
Saturday, August 10, 2024

Peach Tea Smash - Cozy Mystery Review

Goodreads: Peach Tea Smash (A Tea Shop Mystery #28) by Laura Childs

Rating: Liked It! (3.5 Stars)
Source:   Publisher 

Description:  During the Mad Hatter Masquerade, a fundraiser hosted by the Friends of the Opera on the grounds of the old Pendleton Grist Mill, Harlan Sadler, husband of Cricket Sadler, the chairwoman, is killed. He’s been hit in the head with a croquet mallet, and his body hung on the chains and paddles of the grist mill. Nobody can figure out why since Harlan was much beloved by everyone. It’s only after Cricket and Delaine beg Theodosia to investigate that she realizes the killer might have mistaken Harlan for his crazy son, Duke. After all, Duke is a slum landlord and recently injured a woman in a boating accident.

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:   I enjoy this series and though this one sounded to good to pass up.

My Impression: I think the Mad Hatter Masquerade is in my top ten fictional events that I wish were real so I could attend it list - with the exception of the murder of course!  In the middle of all the madness a gruesome very public matter happens causing chaos and of course Theodosia can't help but be in the middle of it all.  

This is a fun mystery in a fantastic setting - with a bit of a nod to a very infamous recent murder that happened in real life if the very same state.  I love the Charleston setting, all the tea shop mentions (especially the treats), and the community of characters that have been created as the series has gone on.  The mystery did puzzle me a bit and while I did have a pretty good idea of the who - I enjoyed getting all the answers in the reveal.

My two issues with this book are issues I've had with most of the series.  The first is that Theodosia is just a bit too perfect.  Her eyes aren't just blue, they're dazzling blue.  She is the best at everything, the smartest, the kindest, the best of friends.  I don't necessarily need flaws but maybe she could share credit on things every once in awhile - she doesn't have to be the only one who can spring into action to save the day every single time.  As well,  sometimes the descriptions get a bit too wordy.  A character didn't just know someone from college or from Emory - she knew someone when she went to college with them at Emory in Atlanta Georgia.  A character doesn't just have a stall at a craft fair - he has a stall at Charleston's Annual Old Town Fall Festival.  I appreciate the attention to detail but it can make the dialogue a bit blocky and stilted.  

Despite my issues, this is a fun read with a gorgeous setting.  Everytime I read a book in this series I wonder why it has taken me so long to get back to Charleston.  As well, the series is fairly easy to jump into where every you want.  Each mystery is standalone and there aren't super indepth character relationships that could get confusing to new readers.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author? Yes.  This isn't exactly a must read series for me but when a blurb grabs my attention I can't resist - as well this is a series I'd like to go back and read from the beginning at some point.

Would I Recommend this Book? If you're looking for a nice light cozy series with a gorgeous setting and some foodie mentions this is a good choice.  

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. yes I used to read these but gave up. It has a nice cozy feel but kind of not realistic.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  2. Just love Laura Childs though I haven't been keeping up with the books I have requested and gotten. The book covers are always gorgeous.

  3. I with the Mad Hatter Masquerade was real, too! It sounds like so much fun. :D

  4. I've heard that Charleston is one of the most wonderful places to visit---and what better way to visit than via a book?

  5. Sounds like on the whole it works. And wow sure is a long running series.

  6. I've never read this author, but the premise definitely has Midsomer Murder vibes... Do you get Midsomer Murder? It's a hilarious, long-running show set in the heart of middle England and features all sorts of gruesome and rather peculiar murders, usually for the most ridiculous of reasons. The Mad Hatter Masquerade sounds just the sort event that would crop up:)). Thank you for a lovely review, Katherine:)).

  7. I do love the idea of Mad Hatter Masquerade. I have this one on my wish list and look forward to reading it.

  8. I love this author but I'm behind on all her series. This looks good.
