
Friday, November 22, 2024

Friday Fives - Five Nonfiction Books on My TBR

I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  I love the concept of Nonfiction November but never end up participating because I usually have too many other books going or needing to be read.  So, in honor of nonfiction here are 5 nonfiction books on my TBR.

1.  The Last Voyage of the Andrea Doria:  The Sinking of the World's Most Glamorous Ship by Greg King - I know very little about this, but it sounds fascinating, and I want to know more.

2.  Funny Farm: My Life with 600 Rescue Animals by Laurie Zaleski - How could I resist the subtitle and the cover?

3.  The Scandalous Hamiltons by Bill Shaffer - There's a disgraced descendent of Alexander Hamilton, scandal and crime.  It sounds fascinating.

4.  The Churchill Sisters: The Extraordinary Life of Winston and Clementine's Daughters by Rachel Trethewey - I just finished a historical fiction about Clementine Churchill and am very interested to read more about her daughters.

5.  Billy the Kid and Jesse James: Legendary Outlaws of the West by Bill Markley - I fell down a rabbit hole on these two back in school but it has been decades since I've read about them or any Old West history.  I'm curious about this book.

What nonfiction books are on your TBR?


  1. I'm saving a few of these titles for the nonfiction challenge next year. Glad you posted about them.

  2. I have a growing list of nonfiction books I'm hoping to read next year, among them a bio of Fred Rogers and Kelly Bishop's memoir. These all look really interesting, too.

  3. These sound good. I rarely read non-fiction, but there are some interesting titles out there.

  4. I only read a few NF books but these all sound really good, especially like the first four.

  5. Thanks for mentioning Funny Farm. I thought I had it shelved on Goodreads and I did not. 😯

    I have The Lost Whale: The True Story of an Orca Named Luna on my TBR and want to read it soon. 📘
