
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - May Flowers

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is May Flowers.  In April we did an April Showers topic so I was excited to see this one - and apparently I have way more books on my TBR with flowers in the title.

1.  A Memory of Violets by Hazel Gaynor - I love Hazel Gaynor and this looks wonderful.

2.  The Rose Arbor by Rhys Bowen - This book comes out later this year and I'm so looking forward to it.

3.  Death and Daisies by Amanda Flowers - This is an overdue review book.  I've really enjoyed other cozies by this author and this one looks fun too.

4.  The Rose Legacy by Jessica Day George - I loved another middle grade series by this author and have been meaning to read this one.

5.  Morning Glory by Sarah Jio - I've enjoyed the books I've read by this author and this one sounds really good.

6.  Sunday at the Sunflower Inn by Jodi Thomas - This author is on my Must Read list this year and this one sounds really wonderful.  Plus, I love the cover.

7.  Wildflower Hill by Kimberley Freeman - I don't know much about this book or this author but I love the sound of the blurb.

8.  Viloets of March by Sarah Jio - Apparently Violets are a very popular flower for titles.  Again, this is an author I'm really looking forward to reading more from and this looks good.

9.  The Magnolia Sisters by Michelle Majors - A magnolia is a tree but I the blooms are distinctive and gorgeous so I'm counting this.  This is another one where I don't know much about the author but the blurb really caught my eye.

10. A Fall of Marigold by Susan Meissner - I love historical fiction with a dual timeline and I've been wanting to try someting by this author.

Are there any books with flowery titles that you want to read?


  1. Nice list. I would like living in the house on the cover of The Sunflower Inn.

  2. I've read a few by Sarah Jio but not the ones you shared here. It's fun to see how everyone interpreted the prompt this week.

  3. Great list! I was always going to read A Memory of Violets, but then never did for some reason. Thanks for reminding me about that book. :D

  4. I loved A FALL OF MARIGOLDS when I read it. Meissner is a great hist-fic author. I hope you enjoy her when you read her.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  5. It's amazing how many books have a flower in the title. I have read a couple of these and enjoyed them.
