a great week and heal up!

  21. Yesterday sunday, we had freezing temperatures, fog and a little ice, but afterward : bright springtime day ! We took a walk around the village and weren't the only ones :) Good luck with resisting the cold and take care, I hope the bruise will fade quickly !

  22. It's funny - I go in spurts when I get a ton of audio done in a week and then some weeks I don't get any in. I always have one going in my car (cds) and then one on my phone (via Audible) which I listen to while at the gym or while doing chores in the house. Occasionally I can listen to an audio while doing some work - just plain data entry - but that hasn't happened in a while.

    Glad to hear you didn't get hurt worse after your fall. I fell last summer on my tailbone and that's painful! My puppy pulled me down and I landed on the concrete sidewalk right on my tailbone - it was bruised pretty badly and I was on full bedrest for a while. Take it easy and listen to your body as you heal!!! We haven't had too much ice here in NY (I'm just 25 minutes north of NYC) but we've had lots of snow, which is getting a little old :( I'm so ready for spring!!!

    Have a great week and thanks for stopping by my blog!!!

  23. Glad you weren't hurt and I am equally glad the cold has passed. I am here in the Florida Panhandle and we were luck enough to have no ice. I do remember it from last year. I grew up in the cold and I am so over it. Guess I'll need to move to a Caribbean island to get away from it. Okay, you hear that lotto gods? LOL

    sherry @ fundinmental Sherry's Shelves

  24. I once started The Polysyllabic Spree, but didn't get too far into it. I have to be in the right mood to read essays, and unfortunately, the mood isn't right most of the time. I do want to give in another try though. I liked what I had read. Woman with a Secret sounds like it will be good.

    Ice can be so dangerous. I am glad you weren't hurt worse in your fall, Katherine!

    I hope you have a great week!

  25. Oh man! Ice is so slippery--I hope that you didn't bruise your tailbone too badly. That can be so painful. We had snow this morning which actually melted our ice and then the sun came out and melted the rest. We basically shut down as well--ice is NOT the same thing as getting snow that the northerners get.

    I have a Hornby nonfiction on my shelf but keep putting it off. I think it's Shakespeare Wrote for Money. Maybe I need to go ahead and pick it up!

    And happy birthday to Tornado!! :)
