
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Twisted Threads - Blog Tour Review

Twisted Threads by Lea Wait

Rating: 4 Stars
Source: Blog Tour
Description:  Angela Curtis left Harbor Haven, Maine as soon as she was handed her high school diploma.  Growing up in the shadow of her mother's disappearance not even her close relationship with her grandmother could make for a happy childhood.  But now Angela's mother has been found and it isn't the happy reunion she had hoped for.  Now with her own mother's murder to solve, her grandmother's needlepoint business to save and another murder that happened too close to home quiet little Harbor Haven isn't looking so peaceful.

Genre: Mystery

Why I Picked This Book: I can't resist family secrets and cozy mysteries!
My Impression:
Pro:  I love when main characters in cozies have a job that makes their murder investigating make some sense so I was thrilled that Angie had been a private investigator in Arizona.  It made her investigating make sense.  I loved Harbor Haven.  It's a pretty town filled with interesting people but it's also a town that's been hit hard by changes in the lobster industry and it's struggling to survive.  That was portrayed very well without over doing it.  There were really 2 different mysteries going on but it didn't feel overwhelming or chaotic.  The characters were interesting and even the ones I didn't like were believable.  The pacing was good and even though I figured out the why before the book was through there were still plenty of twists and turns to keep me interested.

Con:  For the most part I loved this book but I did find Angie's interactions with Officer Pete Lambert a little strange.  I liked that she took the time to deal with her pistol carry permit but then her calling and dealing with him over her mother's murder in a vaguely flirtatious way didn't seem to fit her character.

Overall:  I really enjoyed this mystery but I'm even more excited to see where the series goes.  There's a lot of potential for some great mysteries and I look forward to visiting Harbor Haven and the Mainely Needlepointers soon!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely!  The 2nd book is already on my GoodReads wishlist!

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Definitely!

Challenges Met?  New to Me (author), Road Trip (Maine), Alphabet Soup (T)


  1. I've been on a mission to find books set in small towns. There's something more interesting and intimate with smaller town mysteries which I've missed for awhile. This sounds lovely.

    1. I really loved this one and I'm a sucker for small town settings!

  2. I used to read so many cozies and I'm in a mood lately where I kind of miss them. Been watching Gilmore Girls but maybe I should pick up a cozy!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. I love cozies! There's so many out there and not all are great so it can be hard to figure out where to start. I really enjoyed this one!

  3. This sounds like a good cozy, Katherine. It does stretch the imagination when the one doing the detecting in a cozy is a bookstore owner or something not related to investigations by occupation, doesn't it? I enjoy those types of cozies now and then, but it is much easier to accept and believe when the main character is a detective, whether P.I.'s or police.

    1. Exactly! It always strikes me as a little strange when someone with no connection to the murder starts trying to solve it! I really liked this one!

  4. Thank you for your review! I always appreciate hearing from readers ...!

    1. Thank you! I really enjoyed the read!

    2. This looks like a fun cozy Katherine, and thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Lea, I had the pleasure of meeting you years ago when I worked at the Edgecomb School (and I lived in Boothbay) and you came to give a talk to the 4th grade class about writing skills. Small world! Much continued success!

    3. I really enjoyed this one Rita. It was a cozy but it wasn't cutesy. How awesome that you two have met. Very small world!

  5. Sounds great! I like that she had some history with investigation. That helps me with cozies too. I'm hoping to read more of them this year. I only got a handful in in 2014.

    1. I loved this one! I reward a lot of cozies but this was one of my favorites.

  6. I love the sound of these quaint seaside towns. Maybe because I want to live in one. Lol!
    Do you find it hard to read a book nowadays where you don't figure out the mystery early one? You read a lot of mysteries, so I thought it might be hard for you.
    Like 90% of the time I know who the murderer is on Criminal Minds b/c you can't fool me anymore. Lol!
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Criminal Minds is one of my favorites! And one of the reasons I'm incrediably paranoid! I do generally guess the killer but as long as I'm entertained I don't count it as a flaw.

  7. What a coincidence! My sister in law gave me this book for Christmas because I write mysteries set in Maine, and she likes me to "meet" other authors who set their stories there!

    1. If love to hear your take on this one! Maine is one of my favorite settings!

  8. I'm glad you enjoyed this too! I agree with your pros and your con, though I think there are hints that she was flirtatious in the past (in high school at least.) Like you, I think this is a great start to the series and I'm looking forward to the next one!

    1. I do agree about the hints but it seemed like she had gone out of her way to change. It's really only a con because I was being nitpicky!

  9. I also like when there's a logical reason for the cozy mystery leads to get involved in investigating. This one sounds good.

    1. Exactly! I love PIs or reporters especially. I really enjoyed this one!

  10. You have piqued my curiosity so I've added this to my TBR. I like your layout of your book reviews. Its simplicity is easy on the eyes and easy to follow.

    1. Thank you! I'm a list checker so this has been the best way to organize my thoughts! I really enjoyed this one!

    2. I stopped writing book reviews because it was a bit much for me. If I ever wanna share a really good read, I may copy your format.

    3. I definitely recommend a format. It make writing reviews much simpler.

  11. I love the setting and like that she is a PI.I added this one to my list :)

  12. Sounds great! I love books set in Maine, especially cozies.

  13. This one is on my list to read. It really does look good.
