
Friday, January 9, 2015

Friday Linkups: Ex Libris

It's Friday Linkup time!  I'm linkup up with Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings on Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Question:
If you could have dinner with your favorite character,who would it be?

My Answer:
Miss Marple without question.  Can you imagine the gossip!  Plus her observations about the people around us would be extremely entertaining.  She'd be the best person ever to people watch with!

My book this week is Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader by Anne Fadiman.  This was a Christmas gift from my grandmother who is without a doubt the biggest influence on my reading. I talk about books with her more than probably anyone else. I can never resist books that are about books and this one is just pretty with it's simple cover.  I'm thoroughly enjoying it!

The Beginning (from the Preface):
"When the Irish novelist John McGahern was a child, his sisters unlaced and removed one of his shoes while he was reading.  He did not stir."

My thoughts:
I can definitely relate to this.  When I read I can shut out everything that's going on around me.  I'm not quite as good as this as I used to be (something about kids made this a little harder to do) but when I was a child I could read absolutely anywhere with no problem!

The 56:
Unfortunately - since George married me anyway and has retained his affection for both fish and Joseph Mitchell - my words were preserved for good."

My thoughts:
Since I haven't gotten to page 56 I have no idea what she's talking about other than it's book related.  I'm guessing either a misquote or an unfortunate opinion written in a book!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  How do you feel about books about books?


  1. I can relate to the opening too. I'm curious about the 56 and even more curious to hear what you think about the book.

  2. That 56 makes me very curious....and I love that cover! I've seen that bookish image around....I got it from Pinterest. LOL

    Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “COPPER BEACH”

    1. Pinterest is the source of most things! And the cover is just so bookish I could just sit and stare at it!

  3. You must really enjoy your grandma. I have read this one. It's been a long time. I was excited to get it. Simply because it's a book about books. I like the cover too.

    1. I do! It's fun to talk books! I love books about books and I have been enjoying this one.

  4. Sounds like an interesting book. The 56 definitely has me wondering what she's talking about. What a wonderful relationship to have with your grandmother! My granddaughter is only three years old, but I hope to have a "bookish" relationship with her when she gets older.
    My Friday post features FETCHING LOVE.

    1. Oh I hope you do! It's nice to have other bookish family members!

  5. Hi Katherine,

    Very few of either my own or hubbies family members read and those which do, never really want to discuss their books or their thoughts about them. I therefore rely heavily on all my blogging buddies out there, for a good bookish discussion :)

    Even though 'Ex Libris' probably isn't a book for me, I am captivated by the cover art and those opening lines, which I too, can relate to so well. I have always liked to have peace and quiet when I read, then I can generally shut out everything else around me and get lost in the story!

    Thanks for sharing and I hope that you have a good weekend,


    1. It is nice to have people in real life to discuss books with but it's definitely few and far between. I rely on blogging for bookish talk for the most part as well though I'm lucky to have some family who are readers!

  6. Now that is what I call being involved in reading. Nice 56. ^_^
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

    1. Oh it gets better. I think they do about everything but set him on fire to get his attention!

  7. Replies
    1. I'm looking forward to finding out what that's all about!

  8. Interesting, especially the part about the shoe! :D

    1. It keeps going for quite awoke as they try and get his attention. It's pretty entertaining!

  9. It sounds like you have a beautiful relationship with your grandmother. What a priceless thing!

    1. It's lovely! It's nice to have someone who understands that reading is doing something!

  10. Page 56 intrigued me, and I can understand about getting lost in a book.

    1. I love getting lost in a book! I wish it happened more often !

  11. Miss Marple would be fun. ENJOY your dinner with her. :)

    Have a great weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. Wouldn't she be great! I would be a little afraid to find out who I reminded her of though!

  12. What a wonderful choice. I become so into a story I hear and see nothing around me. Drives my son nuts. LOL
    Here's my 56 -

    1. It used to drive my parents crazy. Luckily now my husband and kids are used to it!

  13. I'm curious for more!
    Happy weekend!

  14. I haven't read Miss Marple nor have read a book about a book. I have seen a show about the Harry Potter series and Rowling. I don't know if that's the same. I think it's a must to be able to have someone to talk about books. I have my mum. She's an avid reader and prefers hard copies.

    1. If you enjoy mysteries Misd Marple is wonderful. She's so very British. I love books about books or really anything about books. The show on the HP series sounds interesting! There's so much to talk about there!

  15. I've seen this book come up a few different places recently. It sounds like it would be a good read. I may have to add it to my TBR list.

    1. So far I'm really enjoying this one! It's so very bookish!

  16. I think I'd have to say Miss Marple too. :-)

    I used to be good at blocking out everything around me too when I was reading. And like you, not so much since I had my daughter. It actually did happen to me last month though--I missed an entire tantrum that occurred in the same room I was in because I was so involved in my book. My mom and husband dealt with it and couldn't believe I didn't notice. LOL

    1. Wouldn't she be awesome! Oh the gossip! That's impressive to be able to drown out a temper tantrum. I can ignore whining and bickering but I'm not sure I've ever blocked out a full tantrum! I'm jealous!

  17. Dinner with a girl like Miss Marple sounds awesome and your book looks interesting :)


    1. I think it'd be pretty entertaining to here her take on the other people in the restaurant!

  18. I have to suspect that the reason it was easier to read with any given noise or distraction as young adults, was because we were not tied down to such great responsibilities, like our children. I too cannot seem to block out my littles when I read! I believe it has to do with our motherly instinct, in how we are just constantly mindful and watchful that they are not getting into trouble or into something that can hurt them. I purposefully schedule one hour of quite time within our day just so that we all get in some fun reading time :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Quiet time was definitely a sanity saver when my older kids were younger and it's definitely something I need to restart with the Tornado. I think everyone needs the reset. I agree about the maternal instinct messing with our reading. Maybe when they're older it will get better?

  19. Yeah I can too! Well at least most of the time (as long as I know my 2 year old is okay haha)! Thanks for sharing and stopping by my blog! :)

    1. I do pretty well if I know my little one is occupied! I assume when he gets older I'll be able to concentrate better.
