
Saturday, July 20, 2024

Nothing Venture - Classic Mystery Review

Goodreads:  Nothing Venture by Patricia Wentworth

Rating: Really Liked It! (4.5 Stars)
Source:   Purchased

Description:  Jervis Weare is in a predicament. According to Ambrose Weare’s will, his grandson must marry within three months or the vast estate goes to his Jervis’s fiancĂ©e Rosamund Carew. But the deceiving society beauty has just dumped Jervis, which leaves him scrambling to find another bride.   Nan Forsyth has secretly loved Jervis for ten years. He has no inkling that Nan once saved his life and is now about to come to his rescue again. She knows that with her working-class background and the emotionally fragile sister she’s raising on her own, she’s hardly the proper wife for Jervis. Yet marry him she does; though to Jervis, it’s strictly a business arrangement. They’re barely wed before the past comes back to haunt them—a past Jervis can’t remember, but someone else does. Now Nan must save Jervis one last time before a murderous plot a decade in the making comes full circle.  Nothing Venture is a classic British mystery from the acclaimed author of the Miss Silver Mysteries.  

Genre:  Mystery - Classic 

Why I Picked This Book:   I'm trying to read more of Wentworth's non-Miss Silver books.

My Impression:  This is a classic Patricia Wentworth mystery.  Nan is plucky and intelligent and just a nice person.  Jervis is honestly a bit of a jerk (that part isn't classic Wentworth - her heroes are usually fairly nice) who is a bit angry at the world and not the most trusting.  He does have a friend - FF - that truly saves him as FF is nice and funny and sees who Nan truly is from the first.  He also has some common sense and is able to get through to Jervis occasionally.

The villains are apporpriately villiany with lovely aristorcratic haughtiness and nefarious intent.  There are lots of fancy dinners and English estates and a fun bit of adventure.   This was a fun book to read with lots of adventure and just enough action.  I loved the characters (even Jervis grew on me) and loved the ending.  If you're looking for a fun classic mystery this is an entertaining light read.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author? Of course!  Wentworth is a favorite even though the non-Miss Silver books aren't the most consistent.

Would I Recommend this Book? If you're in the mood for a light fun mystery this is a good choice.


  1. Wentworth is a good author and I like her books. That's a good review!

  2. I wish my library had some of her mysteries. They always sound so fun.

  3. Sounds good with that splendid aristocratic flavour.
