
Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday Linkups: Whose Body?

It's Friday link up time!  I'm linking up with Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings on Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

Book Blogger Hop Question:
Is there anything that makes you keep returning to certain blogs?

My Answer: 
Lots of things which is probably why my blog list on Bloglovin' is so long!  Clear reviews are important.  I like to know what the reviewer liked or didn't like and to learn a little more about the book than just the blurb.  That being said I also really enjoy the micro or twitter style reviews mixed in.  Discussion posts and lists are also fun to see.  Most importantly is probably the voice of the reviewer.  There's a few blogs I follow even though we don't have that many books in common just because they seem like nice people.

*So it turns out it's not a good idea to pull up a book on you Kindle before coffee.  The following are from Strong Poison NOT Whose Body?* This week's book is my Reading Assignment Challenge book for February - Whose Body? by Dorothy Sayers.  While I've been a life long fan of Agatha Christie, Ngaio Marsh and Patricia Wentworth somehow Dorothy Sayers never got read. I read Gaudy Night in college maybe and loved it but never went back to read more.  I'm excited to read this first book and get to know Lord Peter Wimsey a bit better!

The Beginning:
"There were crimson roses on the bench; they looked like splashes of blood."

My thoughts: I love the descriptiveness of the beginning.  Since this is a murder mystery the correlation from roses to blood seems fitting.

The 56:
The only question that remains for you is weather, in fact, that arsenic was deliberately administered by the prisoner with intent to murder."

My thoughts: This sounds very legal so I'm guessing courtroom scene?  I'm betting the arsenic was deliberate!

So what do you think?  Have you read much Sayers or any of the other classic mysteries?


  1. You've mentioned the very best of the best in mystery writers. Thanks for the reminder to revisit them.

    My Friday post:

    1. I love them all but Sayers is one I never read much of. I'm really excited to get started in this one!

  2. I loved your observation about following bloggers even though you may not have that many book interests in common. I definitely find myself doing that, and the good thing is, I've ventured out of my comfort zone and enjoyed some great books!

    1. Oh I so agree! There's a bunch of books I've read and loved or are on my TBR because of blogs that I love but don't necessarily always line up with what I usually read.

  3. I really love a good murder mystery, and this is an author I need to check out! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  4. My Feedly list is long too! And I think I love the giveaways and the humor and of course a pretty blog is a plus too. Love your book beginning.

  5. The blogger herself/himself is very important. I love to return to blogs that I know have warm, helpful owners. That is most every blogger that I know. Reading bloggers are the best in the blog world. :)

    ENJOY your weekend. Lots of giveaways going on at my blog until April if you want to stop.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  6. I have seen books by this author but never read one either. Let me know what you think of it after you have completed it. Thanks for visiting my blog so regularly. I appreciate your comments and thoughts!
    -Anne at My Head is Full of Books

  7. So far I've only read Agatha Christie but this one definitely seems like something I might enjoy. And I agree with you, I love the descriptiveness in the beginning.

  8. It was definitely deliberate, but not from the person they expect. Haha, these mystery 56s are always so fun :)

  9. OH I'm so the same way about blogs. I have a crazy long list and a good number who don't read the same as me but it's still interesting to check out what they're reading and now and again they totally convince me to try something new out :)

  10. Oh that book sounds interesting. Hope you're enjoying it.

  11. I follow so many different kinds of blogs. Not all are about books. And I do enjoy discussions posts and tips too. Everyone I've met is friendly and some have become good friends.
    I like the beginning. And that cover is noirish fun!
    My 56 -

  12. Nice teaser. I visit a variety of book review blogs and since my reading tastes are so eclectic it works out. Like you the blogger themselves are what make me most loyal

  13. I never read this author but I want to. This sounds good.

  14. Hi Katherine,

    You have highlighted some of the best of the classic mystery authors and I am certain that once you get to know him, the enigmatic character of Lord Peter Wimsey, will become one of your firm favourites!

    I still read many of these classics, although not as often as perhaps I should, or would like to. One of your names was a long forgotten 'blast from the past' though! I read just about every Ngaio Marsh book written when I was a teenager and absolutely loved them, although she is one author I have never returned to and I don't know why. I can feel some re-reads coming on, thanks for the prompt!

    I generally only follow book blogs, although that is only a time issue and nothing more. I usually choose blogs where I have an empathy with the blogger, rather than what they blog about, or the genres of books they read. Being able to chat freely, as if you are in the same room with the person, is so important to me.

    Thanks for the interesting post today and have a great weekend,


  15. That does sound very legal ad she's another author I've been meaning to try.

  16. I've heard of Sayer but never read any of her books. It does sound right up my alley though!
    Happy weekend! <3

  17. I enjoy reading reviews that share pros & cons too! I find it helps me make a better decision on my next read :)
    I love the BB in how it described the roses as splashes of blood, what a great introduction to say the least

  18. I look for many of the same things in a review and in a blog. Clear reviews that tell something about the book - but no major spoilers! Pros and cons, definitely. I like a blog that gives me a sense of what the blogger is like, and has an identifiable voice (something I'm still trying to find with mine.) Like you, there are a few I follow just because I've gotten to like the person, but more I follow because they review the kind of books I like. And a few that combine both - someone I've come to like and admire, and shared book interests - like yours!

  19. I also enjoy bloggers who write clear reviews and with minimal spoilers. I do have a couple of blogs that I visit regularly even though we don't share the same taste in books. It's fun to see a variety of topics.

    Have a great week!

    Kathy @ My Nook, Books & More
    My Blog Hop Answer

  20. I have read Christie before, but it has been a while. Nothing by Sayers yet, but I really should. So much to read and so little time.

    Thanks for visiting The Busy Mom's Daily on Friday.

  21. Oh yes! Those bloggers who's into different genres, but so nice and friendly. I stalk their blogs too :)


  22. Good opening! Thanks for stopping by my blog last week!

  23. I love classic mysteries and started reading them when I was a teen: Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, Ngaio Marsh, Sherlock Holmes, and Mary Roberts Rinehart. I've read all the Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle and I also read the ones written by other authors. I've read most of the Agatha Christies. I mostly read cozy and historical mysteries.
