
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books on My TBR with Green on the Covers

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Covers with My Favorite Color On It.  My favorite color is green and I went through all my various TBR lists to find covers that have green on them.

1.  Summer Wives by Beatriz Williams

2.  Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire

3.  Dead Heading by Catherine Aird

4.  The Fleet Street Murders by Charles Finch

5.  Mrs. Jeffries and the Feast of St. Stephen by Emily Brightwell

6.  Gone Gull by Donna Andrews

7.  As Death Draws Near by Anna Lee Huber

8.  Someone to Honor by Mary Balogh

9.  The Daughters of Foxcote Manor by Eve Chase

10. Matchmaking Can Be Murder by Amanda Flower

What is your favorite color?


  1. What a cool theme. I see a few titles I wasn't familiar with that appeal. Especially Every Heart a Doorway and The Daughters of Foxcote manor.

  2. Green is my favorite color!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. I love green, too, and these all look gorgeous together. The Summer Wives is one that is on my TBR.

  4. Green is one of my favorites too, and these are lovely shades!

  5. Green is my favorite color too. I've always loved it!

    Happy TTT!

  6. I love the color theme. They all look so pretty.

  7. These are all such gorgeous covers. Great choices!

  8. I read the first book in that Seanan McGuire series, but it fell apart for me near the end and I never picked up the second. I should start a personal challenge for reading the second books in series. 📚
