
Friday, January 2, 2015

Friday Linkups: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

It's Friday Linkup time!  I'm linking up with Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings on Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and The Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
What is your Blogger's New Years Resolution?

My Answer:
My main Blogger goal is to work on having reviews scheduled ahead of time so I'm not scrambling at the last minute.  Ideally I'd like to have a minimum of 2 weeks scheduled out.

While I've seen both the movies I somehow missed reading the book in childhood.  In fact I'm not sure I even really knew it was a book until Eleanor went through a big Dahl phase in elementary school and I was reading the back of one of his other books where it was mentioned.  I'm really curious to see how it compares to the movies and which one it's closer too.

"These two very old people are the father and mother of Mr. Bucket.  Their names are Grandpa Joe and Grandma Josephine."
This is right after a sketch of two very elderly people sitting in bed.

From page 56 (and a little bit of page 57):
"Somewhere in the distance, a church clock began striking ten.  Very slowly, with a loud creaking of rusty hinges, the great iron gates of the factory began to swing open."

Would you keep reading?  Have you read this one or seen the movies?  Which Wonka do you like better - Wilder or Depp?


  1. Getting ahead a couple weeks is an awesome thing. Good luck with that! You can totally do it :D

    1. I'm hoping I can! I know it'll mostly take discipline so I'm going to give it a try!

  2. Oh, sounds good! I haven't read it, but I've seen the movies several times. All of my kids loved the movies, so we saw them a lot between my oldest and youngest (four kids in a span of ten years).

    Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “THE CINDERELLA MURDER”

    1. I really ended up enjoying it! It's very close to the movies and fun to read.

  3. Everyone in my family loves the movie and book. Wilder would be my choice. Nice #56! Happy New Year!

    1. I'm going to have to rewatch them both it's been so long since I've seen them!

  4. The book is the best! I love how detailed Dahl gets and how real his characters are. I love the Wilder Wonka because he was the first and that movie is the best. The Depp movie is more true to the book, but not as sentimental for me.

    1. I think because I didn't love the Wilder movie the first time I saw it In not sentimental about it. I do love it now though!

  5. I have a confession. The original movie scared me as child and I haven't seen it since (or the remake, nor read the book). It was a very traumatic event (half kidding, also half serious).

    1. I can see it being scary to a little kid! I was thinking about reading it to the Tornado but I can see it disturbing him a bit so I might wait till he gets older.

  6. It's impossible to stop reading it.:)

  7. That is an excellent blogging goal and quite doable (says the woman who manages it only sometimes). I've seen both movie versions but I'm not sure if I've read the book. I think I have. Maybe. Anyway, hope you enjoy it.

    1. I'm really working on organizing my time better this year. I think it's doable if I stay disciplined!

  8. I have to pre-schedule blog posts or nothing goes up. I have every other Sunday scheduled through June. That's how I spent some of my medical leave. :-) It's all the other posts that will be a challenge. I'm usually lucky to be a week ahead.

    I've never read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, although I've seen the two movies you mention. Maybe someday.

    1. That's a pretty big accomplishment! I'm normally working on the next day's post! The book was a very quick read! Highly recommend it if you ever need a light book!

  9. I may have read this book long ago. Oh, hands down, Wilder's version. I didn't like Depp's.

    1. Depo's version is very strange! There's something about it that oddly appeals to me! I really enjoyed the book!

  10. I've seen both movies but haven't read the book. I'll get a copy for my granddaughter when she's a little older. Gene Wilder's movie version is by far my favorite.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and taking the time to leave a comment.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

    1. The book is a really fun read. If you enjoyed the movies I definitely recommend the book!

  11. Not scrambling to do reviews is a good thing. I'm trying for that too.

    1. The not scrambling sounds like absolute heaven! So hoping I can make it happen this year!

  12. I am pretty good at having my reviews done way ahead of time. My resolution is to not accept as many books, but it is so difficult. :)

    Happy New Year and Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. That sounds like a great goal and one I should take to heart as well!

  13. Scheduling, the bane of my existence. I am with you there. I need to be more organized. I hate the rush writing I always tend to do the night before. Ugh! *facepalm*
    I love Charlie! I read the book a few times well in elementary school. I remember enjoying it. Although one of my favourite movies is Johnny Depp's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It's hilariously awesome.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. The Johnny Depp movie is really amazingly bizarre! I'm wanting to watch them both again now that I've read the book. The night before rush writing is my standard but I'm hoping to change it this year!

  14. I need to do better at scheduling ahead too. I created an online blog planner and it's been calling me to fill it in and get to writing. I have a lot going on this week committing to challenges and starting a new year of blogging!

    1. I have a calendar that I use but it could definitely stand an update! I'm excited about all the challenges this year!

  15. Ok..... Reader confession time....... I have never read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.... in fact I have never seen the movies.

    I love the idea of scheduling out your two weeks for reviews. I think that is smart. I wish I was able to do that but I just would slack and be in the same boat as before. I hope this works out for you!

    1. What!! How is that possible? You must at least read the book! It's a quick read and weirdly wonderful! I've built up a stockpile of reviews before and ended up slacking off but I'm determined that's not going to happen! I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed though.

  16. Hands down Wilder is my favorite Wonka and the original film version is the best - IMHO at least. I had also seen the movies but never read the book. A gal I work with said it was one of her favorites growing up so I made an effort to pick it up. It was a read-aloud with my 7-yo son and we really liked it. We are reading through the sequel now! I hope you enjoy it!

    1. 7 seems like a good age for this book. I was thinking about reading it to my 4 year old but the more I read the more I wasn't sure about that. I am planning on hunting down the sequel next time I'm at the library though!

  17. Excellent feature! We almost watched this film over the New Year :) Have a wonderful weekend Katherine & Happy New Year!

    1. I'm hoping to rewatch the movies soon. I really enjoyed the book!

  18. I love this book but I can't choose if I prefer it or the movies. Can I just pick them all :)

    1. I'll allow that! The visual images are so strong in all 3 I had a hard time separating the book from the movies.

  19. Hahaha! I totally forgot how the book opened up! I'm going to have to get this for our house library! It's a must read for every child! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. Oh you should! I'm looking forward to reading this to my youngest!

  20. One of my childhood faves!
    Happy weekend!

    1. I feel like I missed out a bit by not discovering Dahl as a child!

  21. Wow! I love this book! ♥ ♥ ♥ I've got that on my resolutions too :)



    1. Hopefully we will both achieve our resolutions! It's be nice to not have to scramble!

  22. Love your resolutions and I know what you mean about scrambling. The book looks like it would be as fun as the movie. ^_^ Happy reading.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes
