
Saturday, December 27, 2014

This Week in Reading - December 28

I'm linking up with Kimberly over at The Caffeinated Book Reviewer for the Sunday Post where it's time to talk about what we got, what we read and everything else!

What I Got:

The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George - So it's a bookstore on a barge in Paris.  Do I really need to say anything else?  (NetGalley)

Good and Cheap by Leanne Brown -I love cookbooks and I love trying new recipes so this one that focuses on good food and cheap food is one that I definitely want to try! (NetGalley)

Scorched Eggs by Laura Childs - I won this in a giveaway hosted by Kristin at Always with a Book.  While I'm not current on the series this is an author I've been reading for years so I was thrilled to get the book.  Not only did the book arrive this week but it arrived signed from the author with a personalized comment.  There may have been some a little bit of a dance when I opened this one! (Giveaway win)


Reading:  The Mystery on the Blue Train by Agatha Christie and Living Well Spending Less by Ruth Soukup

Listening: Food: A Love Story by Jim Gaffigan.  I just got this from the library and though I haven't had time to listen to very much what I have heard is pretty funny.

Watching: Netflix movies.  I was thrilled to discover they had Grosse Pointe Blank.  It was my favorite move for years so I was worried it wouldn't live up to my memories but turned out I still enjoyed it!

Off the Blog:

So we have done Christmas with my dad, Christmas with my mother, Christmas Eve with J's brother and family but without Eleanor, Christmas day and the day after Christmas with J's brother and family WITH Eleanor.  All we have left is the Tornado's birthday.  While this year has gone by much too fast I don't think I'll be too sad to see December over with.  I need a nap.

I love this time of year!  Christmas is over and it's time to get ready to start fresh for the new year!  I love lists and reorganizing.  I'm already working on limiting the review books I take on and just being more organized overall.  I will definitely be far more prepared for December than I was this year!

On the Blog:

What Happened this Week:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Five Coooo-zies with the Twelve Days of Christmas hosted by Between My Lines
Tuesday:  My Resolutions for 2015
Wednesday: Living Well Spending Less - Review
Thursday: First Book hosted by Book Journey
Friday: Friday Linkups with whatever book I'm reading
Saturday: Cook It Up Cookbook Challenge post

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Of course I love that setting for The Little Paris Bookshop, I can see why you grabbed it! Looking forward to Monday's post :)

  2. Looks like you are going be busy again this coming week with New Years Day on Thursday. I hope you enjoy the holiday season and Hope you can get all that is coming up.

  3. A book set in Paris involving books? Sounds amazing. Looking forward to seeing your review of it.

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

  4. The Little Paris Bookshop? That sounds so delicious! Thanks for sharing...and I am also participating in the First Book of 2015....excited to see what everyone else is reading.

    I remember loving Grosse Pointe Blank...and I am obsessed with Netflix, so I'm going to check it out. It has been ages since I watched it, and it's one I don't have in DVD.

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  5. Sounds like you've been having a wonderful Christmas, and spending time with family is always special. But I know what you mean about needing a nap! I hope you get one soon. :-)

    The Little Paris Bookshop sounds intriguing; I love books about bookstores! (I got one too, about a Virginia used bookstore.) And I love that you've been reading (or re-reading?) so much Agatha Christie. I'm rereading a mystery myself at the moment, a contemporary by Ellis Peters called The Grass-Widow's Tale. (Well, contemporary at the time she wrote it, in the 60s or so.)

  6. Holidays with blended families sure get complicated, huh? We have one more Christmas to attend tonight (my mom) and by the time New Years rolls around we are utterly exhausted. Sounds like you've had a busy but fun holiday. I love the newness of the new year as well...and making lists. Even if I don't follow through with getting my entire house organized after the second month. ;) Good and Cheap sounds interesting--I'll be curious what you think!

  7. You have the same goal as I with being more organized and I too love December but looking forward for it to be done and a fresh start :)

    This year gave me a lot of things to think about and I will be very prepared for next year with what I want to do and my accomplishments.

    Have a great week Katherine and Happy New Year!!!

  8. Paris and books..I am game for reading that one! I have been watching a lot of netflix but mostly British tv series..I love Mrs Fisher's Mystery show, there is only two seasons but I can watch them over and over..I hope they will add more cause it's still a new show so hopefully there is a season three. :) I will be honest I mainly watch them to listen to the accents..oh and this one is actually not British but any of those shows that have a great foreign accent..and involve crime solving and I am

    Happy New Year!

  9. I love Laura Childs' books. I need to catch up on all her series.

    The Little Paris Bookshop sounds wonderful. Enjoy!

    Happy New Year!

  10. Sounds like you need to put your feet up and take a nap! Happy New Year!

  11. Sounds like you've had a chaotic week! I hope your Christmas was lovely and you enjoy the new books!

    I seriously need to work on limiting myself when requesting review books, I've gotten 7 in the last two days! That's too many!

    Thanks for stopping by The Story Goes... and I hope you have an awesome week! =)

  12. That sounds like a busy time. I would have had a hard time remembering where I was!

  13. Ooh The Little Paris Bookshop sounds really interesting. And I want to read more Agatha Christie! Maybe 2015 will be my year for that. I need to try and get some used books or something...


  14. Grosse Pointe Blank is such a fun movie. :-) I'll have to watch it this week if I get the chance since it's on Netflix. Sounds like you've had a busy holiday! I hope you have a Happy New Year!

  15. Whooo, that's a lot of Christmasing! No wonder you need a nap. The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George - I'd probably have snapped it up too. :D And the cookbook, Good and Cheap, sounds right up my alley!

    Happy reading and Happy New Year!

  16. The Little Paris Bookshop sounds really good and I hope you enjoy it! I'm also glad that Christmas is over, it is nice being with family but it is stressful. Good to hear you were able to be together with your family. Happy New Year!

  17. It's nice to hear that you had a blast. :) As you are limiting your review books, I swear not to hoard books in 2015. Haha! Happy New Year! ♥


  18. The Little Paris Bookshop sounds really good, Katherine! I hope you'll enjoy that and your other new books.

    It sounds like Christmas was really busy for your family, but also that you had a great time! I hope 2015 will be a fantastic year for you in every way.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  19. I must stay away from NetGalley, at least until I need to post feedback. lol And I agree about the nap. Will I be able to stay up to watch the ball drop this year? Probably. Mustn't break the tradition. So glad you had a wonderful Christmas and I hope your New Year is safe, happy and full of shiny new lists. :D

  20. Sound like you've had lots of Christmas celebrations and cheer, Katherine. That's so nice.

    I love Grosse Point Blank. Such a fun movie. And I have lists, goals and resolutions for the new year. I try not to be too unrealistic because I like to succeed! Hope you have a Happy New Year!

  21. Little bookshop looks good and hope you enjoy and have a happy holiday

  22. We had 3 or 4 get togethers too , and while it was fun I'm ready for some R&R- just in time for the New Year. I will miss Christmas, it went by so fast but we got to see everyone so that was nice.

    Grosse Pointe Blank is awesome, I haven't seen it in a while and now I want to again! :)

    Have a great New Year's!

  23. Hope you had a great Christmas with the family!
    The Little Paris Bookshop sounds adorable. And yes, bookshop on the barge, when can I go there? I will definitely watch for your review.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  24. The Holidays can be both really enjoyable but really exhausting at times. I completely understand your sentiment. I hope you'll be able to take more naps this January lol :) Happy New Year! :)
