
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Books I want Santa to Bring

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing This Year.

1.  LudoBites Recipes and Stories from the Pop Up Restaurants of Ludo Lefebve - I love Ludo on The Taste so I'd love to try some of his recipes and learn more about him.

2.  A Novel Cure by Ella Berthoud and Susan Elderkin - I saw the review for this on Bea's Book Nook and am intrigued.  Have a cold?  A broken heart?  Jet lag?  They have a book for that!

3.  A Paris Apartment by Michelle Gable - It's an apartment crowded with all kinds of old stuff and it's in Paris.  Really that's all I need to know!

4.  The Silent Sister by Dianne Chamberlain - I've seen so many good reviews for this one I can't even name all the blogs.  It sounds like a great thriller and I could use a little darkness after all the fluffy Christmas romances I've been reading.

5.  One More Thing by B.J. Novak - I loved and sometimes loved to hate Novak's character on The Office and I've loved every interview I've read of his.  This book is high up on my wishlist!

6. In the Woods by Tana French - This another author I've heard such good things about that I can't wait to try her books.

7.  Lives in Ruins: Archaeologists and the Seductive Lure of Human Rubble  by Marilyn Johnson - If I could have any job in the world archaeology would be in the top 5.  Since it's not exactly a hiring field I'd like to live vicariously through this book!

8.  Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain - I definitely have some introverted tendencies and my husband is right in the middle on the introvert camp.  This one is high up on my wishlist!

9.  Abandoned America by Matthew Christopher - I'm always fascinated by abandoned places and always want to know the story.  Why places were abandoned the way they were.  This coffee table type book looks like a fun one to flip through.

10.  Marcus Off Duty: The Recipes I Cook at Home by Marcus Samuelsson - I've been fascinated by Marcus Samuelsson since I saw him compete on The Next Iron Chef and became even more interested when I read his memoir - Yes, Chef last summer.  I'd love to try out some of his recipes.

What books do you want Santa to leave in your stocking?


  1. I loved Quiet! I read it this year and it's amazing. It's a favorite book, for sure. I'm very much an Introvert, so I related to a lot of things, but I think anyone would enjoy this book.

  2. In the Woods looks pretty darn amazing. I hope you find at least a few of these under your tree! :)

  3. Yes, I liked Novel Cure a lot. I'd like to write my own, in fact.

    Here's my Top Ten Books I Hope Santa Brings!

  4. Hope you get some of the books on your list. In the Woods was really good!

  5. May Santa bring you your wishes! I take it you've been good this year....

  6. Nice list, and I enjoy Chamberlain as well. Hope Santa brings them all!

  7. You've got a great eclectic list, Katherine. Your coffee table book--Abandoned America--sounds really good. I like to know the story behind these places. And I think I might already own the Tana French book...LOL.But I haven't read it, of course.

  8. You've got some interesting books here. I always liked archaeology as well, so that book would be a good one I would think. And Quiet- I've heard good things about that one. Those all look like they would be great gifts!

  9. I loved In the Woods and I would love Abandoned America.

  10. I should've put cookbooks on my list. I really love to cook new things because I get tired of eating the same things. Happy Holidays!
    My Top Ten Tuesday

  11. I imagine it was hard to narrow down to 10. :-) I hope you do get some, if not all, for Christmas this year. In the Woods is so good! I ended up signing up for LibraryThing's SantaThing this year despite my telling myself over and over again I wouldn't. I imagine those books are the only ones I'll get this year. Unless my husband surprises me (we agreed not to exchange gifts though--so that's a long shot).

  12. What an awesome list! I really enjoyed Quiet when I read it.

    Also, I just saw In the Woods at my grandparents' library and may have to go back and check it out.

    Happy holidays!

  13. I am reading Quiet right now! Well, not right NOW, I'm at work (shhh) but in general. It's interesting, but a bit slow in places.

  14. Hope a couple of them sneak into your stocking! I'd love the next Roni Loren or Erika Kelly books that come out in July. Or the JD Robb ones I'm missing. Got a couple books behind on that series. That would be lovely to find :D

  15. I'm hoping to get to Quiet one of these days - I'm pretty sure its a book that will help me understand myself better.

  16. The Paris Apartment was one of my favorites from 2014. The cover is wonderful --- but the story is so good! I hope you got it!
