
Friday, June 2, 2017

Friday Linkups: Murder in Retrospect

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do your bookshelves have books ONLY or do you also have bookish items on the shelves?

My Answer:
It depends.  My bookshelves in my bedroom are more of TBR shelves and they're just books - there's no room for anything else.  I also have bookshelves downstairs and they're a little more decorative.  They have mostly books but they have a few pretty or interesting items my husband and I have picked up through the year.  The bottom shelf of one has my son's workbooks and craft supplies.

This week's book is on of my favorite Agatha Christie mysteries - Murder in Retrospect or as it is more commonly referred to, Five Little Pigs.  This is an interesting one as Poirot is brought in years after the murder.  Not only is the murder years in the past but someone has already been arrested, tried, and convicted for the murder and has since died.   But Poirot believes in justice and in the truth and watching this mystery unravel is incredibly entertaining.

The Beginning: 
Hercule Poirot looked with interest and appreciation at the young woman who was being ushered into the room.

My Thoughts:
Not a big punch of a beginning but I do wonder what about her interests Poirot so much.  He's a hard man to impress.

The 56:
And now here was the man himself.  Really a most impossible person - the wrong clothes, button boots, an incredible mustache!

My Thoughts:
This is someone else's impression of Poirot.  I think he'd be thrilled at the reference to the mustache and dismiss the rest as immaterial!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I have pictures and candles on my bookshelves but I am so running out of any room!! Happy reading!

  2. I do not really have any bookshelf's just a few piles....

  3. A couple of candles grace my main bookshelves but not much else. Dust probably! I have quite a few books crammed into those shelves.

    I may have a surprise for you soon :-)

  4. I know I've said it before: I must read some Agatha Christie! This one sounds good.

    As for bookshelves, mine have books, family photos, and an array of Disney Fairytale figurines.

    Enjoy your weekend, and here's mine: “ONE GOOD THING”

  5. That makes sense! Having a TBR shelf be just books but the rest of the shelves being more for show or decorative. I love that idea. Hopefully I can do something like that when I get more shelves! Awesome idea and answer.

    My response:

  6. It's a long time since I read Murder in Retrospect; I should pick it up again, since I've completely forgotten whodunnit.

    As for bookshelves, we've got them in almost every room. I have all kinds of things on mine, but mostly in front of the books because my shelves are full. I've got some figurines, toys, and stuffed animals; framed photographs (mostly of family); a mug full of bookmarks; a recorder (the musical instrument); a paper organizer for printer paper and cardstock (that one takes up a third of a shelf); and a small pair of field glasses (with the bird books.)

  7. I haven't read this one yet, but it sounds like a book I would like. Thanks for mentioning it.

  8. Your book shelves sound similar to mine! Some just books, some books and other things ☺️

  9. I really should read an Agatha Christie. It's been so many years since I have. This sounds so good.

  10. Agatha Christie is amazing. It makes sense that the first line isn't too grabbing, because it fits the style/tone of the rest of the book.

    I like to add decorative items to my bookshelves, too.

  11. Now that's one of her books I haven't read. I used to devour her books! My shelves have books, bookish stuff, photos, and plants. Plus other various stuff. LOL

    My Friday 56 from Skin and Bones

  12. I just recently started a TBR shelf. I can't believe it took me THIS long to do so!!

    Here's my response to this week's hop question

  13. One day I'll give her a go. My shelves are mostly books then a few little decorative pieces but they aren't book related. Just pretty/cute things :)

  14. I love some of the titles of Christie's books! Five Little Pigs- love it! As for shelves, mine are mostly books but occasionally sometimes other things end up there.

  15. Agatha Christie books are always interesting and I think that this is one that I would definitely enjoy. Thanks so much for sharing this one. I hope that you enjoy it. :)

  16. I think that most of us bookworms use up our bookshelves for books only. However, some of us -- as is evident from some of the answers to this week's question -- do use our shelves for other stuff, too. It does depend on how many books each person has. In my case, I have a LOT of books, so, no room for anything else on my shelves. However, I do have a small bookcase in our bedroom that has a few bookish items on the top shelf: three Harry Potter wands, and a small plushie, which is a pink, winged unicorn. Lol. This bookcase is too cluttered, though, so I decided not to include a photo of it in my post.

    And you have yet another Agatha Christie novel! Looks like I'm getting another hint from the universe that I need to pick up one of her

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my BBH post!! Hope you're having a GREAT Saturday!! <3 :) :)

  17. You can never go wrong with Christie. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  18. LOVE Christie!! Happy weekend!

  19. I've never read an Agatha Christie, but I love murder mysteries...I should! I hear her work is amazing! What do you think of it so far?
    Here's my Friday post. Not a mystery but a good read all the same :) inspiration pie

  20. I have a short bookcase that has other things on the top surface but mostly my bookshelves are for books. Enjoy the book that you are reading!

  21. My bookshelves tend to be all books, but someday I would like to have space for other things--at least downstairs. I love being surrounded by books, but I have too many, which I know some would say is not possible, but, really, I do. LOL

    I hope you enjoy your week, Katherine!

  22. Sounds as if you have a nice plan for the bookshelves.

    I have some bookish items, but not a ton.

    ENJOY this week...I am a bit late visiting.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  23. I see you are another who has bookshelves for one thing in one room, and something else in another :)
    Jemima's answer

  24. Well of course I know you are going to keep reading! I finally got my Book Blogger Hop up after all the photo fiasco.
