
Saturday, June 8, 2024

Reading Recap - May 2024


Monthly Recap:

Monthly Reading Count -  19 - this seems to be my regular reading pace as each month I always seem to be right around this number.

Print - 8
Ebook - 5 
Audiobook - 6 

Mystery -  9
Fiction - 3
Romance - 5 
Nonfiction - 2

Favorite Books of the Month:

The Grace of Wild Things by Heather Fawcett - I loved this book inspired by Anne of Green Gables with found family and magic.  

Mind Games by Nora Roberts - I always enjoy Roberts' stand alone romantic suspense book but I especially enjoyed this one.

My Armchair Travel:

Domestic Travel:  I visited Washington State three times, North Carolina  twice, New Hampshire, California, and New Hampshire.

I visited Kentucky and Texas for the first time

International Travel:  I visited England twice, Scotland, Germany, and Canada.

Where did your books take you this month?  What was your favorite book of the month?


  1. My armchair travel is in progress to Arizona birdwatching and biking in Tuscany. Both of those activities I'd love in the present and for real! Have a good week.

  2. I love your armchair travel and it inspired me to take note of my destinations! Right now I am in England with Major Pettigrew's Last Stand.

  3. My book right now is set in the Pacific Northwest and I love that aspect of it. I'm so impressed that you can read 19 books a month! I probably knew that from earlier posts, but that's a big number. And you have such a good time, Katherine! Ha! Your thoughts on Mind Games makes me want to try that one soon. It's been a while since I read one of Nora Roberts' standalones. Have a good weekend!!

  4. It sounds like you had a good reading month!

  5. You had a good reading month. I also really enjoyed Mind Games. I'm curious about the Heather Fawcett book because I'm enjoying her other series.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  6. You had a great reading month in May. I loved Mind Games too.

  7. The Grace of Wild Things sounds lovely! I struggle with Nora Roberts' books, but I keep trying. I do have Mind Games on my TBR.

  8. Yes Mind Games was great listening and I went to put The Grace of Wild Things in my TBR but already there so must have put it there perhaps when you mentioned it during the month. Anyway its there and I must actually pursue it. A few others I follow five starred it too.

  9. You had a great month. I loved Mind Games too!

  10. Sounds like a great reading month! And you got to do plenty of traveling via last month's reads. I really enjoyed Mind Games. Nora Roberts always delivers a solid story.
