
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

My Summer Reading Retreat Reading List

 So I'm not really doing a reading retreat but the past month or so has been kind of rough.  Nothing particularly terrible but just a lot of little things that have left me feeling drained with not much left in the reserve tank.  One of the podcasts I listen to was talking about a reading retreat and while the one they were talking about was more hanging out with readers and listening to different bookish discussions I kind of latched onto the idea.  Now my personal idea of a reading retreat is more of a cozy room with a stack of books and nothing to do but read (and maybe nap) for a little while.  If I was having my very own summer reading retreat I would bring these 10 books. 

1.  Steeped in Stories: Timeless Children's Stories to Refresh Our Tired Souls by Mitali Perkins - I love middle grade fiction and I'm curious to see what books I might have missed and what this author has to say about them.

2.  The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren - I really enjoyed another book by this author and something light and fun looks like perfect reading retreat reading.

3.  Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places by Claire Kann - I love ghost-y books and this looks like a fun read.

4.  The Self-Care Year: Reflect and Recharge With Simple Seasonal Rituals by Alison Davies - I'm curious about this one and would love to incorporate some traditions and self-care into my day to day life.

5.  One Perfect Couple by Ruth Ware - I love a good creepy mystery and I've really enjoyed almost everything I've read by this author.

6.  The House on Biscayne Bay by Chanel Cleeton - This looks Gothic-y and creepy and seriously entertaining.  

7.  Every Single Secret by Christina Dodd - The previous books in this series have been a bit of escapist fun and this one doesn't look any different which makes it perfect for a reading retreat.  

8.  Leave Me Alone, I'm Reading: Finding and Losing Myself in Books by Maureen Corrigan - A reading retreat wouldn't be complete without a book about books right?

9.  The Body Under the Piano by Marthe Jocelyn - Since I'm reading a book about classic middle grade books I feel like I should throw in a middle grade mystery and this one with a serious nodd to Agatha Christie seems perfect!

10. My Life with Bob: Flawed Heroine Keeps Book of Books, Plot Ensues by Pamela Paul - So apparently my reading retreat has two bookish books!

Now I'm going to go curl up on the couch with a cold drink and a good book.  What books would you choose for your reading retreat?


  1. Doesn't a reading retreat sound wonderful? What a perfect way to escape and recharge. The Cleeton book looks like a fun one to get lost in.

    My TTT:

  2. I hope all is well with you and the family. The reading retreat sounds great. As I am back to some book blogging I am enjoying chatting with people about books, the challenge I decided on this summer and haunting Goodreads.

  3. I love your idea of a reading retreat! And I'm sorry life has taken it out of you a bit. Hope you get some quieter/better days this week so you can catch your breath and recharge your batteries.

  4. A reading retreat sounds like a fun plan, Katherine. Hope you can take some time, relax and just read. By the way, I recently finished reading The Paradise Problem. It was a fun rom-com. I do occasionally read those and summer seems a good time for that. Hope you enjoy it if you get to read it. I also have One Perfect Couple on my list to read soon.

  5. I hope you do get some quiet time and books, sounds like you need it. I haven't read Christina Lauren but hope to do so at some point. I keep saying that! Chanel Cleeton one looks good too.

  6. I loved The Paradise Problem and One Perfect Couple. I hope you get some time to retreat and read some books you enjoy.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  7. These all look so good. A few of them are on my list too.

  8. I got The House on Biscayne Bay from the library, but had to return it before I got a chance to read it. That happens a lot, lol. I'll try again.

  9. I have always loved the idea of a reading retreat! It would be so fun to organize one - everyone could read whenever they wanted but then if they wanted to have meals with people, or sit around a fire at night with a glass of wine they could do that too, before heading back to read before bed of course. It would be so fun. (I just revealed the depths of my nerdiness)

    And Ruth Ware does not disappoint!!

  10. I love your idea of a reading retreat! I think my ideal reading retreat would be very similar. And these are all excellent reading choices.
