
Saturday, February 14, 2015

This Week in Reading - February 15

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Because really the only thing I was missing was more ways to get books I decided to finally figure out Edelweiss.  The website still makes my eyes cross but I've figured it out enough to make some requests and get a few books.  Because I needed them!

Ladle to the Grave by Connie Archer - This is a series and an author I've been wanting to read for ages.  I'm really excited about finally getting started on it!  Plus we've been having really cold weather lately so the only thing better about having soup is reading about soup!  (NetGalley/Blog Tour)

Still the One by Jill Shalvis - I almost didn't ask for this one since I always get turned down by the publisher but I decided I didn't have anything to lose and got it!  There may have been dancing!  (NetGalley)

Get Your Bake on by Brian Emmett - I adored The Great American Bake Off last summer and while Brian wasn't who I was rooting for I can't wait to try some of these recipes. (NetGalley)

The Rhyme of the Magpie by Marty Wingate - I've read the first one in this series and have the 2nd.  I'm really looking forward to seeing what's happening next for this Texas born gardener living in England. (NetGalley)

The Beekeeper's Daughter by Santa Montefiore - I loved Montefiore's previous book and so even though this isn't set in Ireland I'm excited to read this one. (NetGalley)

The Body in the Birches by Katherine Hall Page - I read a ton of Page's books about 10 years ago or so and then kind of got distracted and haven't picked up any in awhile.  I saw this on Edelweiss and couldn't pass it up (Edelweiss)

Under the Same Blue Sky by Pamela Schoenewaldt - So I'm not really sure how this happened.  I got an email from Edelweiss saying I'd been granted access to this title and I thought "I don't remember requesting this" but it looked like the kind of book I'd request so I didn't think much of it until I requested the one above and realized that I'd never gone through the requesting procedure.  So I'm not sure how I got this book but I'm excited about it! (Edelweiss)

Novel Interiors: Living in Enchanted Rooms Inspired by Literature by Lisa Borgnes Giramonte - It's a coffee table book full of bookish inspired rooms.  I haven't had time to really sit down with it but I see  a lot of design inspiration in my future!  (Blogging for Books)

Whose Body? by Dorothy Sayers - I decided I wanted to read this in print so even though I have a copy on my Kindle I picked this one up the other day (Library)


Reading:  Ladle to the Grave by Connie Archer and Lord Edgware Dies by Agatha Christie

Listening:  This Book is Overdue by Marilyn Johnson but I'm having a hard time getting into it.  I think part of it is that I've still got a bit of an audio hangover from Anthony Bourdain's Medium Raw which I really enjoyed.

Watching:  Really not much this week.  I've been reading quite a bit which is nice.  When I have been watching it's generally those true crime shows which I love.  J and I have been watching Worst Cooks in America on Food Network which ends tonight.  I look forward to it every year!  I'm also still watching Friends and while I'm enjoying it I like the earlier seasons better.  Maybe it's because of the age I was when the show was coming out?  I identify more with the earlier shows.  

Off the Blog:

We've had a nice quiet week.  Paul and Emma's school had a half day on Friday which meant the Tornado didn't have school at all.  I didn't realize it until earlier in the week but we ended up having a lovely day.  We went to the library and then stopped at the Vietnamese sub place up the street for lunch - well the Tornado got a grilled cheese but I got this amazing lemongrass chicken bahn mi sub concoction and Thai bubble tea.  I was a happy girl.  I went to coffee with a real life friend the other day and it was so fun.  We didn't have a huge amount of time but it was good to see her and get out of my house for a bit.  When it's winter I really just want to stay in sweats and not leave the house but I did enjoy getting out and the company.

We had a nice low key Valentine's Day.  Emma and Paul were both at work and then out with friends so J, the Tornado and I stayed home.  We had macaroni and cheese and milk shakes for dinner.  Can you guess who planned the menu?  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

Thursday: The Hexed - Review

What's Coming Up:

Monday: The Unexpected Consequences of Love - Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Problems
Wednesday: Death and the Red Headed Woman - Review
Thursday: Ladle to the Grave - Blog Tour Review
Friday: Friday Linkups with whatever book I'm reading
Saturday: Hopefully a review of Whose Body?

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Macaroni and cheese and milk shakes- that's awesome! :) We had a quiet Valentine's Day too, went out for dinner but then just came home- it was too cold to do anything, temps are like single digits. crazy. Have a great weekend, and enjoy the reads!

    1. Oh I do not like single digit temps! No fun! The macaroni and cheese and milkshakes were tasty! Not healthy or sophisticated but tasty!

  2. It's easy to guess ;) I heard reading Jill Shalvis can become an addiction, I still have to experience it. Have a great week (starting with a relaxing sunday) !

    1. I've only read her Lucky Harbor books but I love them. I'm stalling on reading the last trilogy because I'm just not ready for it to be over! Hope you give her a try soon!

  3. I will never like the layout of Edelweiss but they have some great books! And it seems easier to get auto approval on there too.
    Your Valentines day sounds like fun to me!

    1. I'm figuring out Edelweiss but it definitely isn't pretty. They have a few publishers that NetGalley doesn't. I love getting auto approved! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

  4. You got The Beekeeper's Daughter, yay! I still haven't gotten to it, but I hope to soon. And yep, I have still been putting off listening to my first audiobook. Lol. I'll have to do it soon though because it is for Black History Month. One problem is the author's voice, who is narrating, is so soothing it started putting me to sleep when I listened to the sample. Have a wonderful week with your family. :)

    1. I'm really picky about the voice for audios for exactly what you mention! To soothing and I end up relaxing and tuning it out! I'm really excited about The Beekeeper's Daughter. Simon & Schuster can take forever for an approval so hopefully you'll get it soon!

    2. I have it already! I have to finish a couple of review books before I can get to it. I'm so excited for it though. :)

    3. Oops! Read that wrong. I'm looking forward to getting to this one as well!

  5. I have not explored Edelweiss yet... that could be dangerous! Still, I have a feeling I'm missing out on some good books. Have never heard of a Vietnamese sub, but it sounds delicious!!

    1. I love the Vietnamese subs! They put these marinated carrots on it that are just amazing! I don't think Edelweiss is as dangerous as NetGalley or at least not yet!

  6. Fantastic new books, Katherine. I want almost every one of them. Enjoy them and the week ahead.

    My recap:

  7. I *love* Jill Shalvis. I can't wait to hear what you though! Congrats on figuring out edelweiss. I never could figure it out ~ far too confusing.

    1. I'm really excited about the Shalvis though I still haven't finished Lucky Harbor series! Edelweiss is definitely confusing. I kind of just pressed buttons till I got somewhere!

  8. I adore Edelweiss, but my gosh doe the interface need a makeover. On the flip side, I wish NetGalley would go back to how it was and stop messing around with what's not broken.

    Have a good week x

    My Sunday Post

    1. Oh I so agree about NetGalley! I feel like I have to go about 9 different places to find what used to be on my dashboard!

  9. I love mac and of my favorite comfort foods, and it's hard to find the kind I love!

    Your books look good...I especially want that coffee table book, Novel Interiors. My guilty pleasure is looking at interiors and imagining them in my home. And copying a few little things....but usually the interiors are so lush, they can't be imitated. Sigh.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and enjoy your week.

    1. I so agree about decor books! For most you need a small palace and an unlimited budget but the ones I've looked at so far look doable. I love macaroni cheese! My current favorite is one with smoked Gouda. Yum!

  10. I have been turned dowN many times by Netgalley's publishers but recently have got more acceptances than before. Edelweiss have been also very good to me.

    1. I do okay on NetGalley though there on some publishers I don't get along with!

  11. Great looking reads! I need to get tot he library this week :)

  12. I'm looking forward to what you think about Still the One. I haven't read anything from her yet. I'm glad you had a nice coffee date with a friend. Those are always nice. :)

    1. I love Shalvis! She had such great characters. I'm looking forward to this one though I will miss Lucky Harbor!

  13. LOL I totally understand you about Ed. Even though I'm not a huge fan of that site still I do visit it cause they do have books I want. We just have to get used to it, which seems to be hard. Anyhow you've got some really interesting books, great haul :)

    1. Edelweiss has a lot of books from William Morrow and I love a lot of their books. I'm really looking forward to getting these read!

  14. Oh, I'm jealous! Edelweiss turned me down for Body in the Birches! :( I agree that Edelweiss is hard to figure out and some days it gives me a headache. Ah well, enjoy all of your new lovelies!

    1. I have no idea how I managed to get it. Maybe a good sob story on the reason for requesting? I'm looking forward to getting some reading done.

  15. Because you really need them. LOL I know what you mean. I have been looking at Edelweiss too:-)

  16. My little guy asked for a grilled cheese sandwich for Valentine's dinner. I was happy to oblige since it meant I was able to enjoy all of my steak I cooked for hubby and I.
    I need to really figure out Edelweiss. I got some book requests in....but can't figure out how to tell if they were approved and if so, how to get them. Major kudos to you for getting that done! :)

    1. Grilled cheese would probably have been a 2nd choice for my little one! We are pretty much all about anything with cheese! Steak sounds amazing as well! I would tell you how I got there on Edelweiss but I have no idea how it happened. I did get approval emails so maybe look for those? Good luck!

  17. Edelweiss is so confusing and they hate me. No matter what I ask for they never say ok. I am only auto approved for Harper Collins but I can't get anything else. Netgalley seems to like me a lot better :)

    I love Mac & Cheese and now I want a milkshake :) That would be my daughters pick as well!

    Have a great week, Katherine!

    1. The milkshake was pretty amazing! I don't make them very often but they're so yummy! I'm still playing around with Edelweiss. I've only requested a few so we'll see!

  18. Quite is good. It's a long weekend for you guys too, right? That's why they introduced Family Day a few years ago. It's a long weekend, but you're supposed to spend it with you family. It's just nice not to have to wait so long between long weekends anymore. Lol.
    Edelweiss is another black hole for bloggers. But we all make our ways to eventually. Lol. Glad I'm not really approved for anything off of there. Good luck!
    Macaroni and cheese and milkshakes sounds like a perfect dinner menu. The Tornado has his priorities straight. :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Monday is President's Day for us but I love the idea of Family Day. I didn't check out either NetGalley or Edelweiss today! It's like a victory!

  19. I like Edelweiss. It was originally a book sale site so is not as reviewer friendly as NetGalley. But, it is pretty col to download from them. My Post:

    1. Ahhh that makes sense! It does feel a bit like going through a catalog.

  20. I tried staying away from both Edelweiss and NetGalley, but I'm not doing too well with that. I've wanted to read Connie Archer's series for awhile. It looks good.

    Have a great week!

    1. I'm terrible at avoiding NetGally and Edelweiss. I want all the pretty books!

  21. Edelweiss is not an easy site to figure out. they have so much more than NetGalley, so it is good you are able to navigate enough to get some new releases. Nice haul. Happy reading!

    1. I did find some great stuff on Edelweiss! I'm trying to avoid it some because I have no self control!

  22. I've never tried Edelweiss, but it looks like you made out like a bandit there.

    1. I'm excited about Edelweiss! They have a few publishers that I love that NetGalley doesn't.

  23. Edelweiss is pretty simple once you figure it out. If you just stick under the 'Review Copies' tab, it'll be easy. They have some publishers that aren't on NG, which I like. Have a great week.

    1. Once my eyes uncrossed I figured it out so I'm golden now! Because of course I need more books!

  24. Oh the valentines menu is sweet, not hard to guess who wanted that! ;-)
    I haven't had the courage to check out Edelweiss yet, my kindle is too full. Maybe once that is sitting at a more respectable level I'll give it a try.
    Have a great week.

    1. Stay away from Edelweiss! Far too tempting! Valentine's Day was fun. Not healthy but fun!

  25. I laughed at your experience of Jill Shalvis books on NetGalley - I have been turned down too and don't ask either, mainly because I live in part of the world that is told don't bother! So pleased you didn't give up and got it. Her Animal Magnetism series is the series I really love by her. The Beekeeper's Daughter looks good too. Will see what you think.

    1. It's funny you say that! I'm always finding books that are for the UK/Australia only! I'm excited about The Beekeeper's Daughter. I loved her previous book!

  26. I haven't heard of these books, but I am so glad you were able to get so many, and that you figured out EW :) I hope you love them all! Also, sounds like you had a really lovely week, I hope this coming week is equally great!

  27. It looks like you got some nice books from the reviewing sites. Enjoy and have a great week!

  28. Glad you had a nice week and fun low-key Valentines! Also, looks like you got some good books from Edelweiss, I hope you enjoy them. Seriously though, why does Edelweiss have to be so confusing!? I've been using it for almost two months now and am still getting the hang of it. =)

    1. Right? I think I've got the hang of it but it certainly isn't the easiest to figure out!

  29. What is Edelweiss? You talk about some interesting reads. I added the soup mystery, the first of the animal magnetism series, the beekeeper one, and the potting mystery. Infirmaries not all are available in kindle. Hopefully our library has the hard copy.

    1. Edelweiss is a sure to request review books. It's like NetGalley except some different publishers and the Interface isn't nearly as pretty! I hope you enjoy the books! I think Novel Interiors would work better in print because it's very graphic heavy.

  30. A new Santa Montefiore.. that's definitely one I will have to look out for as I've read previous books and really enjoyed them.

    Hope you enjoy your new books and have a great week :)

    1. I've only read one previous Montefiore but I absolutely loved it. I'm hoping this one is as good!

  31. I think we all feel the same about Edelweiss. Not a very user friendly site. We have been watching Masterpiece Mystery- GrantChester. They are mysteries that a local man of the cloth and detective solve involving folks from his parish.

    1. Oh I've seen that Masterpiece Mystery series listed! It looks great and I've been wondering about it. Will add it to my watch list!

  32. I have an account on edelweiss and even once or twice requested a book, but I just can't figure out that website, it so confusing. I much prefer netgalley, with it's logical layout and neat design.

    You did got some good sounding books this week! And yay for getting accepted while you expected to get turned down. I recently got accepted for some books by netgalley while I expected to get turned down, it's a great feeling!

    Sounds like you had a nice quite week. I hope next week will be a great week for you as well!

    1. I love getting an approval for a book I really wanted. It's like a present! Edelweiss could definitely use a more user friendly interface. I think I've got it figured out but it took awhile.

  33. Oh my gosh Edelweiss is a pain! The only ones I do through there are pre-approves by the pub and even those. Goodness but they are not user friendly.

    1. For the first one I had to go through the email link because for the life if me I could not figure out how to find it. I think I'm good now - not that I really need to be!

  34. Edelweiss is different but I have never had any problems with it, but that is weird but at least it was something you wanted. :) The one your currently reading Ladle to the Grave sounds fun. :)


    1. I'm enjoying Ladle to the Grave though I'm feeling heavy on mysteries lately.

  35. Nice haul!! My request for Still the One is still pending... *crossing fingers* I really hope I'll be accepted. It's one time yes and one time no with the publisher for some reason.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the extra time with Emma and the Tornado :)

    Have a great week and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. They're definitely the most finicky publisher I've dealt with through NetGalkey. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

  36. Nice haul this week! I still haven't requested any eARCs - I don't think my blog is ready and I already have so many books to read. But I like browsing those sites to see the new releases - even if Edelweiss isn't the prettiest.
    Hope you have a great week and lots of reading. =)

    1. If definitely put off ARCs as long as possible. Once you start it's this death spiral where you're drowning in books yet I can't seem to quit! I want all the pretty books!

  37. I would love to have a dinner like that with the Tornado - a kid after my own heart. Does he also like pizza? The Beekeeper's Daughter is on my TBR list!

    1. Pizza and Macaroni and cheese are his two favorite foods. His 2 food groups are basically cheese and sugar. That's all he willingly eats! I'm so excited about The Beekeepers Daughter! I loved her previous book.

  38. Macaroni and Cheese! My favorite. That's awesome. We had a simple dinner for Valentines and I loved it. Those are pretty covers though. Have a great week ♥


  39. Macaroni and Cheese and milkshakes sounds like a delicious Valentine's Day meal. I think we had popcorn and fruit on the side for dinner that evening since we ate a late lunch. I can't remember. Isn't that awful? My memory isn't what it used to be.

  40. The Beekeeper's Daughter looks really good. Glad you had a nice Valentine's Day. And thanks for stopping by!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

  41. Sounds like the Tornado and I have the same favorite food! Mac & cheese is one of my top comfort foods. Hmm, it's been a while since I made it... I'm glad you had a nice Valentine's Day, and a nice day off with the kids earlier, too. Sorry it's taken me so long to catch up on Sunday Post comments this week! Your new books look awesome. I'm going to have to be careful not to read the Ladle to the Grave reviews until I finish reading and write my review!
