
Saturday, January 31, 2015

This Week in Reading - February 1

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week!

What I Got:

Nothing!  It's kind of relief.  There's a few I'm waiting on but this week I got nothing!


Reading:  The Hexed by Heather Graham and Empire Girls by Suzanne Hayes and Loretta Nyhan

Listening:  I'm still listening to Anthony Bourdain's Medium Raw.  While I wouldn't want to spend a lot of time with him he's so blatantly honest about himself I've found it hard not to admire him. Plus the chapter where he skewered Alice Waters made me laugh till I cried.

Watching: Everything.  We got our cable stuff switched around this week and to get HBO which was mandatory we ended up getting every other movie channel there is.  It's a lot less than we were paying and it's kind of fun.  Needless to say my reading has taken a hit but my TV watching has gone up.  On top of the movie channels we now have Smithsonian so I've been binging on documentaries.  Movie-wise I have The Great Gatsby, The Conjuring and Monuments Men coming up.  

Off the Blog:

Everyone here is sick but me.  Paul brought it home though of course for him being sick is the same whether it's a minor cold or the plague. He's nauseous and has a headache, then he sleeps for most of the day and is fine.  Emma, J and the Tornado haven't been so lucky and have been congested and feeling kind of crappy for several days.  I'm taking vitamins and drinking green tea like there's no tomorrow trying to keep the illness away!

J's and my 12 year anniversary was Friday and we had a nice day shopping and milling around town together.  Between kids and other stuff we don't spend as much time together as we used too so it was really fun.

I'm finally getting back on track and feeling a little bit more grounded.  The past few months it's felt like I'm continuously massively behind and overwhelmed but that's seems to be going away.  It's nice to be back to getting things done!

I'm still working on my Pinterest project.  This past week as a pin to get oil stains out of clothes which worked really well!  This week is Reese's Brownie Cheesecake Bars.  Or it's supposed to be but people keep eating the bag of mini Reese's Cups!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Criminal Confections - Blog Tour Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Mysteries I Can't Believe I Haven't Read
Wednesday: The Monogram Murders - Mystery Review
Thursday: TBD - Maybe The Empire Girls?
Friday: Linkups with whatever book I'm reading
Saturday: Weekend Cooking Linkup with Cook It Up Cookbook Challenge Linkup

Happy Reading!  


  1. I think the Smithsonian channel would be a lot of fun. I think we might have had that once, not sure, but that's one we would watch. :) We like all those channels. Enjoy the movie channels, and hope your household is feeling on the mend. We've been sick on and off here too, but it finally seems to have gone away.

    1. We aren't sick very often but it really stinks when it happens! I just hope they don't infect me! I'm loving the Smithsonian channel! So much fascinating stuff!

  2. Oh you made me your hubby Paul? I am married to a Paul and when he gets is like this; I have a headache and don't feel well. Goes to bed, next day fine. Three days later we all drop with the plague. Hope you are enjoying Hexed and yes a no book week is a good thing once in a while

    1. No Paul is my older son but other than it's the exact same scenario! I'm loving Hexed! Why don't I read Heather Graham more often?

  3. I see everybody reading Heather Graham these days, I should give her a try. I don't have TV, but I have Netflix on the net :) Oh and for colds and such, try the tea tree essential oil : really efficient. I used to drag colds for weeks and lose my voice every year, no more of this now :) Keep avoiding microbes and have a great week !

    1. I'll have to try tea tree oil. I tend to get minor colds and then have them for ages. I don't like it! I'm really enjoying Heather Graham's books. They're romantic suspense but just fun!

  4. I hope everyone in your household feels better soon. :) Enjoy all you TV shows :)

    My Sunday Post

  5. Everyone else in my house is sick too -- this winter has been a drag. At least the days are getting longer! Hope things look up for you this week, and happy reading.

    1. Thank you! The good thing about everyone being sick is that they all go to bed early so I have a quiet house in the evenings!

  6. Nursing a house full of patients doesn't sounds like much fun :( Hope everyone is feeling better soon and that you then don't come down with it! Happy anniversary! And I hear you on the relief of no new books, it does feel nice to have a chance to catch up a little.

    1. Now if I can only get caught up even a little bit! So far I'm still healthy though I'm paranoid if I so much as sneeze! Luckily all my sick people are easy patients with the exception of the Tornado!

  7. I really enjoyed The Great Gatsby! It's a very visual kind of movie and it looks beautiful (: I hope you can keep the illness at bay! Have a lovely week (:

    1. I'm really looking forward to The Great Gatsby. It just looks gorgeous! So far I'm still healthy but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

  8. Congratulations on your anniversary! I didn't get any physical books this week either, but I got too many ebooks! Lol. I haven't requested anything new, so hopefully this week will be quiet, as I have way to much on my review plate as it is. I hope you are able to stay well. I keep doing this strange thing where I think I am getting sick and then the next day I am fine. Here's to a healthy stressless week for you and your family. :D

    1. Ebooks don't count because they don't take up space! Or at least that's what I tell myself! So far this week has been lovely and I'm still healthy but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

  9. Oh...I do hope everyone is on the mend soon! Hubby and I were both sick one right after the other and let me tell you - the world stops when hubby is sick!!! Oh my word is he a bad patient!!! Happy belated Anniversary!!! Sounds like a fun day you had!

    I actually don't mind when I have a week with no new books - it gives me a chance to breathe and catch up!!! Though, who am I kidding, I'm always behind with a huge TBR stack and always seems to grow and never get smaller!!!

    Have a great week!!!

    1. My husband is actually an okay patient except that he doesn't like to admit he's sick! The Tornado is similar but while my husband just gets a little grumpy the Tornado will go to full scale melt down. Thankfully everyone seems to be feeling better.

  10. Hope you're able to dodge the bug. Enjoy your new cable many shows, so little time!

    My recap:

    1. So far so good on the health thing! I'm keeping my fingers my crossed though!

  11. I love Anthony Bourdain!! Sounds Like you had a fun week!! here is my weekly recap!!

    1. I'm liking Anthony Bourdain more and more listening to Medium Raw. I definitely recommend it!

  12. I think all men are the same. Miguel thought he was on his deathbed last year when he got the flu. I thought he was having a heart attack and rushed him to the ER. Exaggerating mutherf***er! I was so embarrassed. I worked at that hospital, so everyone knew I took him to ER with the flu. This year I made sure he got a flu shot. Congratulations on catching up on books and not getting over your head with new books this week. Happy Reading!

    1. Mine is actually pretty tough when it comes to be sick though I prefer when he's really sick because then goes to bed . When he only has a cold he refuses to slow down and then gets grumpy because he doesn't feel well!

  13. Congrats on your anniversary! I am always impressed by those, since I never made it to more than ten with either of my marriages...LOL.

    I hope you have a great week, and I love getting new cable channels....every once in a while, I call my provider and work out some specials and some additional channels for less money. They never offer, you have to call and complain about something, and then they're very gracious.

    Hope everyone feels better soon, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Thank you! 12 years definitely seems like a solid number! It's funny because in some ways I feel like I've been married my entire life but in other ways it seems impossible that it's been so long.
      I love the new channels! It's like having a new toy!

  14. Hope you succeed in avoiding getting sick! Have a great week!

    1. So far so good but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

  15. Happy Anniversary! The Smithsonian channel would be so fun! Maybe someday I'll get cable again. Good for you not getting any new books. I can not say the same for me. :D I hope everyone feels better soon!

    1. So far everyone seems to be on the mend and I'm resisting spraying them with Lysol! My no book record will not be continuing into this week :)
      I can see living without cable with all the streaming options but I'm not sure I could've without my NCIS fix!

  16. I hope you'll manage to keep the sickness away, Katherine! It's hard to take care of everybody else when they're feeling crappy, though.
    No new books? I don't think that has happened to me in years, that's really quite a feat!
    Congrats on your 12th anniversary, it's nice that you were able to spend some time together just the two of you :)
    I hope you'll have a fantastic week, happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Thank you! So far I'm still healthy but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed! Trust me the no book streak has seriously ended and it's only Monday!!

  17. I wish that I could say that I haven't added any books to my shelf but that definitely wasn't the case. There are just so many darn good books on NetGalley and self control is zero. It's a problem, I know. I hope that your family starts to feel better soon. I always start up on green tea and lots of Airborne when the kiddos start feeling sick. I'm looking forward to your top ten Tuesday post as I am a huge mystery fan myself :) Have a great week!

    1. I had a good time with the Top Ten list! So many I haven't read- too many! I need to stock up on Airborne! I take a lot of zicam but that's only for when you start feeling bad. My book ban didn't last too long! I already have a couple and it's only Monday!

  18. Oh, Monuments Men - that was good! I'm sorry you and your family have been under the weather. I hope you all feel better soon. And it feels surprisingly good to have a week when you don't get any new books, doesn't it? (Not that I had one of those this week!) I can't wait to see your TTT unread mysteries list! I'm doing fantasy. Have a great week, my friend!

    1. Oh look forward to your fantasy list! That's a genre I'm trying to read more of. I really enjoyed Monuments Men! I won't be having a week of no books this week!

  19. I hope everyone is feeling okay! Have a great week!

    1. They're starting to feel better and so far I'm still healthy!

  20. You are always tempting me with your new books, so lucky for me you didn't get any this time lol. I hope you don't get sick. It hit your house hard and I hope you stay healthy. The cheesecake bars sound really good and I hope it's a success (and everyone stops eating the candy lol). Have a great week!

    1. I'm so excited about the cheesecake bars! I ended up buying another bag of Reese's cups but I hid them this time! My no book streak is already over for this week and it's only Monday!

  21. Aw, hope everyone feels better and you stay well

    1. Thanks! So far everyone seems to be on the mend!

  22. I hope your family all gets healthy and you stay healthy, Katherine. Yay, for a week with no book buying. It is nice once in a while! I go through TV watching binges sometimes and my reading suffers, but it's fun sometimes. Hope you have a good week!

    1. I do love a good TV binge! I definitely tend to watch more when I'm tired as well. So far everyone's on the mend and I'm still healthy so I'm calling that a win! I can't brag about no books anymore. I've already gotten 2 and it's only Monday!

  23. I've been reading Heather Graham for a long time and never get tired of her books. Just got a couple new ones too.
    I hope everyone feels better soon and happy to hear you are getting it together and not feeling overwhelmed.

    My Sunday Post -

    1. I'm loving The Hexed! Why don't I read more??? It's so great !

  24. Aww, hope everyone is better soon. Funny how no new books can be a relief ;-)

    1. I think because no new books happen so rarely it just feels amazing but I wouldn't like it at all if it was a regular thing.

  25. Happy Anniversary! I hope the family feels better soon and you avoid it!

    1. Thanks! So far so good on the avoiding it. I'm tempted to just carry around Lysol!

  26. I have to see if I can get that book by Tony B. Heather Graham is so prolific, I don't read her, but I get a ton of book info about her. My post:

    1. I'm loving Medium Raw! Definitely recommend it. Heather Graham's book is so fun. Come of those that I'm glad she's so prolific because it will be awhile before I run out of her books!

  27. Everyone is sick here too, I'm really hoping I don't catch anything aha. I think my TV watching would go up too. The Conjuring was pretty scary, especially if you believe in the subject matter.

    1. I'm excited about The Conjuring! I'm not sure what I believe but I do enjoy some good creepiness. Hope you stay healthy too!

  28. Oh it sucks when everyone around you is sick, especially family. I hope you don't catch the bug as well! Let me know what you think of the Great Gatbsy when you get around to watching it, the cinematography alone looks like reason enough!

    1. I'm looking forward to Gatsby. It looks gorgeous! So far I'm staying healthy and I hope it stays that way!

  29. Your comment regarding Medium Raw made me snicker! I'm curious now.

    1. I'm loving Mediym Raw! Definitely recommend it.

  30. I can't wait to see your review of the The Monogram Murder. I also nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. You can see the post here:

    1. Oh thank you! I'll be by to check it out very soon!

  31. Aw happy anniversary!!! I wish many more happy years for you and J.
    I'm the reverse of you. I was so ahead before but I'm so behind on reviews. It's crazy.
    Oh no! Everyone was sick but me once and then... I had the worst sickness ever in my life. Keep up the battle with your health!
    The Great Gatsby was pretty good. I don't know if you've read the book but the story is a bit shocking when it concludes.
    My tv watching goes up mostly because of Netflix releasing more episodes of a show. I've been watching The Empire on regular tv though. It's really good (:

    1. I read Gatsby years ago and listened to it recently. I had forgotten how grim the story is.
      We had a lovely anniversary! Don't tell me that you ended up sick! I don't want to be sick!

  32. Wow 12 year anniversary is pretty impressive!
    Hope everyone is recovered from their sickness.
    Sounds like you're having some fun reading and watching TV though. =)

    1. 12 sounds really real doesn't it. I feel like I should be more grown up!

  33. Ahh, don't get sick!! STAY AWAY FROM THE GERMY ONES. lol That's pretty much impossible when you have kids, but I really hope you don't get it. ;-) Congrats on your 12 year anniversary too!!

    1. It is hard to stay away from germy ones with children and they get cranky if you douse them in anti-bacterial stuff :)

  34. Congratulations on your anniversary :)

    Hope you don't start feeling ill too - There seems to be a lot of these winter germs about right now, I've been feeling pretty bad for the last couple of weeks, it does seem to drag on!

    I enjoyed The Great Gatsby and The Monuments Men, so hope you enjoy them too.

    Have a great week!

    1. Thank you! We had a lovely day. So far I'm staying healthy but I get nervous if I so much as think about sneezing!

  35. Katherine, I enjoyed the Monuments Men even though it was rather sanitized and there were errors in the filming ( I read the book). Congrats on your anniversary - and doing some things together, My husband and I have 36 years on you two, we're older than dirt!

    1. We enjoyed Monuments men's but I can believe it's cleaned up a bit. I have a distant cousin who was involved in it so I'm really looking forward to reading it in book form.

  36. I am sorry to hear everyone is sick. I hope they are feeling better soon, and that you avoid it all together. Mouse was up coughing all night, which meant neither of us got much sleep. I have a sore throat now. I'm hoping it goes away and proves to be nothing in both our cases. :-(

    Happy belated Anniversary! I am glad you and J got to spend the day together.

    Have a great week, Katherine!

    1. Oh poor Mouse! And there's no real cough syrup for that age either. It's definitely not a fun way to spend a night. Hopefully she feels better! We had a lovely day. It's been nice to really spend time together.

  37. I'm sorry everyone is sick! I hope they start feeling better soon and that you can avoid catching it!
    And Happy Anniversary!! I hope you have a good week Katherine, and happy reading!

    1. Thank you! We had a really fun day. So far I'm still healthy - fingers crossed knock on wood and all that!

  38. That must sick with everyone being sick, let's hope you don't sick as well! Yay for having a day together with your husband, it must be nice to get out with just the two of you once in a while.

    That Pinterest project sounds fun! I hope your Reese's Brownie Cheesecake Bars turn out well!

    1. I'm having a good time with my Pinterest project. Bits nice to make myself actually use the pins! I'm really excited about the cheesecake bars. I've got a serious peanut butter craving going on!

  39. I hope everyone is feeling better soon and that you don't get sick yourself.
    Happy anniversary to you both as well. Alone time is pretty much non-existent with kids isn't it?
    Have a great week!

    1. Definitely! It seems like with kids there's always some one who needs to be picked up, dropped off or have some kind of problem fixed Right this minute! So far so good on not getting sick but I'm not ready to relax quite yet!

  40. Oh my God, nothing! *bows down* Fantastic! :D
    I still need to watch The Great Gatsby, too.
    Happy anniversary! Hope you were able to enjoy it even with all the sickness.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I will not be continuing that streak into this week! We had a lovely anniversary and I am still healthy. The rest of my people are still croupy and hacking but so far so good for me!
