
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Authors I'd Love Another Book From


Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Authors I'd Love Another Book From

1.  Agatha Christie - And not just any Agatha Christie but more 1930s,40s, and 50s level Agatha Christie - and especially more Miss Marple.  

2.  Kate Morton - I'm sure I'll get another book from Kate Morton but I'd really like her to write faster so I don't have to wait as long!

3.  Brynn Bonner - This author wrote a 4 book series involving family history and solving mysteries from the past.  It's probably my favorite cozy mystery series of all time but I only got 4 books and I want more!

4.  L.M. Montgomery - I would happily trade the Emily books and the Pat of Silver Bush books for more books like Jane of Lantern Hill and anything Anne related.

5.  Patricia Wentworth - Especially more 1940s more Miss Silver books.  Her early books are good but no where near as entertaining as her later books and especially her later books involving Miss Silver.

6.  Elizabeth Enright - I love this author and I would love more books about the Melendy family or Gone-Away Lake.

7.  Dorothy Gilman - I haven't read many of her stand alone books but I love her Mrs. Pollifax series.  In fact, I've stalled on finishing the series because I've only got a couple of books left and I don't want to say goodbye to that world.

8.  Lucinda Riley - I still think about the characters from the Seven Sisters series and I wish there were more books from her and that she would have had the opportunity to write more stories.

9.  Barbara Michaels - This is one of my go-to slump busting reread authors.  I love her Gothic-y suspense books and have reread most of them countless times.  I haven't read many of her Elizabeth Peters books so I'm going to treat myself to a bing read of those books soon.

10. Diana Biller - Hotel of Secrets was one of my favorite books of 2023 and she hasn't released a new book since then.  I think she's still writing but like Kate Morton I want her to write faster!

What authors would you love another book from?


  1. I was sad to see that Barbara Michaels had passed away several years ago. She was one of the mainstays in gothic/romantic suspense.

  2. Yes to more books from Agatha Christie and Barbara Michaels! And I wish Diana Biller would write faster, too. :D

  3. Agatha Christie, Barbara Michaels. and Dorothy Gilman would be on my list too.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. I agree completely about Kate Morton! I wonder each time one of her new books comes out if I'll live long enough to read another of hers. Do you get her newsletter? I think she may be working on a new book.

    All is well here, despite the tornadoes that tore through. I was thinking about your area with the horrific storms you get. Hope you guys are doing well. Give Rover and Comet an ear rub from me!

  5. I just finished and really liked an author who was said to be similar to Kate Morton. I looked on Goodreads and saw I don't have any on my TBR. Any suggestions? 📗
