
Friday, November 15, 2024

Friday Fives - Series I Started This Year That I Want to Continue

I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  I read a lot of genres that tend to focus on series and while I have a series project where I focus on 10 series at a time there are always new series sneaking onto my reading list.  Here are 5 that did that this year that I'm really looking forward to continuing and focusing on when I clear off a bit of space on my current list!

1.  Beryl and Edwina Mysteries by Jessica Ellicot - This was one of my first books of the year and it was such a fun classic British village mystery with a oh so proper village resident and her not as proper school friend who suddenly arrives.  The mystery was fun, and I really enjoyed getting to know the characters.  I'm looking forward to seeing what trouble they get up to next.

2.  Rockton/Casey Duncan by Kelley Armstrong - I LOVED the first book in the Rockton series and am so looking forward to reading more in the series - or really anything else by Armstrong.

3.  Westcott Series by Mary Balogh - It'd been awhile since I read anything by this author so I was so excited to pick this one up and I so enjoyed it.  It's a great premise for a series and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens to the rest of the Westcotts.

4.  Aggie Morton, Mystery Queen by Marthe Joceyln - This is a middle grade mystery series loosely based on a young Agatha Christie with her very open Hercule Poirot sidekick.  I loved all the Agatha Christie mentions and the mystery was a good one!

5.  Peachtree Bluff by Kristy Woodson Harvey - I have had this book on my shelf forever and am so glad I finally read it.  It had more depth than I expected, and I really enjoyed meeting all the characters.  I'm already looking forward to reading the next book.

Have you started any new to you series this year that you're looking forward to continuing?


  1. I love the Rockton series (and the follow-up series) and am always so excited when a new book comes out. The new Haven's Rock book is out in February (I think) - yay!

  2. The Rockton series is one of my favorites!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. Definitely keep going with the Rockton series! It's so good. Her newest series continues with Casey and Eric, which I love. :D

  4. These all sound good, especially the first one.

  5. I count it as a plus finding books that a reader wants to find and read them all. I did enjoy the Westcott series. It does include the whole family and I really love a family series. I think there is one coming out in January and I will definitely be buying it.

    1. Oops no, the one I am waiting for is the Ravenswood series!!
