
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Christmas Wedding Quilt - Review

The Christmas Wedding Quilt by Emilie Richards, Janice Kay Johnson and Sarah Mayberry

Rating: 4 Stars
Source: Purchased

Description:  3 cousins who grew up as close as sisters have drifted apart in their adulthood.  Until the death of their aunt and a wedding quilt for her daughter bring them back together.

Genre: Romance

Why I Picked This Book:  I've always been a fan of Emilie Richards and I'd been wanting to try Sarah Mayberry.  Pus I loved the premise of this one.

My Impression:
Let it Snow by Emilie Richards - When it comes to romance novellas one of my favorite plots is second chances.  Part of it is because the characters already have a history so if they fall in love very quickly it doesn't seem far-fetched.  As usual Richards didn't let me down.  Brody and Jo were both likable characters trying to do what was right which had pushed their personal lives to the side.  I liked the Gift of the Magi mentions and their reasons for not telling each other were motivated out of kindness and protectiveness.  This was a sweet second chance story witha  dash of humor.  4 Stars

You Better Watch Out by Janice Kay Johnson - Ella is the 2nd cousin to get the quilt and as soon as she finishes sewing her part but before she can send it on it's way her car is stolen with the quilt in it.  While trying to chase down the thief she barrels head first into disillusioned defense attorney Brett Hollister.  I really liked both Ella and Brett and I think their characters work very well together but the premise was just a little absurd.  The two of them basically spend a couple of days driving around town looking for her stolen car.  While it did give them a chance to get to know each other it just didn't feel very believable.  I also felt like her guilt regarding her mother was a little over the top.  I'd definitely be willing to try another book by this author on the strength of her characters but I'll be reading the blurb carefully.  3 Stars

Nine Ladies Dancing by Sarah Mayberry -  This isn't exactly a 2nd chance story though they did go to high school together.  Rachel remembers Leo but not fondly and Leo only has the vaguest memory of her.  When they meet again through Leo's mother who just happens to be Rachel's quilt teacher it doesn't go well.  But then Leo goes to the library where Rachel is a Librarian and they talk about books!  That alone would make this my favorite story in the book.  Luckily, I also get a well paced story and likable characters.  4.5

Overall:  I expected to love this one going in with Emilie Richards heading up the book and it being about a quilt that each cousin works on but I ended up really loving it.  While each story does focus on a romance there's more focus on each of the women getting to know themselves better.  The heat is very low with scenes doing the fade to black before anything happens but I found it worked with the feel of the book.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: I would read more from all 3 of these authors.  Richards will remain a favorite and I'll be hunting down Sarah Mayberry's books.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Absolutely!  This is a great Christmas read!


  1. I have always been underwhelmed by Mayberry. This makes me want to give her another chance tho.

  2. This does sound good, Katherine. I am glad you enjoyed this one. I don't read many novellas, but this one sounds worth reading.
