
Thursday, January 1, 2015

First Book of the Year

Picking the first book for the year is always a big process for me.  I get all my books finished before (or sometimes on) New Year's Eve so I'm starting completely from scratch on New Year's Day.  Then comes the decision.  Do I want a completely new book by a completely new author?  A reread?  A new book by a tried and true author?  What if the book isn't good?  What kind of tone will that set for the year?  You see?  There's some serious decisions here!

So when I came across the First Book Challenge hosted by Sheila at Book Journey I knew it was perfect for me.  So after much debating and hemming and hawing and shopping my bookcases I have picked my first book of the year!  Not only is it recommended but it takes care of both my Reading Assignment Challenge for January AND a space on my Classics Club list!  So drum roll please.....

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!  It's short, it's fun, it's a book I should have read ages ago and it gives me an excuse to re-watch the movies after I finish the book.  What's your first book of the year?

And don't forget to check in with Sheila at Book Journey to see what everyone else is reading!


  1. Oh my gosh! I LOVED this book as a child. It was one of my favorites. Enjoy it! :-)

    1. Thanks! I read it in 1 sitting and really loved it!

  2. Great choice! I remember how odd this one seemed in comparison to the movie when I was a kid, but I still loved it.

    1. It's definitely closer to the Johnny Depp version. I would have been a little confused comparing the book to the first version!

  3. GREAT book choice! Enjoy and thanks for being a part of first book! Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks and thanks for hosting this fun challenge!

  4. Great choice! Enjoy....and thanks for sharing. I have never read this one, but loved the movie...several times. Here's my “FIRST BOOK OF 2015”

    1. What a perfect choice! Mmmm...I think I want some chocolate!

    2. Laurel-Rain - the book is a really fast read and a fun one! Definitely worth taking the time to read!
      Noelle- oh the chocolate! I was glad I had gotten a box of truffles for Christmas because I was seriously craving chocolate after I read this one!

  5. Oh what a perfect first book of the year! Which Charlie & the Chocolate Factory movie are you planning on watching? I really like the Gene Wilder version! Hope you enjoy. Happy New Year!

    1. I've watched them both but it's been awhile. I may end up watching them both again just for fun!

  6. Happy new year!! I LOVED Charlie and the Chocolate factory when I was younger. I bet it'll be a fun first read of the year. I'm reading Tiny Beautiful Things and the 4th Outlander book. PS--you are darling!

    1. It was such a fun read! I read it in a sitting and loved it. I thought about reading it to the Tornado but I'm not sure what he'd think! And thank you! I'm always behind the camera so it's a little odd seeing a picture of myself!

  7. Looks like a perfect choice.

    ENJOY!! Here is the drum roll for you from my end. :)

    I love the sun coming through your window. We don't see too much sun in Pittsburgh. :)

    Happy New Year!!

    Silver's Reviews

    1. That was taken on our one sunny day this past week. It's been a seriously dreary holiday! I managed to read this one in one sitting and really enjoyed it!

  8. I love your intro to the book you chose! Isn't it so true of many of we readers as we begin the new year. Love your final choice. I am doing the Reading Assignment challenge too and mine will be the first book for that as well!

    1. I'm such an over thinker I make myself crazy sometimes but this turned out to be a perfect choice! I'm really excited about The Reading Assignment Challenge! There's so many books that I always mean to read but never do for various reasons and this will help that a bit.

  9. Wonderful! I remember watching that movie with my son at Christmas as it was a gift. We had a box of chocolates open between us to share for when the cravings hit ;)

    HapPy New Year and HapPy Reading your 1st Book of Many this year ! ;)


    1. I was so glad I had gotten a box of truffles for Christmas. I had some serious chocolate cravings reading this one!

  10. Choosing a book can be serious business. You are too cute and kudos to you for being a mum to four. I have my hands full with just my two dames. Hau'oli Makahiki Hou to you.

    1. Really once you get over 2 it's just crowd control! I can tune out just about anything now!

  11. Roald Dahl's books are wonderful (the one author my son would read in primary school). Enjoy!

    1. This is the first one I really sat down and read from cover to cover and I loved it! I'd like to read more of his work.

  12. Happy New Year from sunny, sultry, steamy Northern NSW!

    Roald Dahl is an inspired first book choice - enjoy!
    I also vote for the Wilder movie version of ccf.

    1. I'm definitely planning on watching both for comparison. It was such a fun read! Wilder does make a fabulous Wonka! Enjoy your sun! I think you might have gotten our share!

  13. What a fantastic book to get the New Year off to a flying start. I love that book (and both movie versions too).

    1. I managed to finish it in a day which was pretty exciting! I don't do that very often any more. It did really make me want to watch the movies again!

  14. Do you know, I can't recall if I've actually read this or not. Great choice and good for you for making it fir several challenges.

    Happy New Year!

    1. You should pick it up Bea! It's a super quick read - I even managed it in 1 sitting. I figure multi-tasking on the challenges was a good way to start out the year!

  15. Sounds like a fun book! I hope you love it! Happy New Year!

  16. Sitting here reading everyone's first book choice and eating chocolate. Got to get rid of it before Monday! LOL. Enjoy the book. Happy New Year.

    1. I had to break into a box of truffles I'd been hiding after reading this one! Serious chocolate cravings!

  17. I liked that book! Great choice. I will have to go check out that challenge you wrote about. Happy New Year!!

    1. I really enjoyed it! It's been awhile since I was able to read a book in 1 sitting so that was an extra treat.

  18. I loved reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and have reread it a few times, but it's been awhile!! Happy New Year and enjoy reading your 1st book of 2015!!

    1. This was the first time I read it and it was such fun! I really enjoyed it though now I want to watch the movies!

  19. That's a great choice and I love that story!! I started Princess of Thorns by Stacey Jay. This qualifies for the reading challenges I signed up for and so far I really like it. Happy New Year!

    1. I really enjoyed this one and it was the first time I had read the book. Hope you continue to enjoy Princess of Thorns! Starting the year with a good book that also fits in a few challenges is a pretty good way to start!

  20. Great choice for the first book of the New Year! My first book is one that I started last year, as you know. I am pretty certain you will enjoy Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Katherine. :)

    1. You are so right! I finished it in 1 sitting and really loved it! Such a fun story! Hope you continue to enjoy your first read!

  21. Loved this book growing up! And the sequel as well. Happy reading and Happy new year!

    1. Thank you! As soon as I finished this one my first thought was that I should track down the sequel! Glad to hear you enjoyed that one as we!

  22. Great choice, although I have never read the book . . . or even seen the movie! Crazy, right? Happy New Year!

    1. Definitely crazy! They're worth watching/reading! The story is so bizarre and fun. Happy New Year!

  23. Not a book I read as a child but I have a copy for when my daughter is older because I think I missed out. Happy new year. Emma

    1. It's a fun book. I'm hoping to read it to the Tornado in a couple of years. I think he'd love it.

  24. I love both movie versions but I don't think I ever actually read the book! Might have to fix that one day!!! Hope you are enjoying it!

    Happy New Year Katherine!!!

    1. The book is a super fast read. I really enjoyed the movies so I wasn't surprised that I enjoyed the book. I want to read the sequel now!

  25. Awesome pic Katherine and so different from the movies. Happy New Year!!

  26. Haha! This year I did start a new book, but admittedly, I have three others going as well. I think two of those I'll end up giving up on. I just need to admit it to myself that I don't want to finish them.

    I hope you have a great New Year, Katherine!

    1. DNF'ing books is not one of my skills so I understand having a hard time deciding! I'm weirdly superstitious about finishing all my books in the year. I ended up having to take a break from reading just to be sure!

  27. I'm same as you; always start fresh on the 1st. And I made sure to leave a certain book I got in December until January 1st because I know I will love it and will start the new year off on a very high note.
    I hope Charlie does exactly that for you! I think you'll love it. So quirky.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Charlie was a great way to start the year! Though I did end up craving chocolate which wasn't so great for one of my other resolutions!

  28. Wish I was more organised lol, I've got reads on the go from last year and reviews still to do. Hope 2015 is all sorts of wonderful for you and yours. Gorgeous photo and a wonderful choice to kickstart the new year :)

    1. I'm hoping to be more organized this year. Last year got a little messy. Thank you! I really enjoyed this read!

  29. Oh my goodness Katherine that is SO awesome your reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! This makes me want to reread it! Such a priceless novel and a great one to bring in the New Year! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog! Always enjoy your comments!

    1. Oh thank you so much! I really enjoyed this one andam looking forward to reading it aloud. Go reread it! It's such fun!

  30. I've never read that book or watched the movie, looks like I am missing out on a good time. Also I wanted to thank you for your recent visit to my little corner of the reading world. I hope you have a Happy Reading Year in 2015.

    1. You're definitely missing out! I love the movies and the book but I do wish I had read the book first. It's such a fun story!

  31. Oh! What a wonderful book to start the year with! :) I remember reading it when I was young and it was such a delight. I need to read it again soon. I love the movies as well. Happy New Year!

    My first book of the year post is here:

    1. While the story wasn't new this was my first time reading the book. I so enjoyed it! I'm really wanting to watch the movies now.
