
Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Books on my TBR With Rainy Titles

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is April Showers so I'm picking 10 books on my TBR with Rainy Titles.  This required some digging so I threw in some rainbows and storms (and counted rereads) as well!

1.  Nights of Rain and Stars by Maeve Binchy - This one is high up on my Binchy TBR.  It looks a bit different from her books set in Ireland but fantastic all the same.

2.  Sheltering Rain by Jojo Moyes - I've only read one book by Moyes but this one looks wonderful.

3.  The Stormy Petrel by Mary Stewart - I love Stewarts books and this one is coming up on my list.

4.  Rainbow Valley by L.M. Montgomery - My first reread of the list!  I enjoyed this book and it's the first book in the Anne series that doesn't really factor on Anne.  It's a good middle grade.

5.  Flowers in the Rain by Rosamunde Pilcher - I love this short story collection and it's been far too long since I've read it.

6.  A Dark and Stormy Tea by Laura Child - I'm hoping to focus on this series soon and this one involves a potential serial killer and a cemetery in Charleston.

7.  After the Rain by Karen White - I have a stack of books by this author but somehow haven't read anything by her.  

8.  Rainshadow Road by Lisa Kleypas - This series has been on the top of my list for a reread (well really just this book and the next book). 

9.  Be Buried in the Rain by Barbara Michaels - This is one of my favorite Michaels books and one I'm always looking forward to rereading.

10. Children of the Storm by Elizabeth Peters - This is another series I'm hoping to concentrate on soon.  I love her books under the Barbara Michaels name so now I need to pay more attention to her books under the Peters name.

Do you have any rainy titles on your TBR?


  1. Can't go wrong with Binchey. I think Lilac Bus was my first and I have enjoyed all her stories.

  2. Funny to see Night of Rain and Stars on your list since it's on my list, too (and an older title). Hope you will enjoy it when you get to it.

  3. Love all your rainy titles. Be Buried in the Rain is such a good one. I love Barbara Michaels' books. :D

  4. Love that you have books by Barbara Michaels/Elizabeth Peters on the list. One of my favorite authors ever. Been a long time since I reread one though. Enjoy!

  5. That's amazing to find so many rain related books. I didn't do this one but I wouldn't have many or any I think. I have just added an Annie Rains title to my wish list, maybe she'd count!

  6. I have read none of these. I admire the abundance of rain-related titles you have.

  7. I had a tough time with this prompt, too, and I ended up throwing in any sort of rain-related word.

  8. I love the rain—in books and in real life. Great picks!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  9. This is a great list. They all sound so good.
