
Friday, September 27, 2024

Friday Fives - Five Short Reviews for Books I've Read Recently

I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random fve lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much. This week I'm sharing 5 quick reviews for books I've read recently

1.  Clammed Up by Barbara Ross - This is the first mystery in a series about a family lobster boil business serving up the classic Maine experience.  Things are not going as well as could be expected and get worse after a murder and arson.  There's a good community of characters though quite a lot of conflict that kept me reading.  The wrap up was a surprise and I was holding my breath as it all played out.  I'm looking forward to seeing how this series develops.  My Rating: Really Liked It (4 Stars)

2.  Little Girl Vanished by Denise Grover Swank - I'm torn on this one.  I really liked the mystery and the pacing and was fully hooked on the story itself.  However, this may be most hostile town to exist.  With the exception of Harper's father and her friend Louise pretty much every character is unpleasant and argumentative.  BUT, I was also fully pulled into the story and couldn't wait to get back to it.  BUT I wanted to shake Harper through most of the story and didn't like her much more at the ending than the beginning.  This is definitely not a cozy and there are some very dark topics touched on but thankfully not gone into much detail.  I'm torn about if I will pick up the next in the story.  My Rating: Liked It (3 Stars)

3.  End of Story by A.J. Finn -
This was okay.  I really enjoyed the author's ability to create atmosphere.  The whole feel of the book was claustrophobic between the dreary weather and the old Victorian house and the secrets lurking between every corner.  For the first third I was really enjoying the book but then the pacing started to drag.  A lot of hand wringing happened with not a lot of story progression.  I didn't love the ending.  It was an interesting twist but felt a bit a bit of a cop out.  I think I enjoyed this more since I listened to it and the narrator did a good job with it.  I suspect if I read it I would have had a tough go through the middle section and been seriously annoyed at the ending.  My Rating:  Liked It (3 Stars)

4.  Haunted Ever After by Jen DeLuca -
This was really cute!  I loved Cassie and Nick and watching them figure out their relationship.  I also really enjoyed seeing Cassie figure out how she fits in Boneyad Key and what she's going to do moving forward. The ghosts add a bit more fun as well!  This is a really light read and was a fun bit of escapism.  I haven't read this author before but I will be looking for more from her - especially if it's more about Boneyard Key!  My Rating: Liked it! (3.5 Stars)

5.  A Traitor in Whitehall by Julie Kelly -
This was a reread but the second book is coming out in a couple of weeks so I wanted to be sure I remembered all the details.  I enjoyed it just as much this time around as I did the first read.  Evelyne was an interesting character.  She's intelligent nad strong with an appreciation for the friends in her life.  I liked that she's able to admit that she may have some impulsive behavior after she throws herself into danger a time or two.  You can't beat the beginning of World War II for a "who can you trust" mystery setting and the CWR makes it even more front and center.  I'm super excited to read the second book.  My Rating:  Really Liked It! (4.5 Stars)


  1. I thought Haunted Ever After was a cute story, too. I hope DeLuca writes more books set in Boneyard Key. I love her other series. Those romances are set at a Renaissance Faire and they're very fun. :D

  2. I might need to get that Julia Kelly book. I have read some of her books before and like her. Nice list!

  3. Haunted Ever After sounds good. It's on my wish list.
