
Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Hexed - Review

The Hexed by Heather Graham

Rating: 4 Stars
Source: NetGalley

Description:  Devin Lyle is happy living in Salem, Massachusetts in the cottage her great aunt left her and writing children's books.  The murder of a local woman makes her a little nervous but then one night she hears something outside her cottage and stumbles over a dead body and into the arms of FBI Agent Craig "Rocky" Rockwell.

Rocky's life was changed forever when he was 17 and found the body of his friend Melissa.  He went from a teenage boy interested on football and girls to one forever haunted by that sight and led into a career in law enforcement.  And now he, the Krewe, his old friends and Devin must race to solve this latest series of murders because it looks like Devin could be the next target.

Genre: Mystery/Romance

Why I Picked This Book:  I've enjoyed my previous Heather Graham books and I love ghost stories.  Throw in the Salem setting and it's hard to pass up!

My Impression:
Pro: This story drew me right in as soon as I opened it.  The setting is so wonderfully spooky, the ghosts are just enough to be interesting and Devin and Rocky are interesting and likable.  I even liked Poe, the raven Devin inherited from her Aunt Mina.  I thought the mix of history was well done and they did research! I love when they do research in books!  Rocky was a nice guy.  Smart, driven and so relieved to be with other people who could see ghosts it seeped off the pages.  The rest of the Krewe is interesting and I'm looking forward to reading their stories.  I liked that Rocky's relationships with his old friends isn't all hearts and rainbows.  There's some tension and some old resentments and while that's not present all the time they do stumble on the undercurrents sometimes.  The look into the behind the scenes of the tourist town was interesting.  I liked how the relationship progressed between Devin and Rocky.  It didn't feel unnaturally fast and they liked each other from first meeting.  It felt real and went with the flow of the book.  The pacing for this one was very good and really I just wanted to curl up with a cup of tea and read this one.  Perfect rainy day reading!

Con:  I found myself thinking "Okay well how did they reach that conclusion?" a few times.  It wasn't that it didn't make sense it was that there were some jumps in logic that were pretty big or that they would all of a sudden turn theory into fact.  Granted this is a mystery where ghosts help out so I'm not looking for 100% accuracy but it did puzzle me a few times.  Bea at Bea's Book Nook had some issues with some of the accuracy of the facts about Massachusetts and the overuse of the world "wicked".  I have never been to Massachusetts and have no connection to the state so none of this bothered me but if you're from there or are familiar with the area be prepared!

Overall: This is a fun book with just enough creep to add atmosphere but not so much to give you nightmares.  Though this is book #13 in the series in no way let that stop you from picking this one up.  These are only loosely connected and each can be read as stand alone.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Definitely!  In fact reading this I can't figure out why I haven't gone a massive Heather Graham book binge already!

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Absolutely!  This is fun, interesting and sweet all at the same time.

Challenges Met?   Alphabet Soup (H), Reading Road Trip (Massachusetts)


  1. She's one I do want to try one day. Maybe a different one. I don't know if the jumps in logic would work for me. It's always interesting reading one that's set where you live or in your career field. I've had that like Bea where probably wouldn't have bothered anyone but I "knew" so it niggled. lol

    1. I cringe anytime I come across a book set in the South for the same reason! No one says ya'll that much! I really enjoyed this though as a mystery there are a couple of leaps. As a romance it's fantastic!

  2. I remember Bea's wicked I am glad you enjoyed this one as well.

    1. I did enjoy this! I caught a few wickeds at first but then I got into the story and forgot all about it!

  3. Mmm, ghosts and a mystery and set in Salem - right up my alley!

  4. I am glad you enjoyed this one, Katherine! I do love a good ghost story. :-) I look forward to reading more by Graham in the future.

    1. I would love to have a Graham binge soon! I've got 2 more coming up and can't wait to read them!

  5. I haven't read a book from her yet but not sure why but I do want to try at least one from her and this one sounds great! Glad you enjoyed it! Great review!!!

    1. It was such fun! I've read 2 and I liked this one best I think. Thank you so much!

  6. I love books with a Salem, Massachusetts angle! This sounds like an interesting read.

    1. She did a great job on the atmosphere. This definitely isn't a book that could just be set anywhere.

  7. I love this author and I definitely want to read this one.

    1. This is only 2nd book I've read by her but I'm really looking forward to reading more!

  8. I do want to try this author someday, she gets reviewed a lot lately and people seem to enjoy her stories overall. Great review ;)

  9. This sounds like a book I would enjoy despite the creepiness - in part because I can trust it will have a happy ending. (The series is romantic suspense, right?) I think I have the first in the series, picked up as a Kindle deal. I'll probably try to read them in order but I'll be on the lookout for this one. Good review!
